NATO, a military alliance that was originally at odds with China, actually "entangled" China in the "Strategic Concept" document, believing that China has posed a systemic challenge to NATO.

[Editor's note] This article is authorized by the author and reprinted from the public account "Mingshu Zatan". There is a lot of exciting content, welcome to pay attention.

On June 29, 2022, NATO held a summit in Madrid, the Spanish capital, and adopted a "Strategic Concept" document for the next decade.

NATO, a military alliance that was originally at odds with China, actually "entangled" China in the "Strategic Concept" document, believing that China has brought systemic challenges to NATO.

The part of NATO's "Strategic Concept" document involves China, mainly in the "Strategic Environment" section. Among them, "China" is used twice and " People's Republic of China " (PRC) is used 9 times. NATO's description of China mainly adopts the consistent narrative of the United States, which is full of various ideological prejudices and geopolitical clichés, including repeated accusations that China has challenged the so-called "rules-based international order."

NATO's "strategic document" is revised every ten years. It is equivalent to NATO's program for a period of time and will have a strong guiding role in NATO's military alliance strategy and specific action plans for the next ten years.

Many Chinese people may wonder that an organization with "North Atlantic" in its name has traveled thousands of miles to "entangle" with China in the Asia-Pacific region. This is really puzzling.

In fact, NATO’s “entanglement” with China is fundamentally caused by the United States.

After the United States identified China as its biggest strategic competitor and potential enemy, the United States is trying every means to piece together an international united front against China. G7 and NATO are the two organizations that the United States first thought of as tools.

The strategic thinking of the United States was born out of the British Empire , which was also established by the Anglo-Saxons. , offshore balance and cliques are their specialties.

In the final analysis, it is just a gang fight.

Faced with China's booming development, the United States is full of anxiety and is looking for helpers everywhere to support and embolden itself. This is the fundamental reason why the G7 and NATO continue to "entangle" China. This is also the reason why the United States racks its brains to create various kinds of attacks against China. The root cause of new terms, ranging from AUKUS to QUAD.

As Chinese, we have to gradually get used to this.

In the future, the United States will most likely form a "mini-NATO" in Asia to continue provoking, encircling, and containing China.

NATO's "entanglement" with China is just like the fable "The Wolf and the Lamb" we learned in primary school textbooks. If a wolf wants to eat a lamb, it means the lamb has soiled the water it wants to drink. The little sheep said, I am clearly downstream of you, how could I dirty your water? The wolf doesn't care about this. It wants to eat the lamb, but it just makes an excuse. It even doesn't have to make an excuse at all. It wants to eat the lamb, and the lamb can't do anything about it.

This is the naked law of the jungle in the animal world.

The same is true in international relations.

The reason the United States wants to provoke NATO to confront China is that China has brought systemic challenges to NATO. At this time, no matter what China says, "I'm not challenging you," it's useless. Because for the United States, the most important thing is to make NATO a tool to contain China. As for what China has done or not done, it does not matter at all.

The wolf wants to eat the lamb, do you need a reason? do you need?

Does the United States need a reason to use NATO to contain China? do you need?

Therefore, in the face of NATO's "entanglement" with China, the domestic "reflection monster" must wake up and stop thinking, "Why others target China is not because China itself has not done well." Anyone who makes such weird remarks should just stay away from them.A person who can't even understand basic international relations issues, a person who doesn't even know basic national interests, what reliable things can you expect him to do?

Returning to NATO's so-called "Strategic Concept" document, to be honest, there are not many parts involving China, and its main content is still aimed at Russia.

For NATO, this military alliance born during the Cold War has no longer been necessary after the end of the Cold War .

Especially during the Trump period, there were many discords between the United States and its European allies. French President Macron once declared that NATO was "brain dead."

For such a military alliance, "enemy" is the only reason for its existence.

After the end of the Cold War, the Soviet Union disintegrated, and Russia was tortured to death by the United States.

Looking around the world, NATO's biggest panic is, "Why can't I find the enemy?"

For experts, being invincible is so lonely, but for NATO, having no enemies is fatal, because it means There is no need for it to exist.

People’s hearts are broken, it’s hard to lead the team, and NATO as an organization should collapse.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is essentially a major outbreak of conflicts between Russia and the United States after the Cold War, but it also has a consequence, which is that it has given NATO a shot in the arm to continue its life.

NATO, which had no enemies, was drowsy and couldn't find its direction. Suddenly it was discovered that Russia and Ukraine were fighting. NATO suddenly became energetic and said, "Look, Russia is a bad guy and our enemy. Brothers, We still have to unite and copy the guy."

For the United States, it is definitely very happy to see NATO "resurrection", because NATO is the best tool for the United States, and the United States, which lacks confidence in China, is really We really need a "gangster" like NATO to support us.

NATO continues to expand and cause trouble everywhere, which is very much in line with the national interests of the United States. Wherever there is war, the United States can take advantage of the situation and extend its black hands wherever possible. The United States can still sell weapons everywhere, and the military-industrial complex can bloom.

Regarding NATO’s “entanglement” with China, in terms of public opinion, we should still criticize it.

Internally, we must wake up those "confused people" and stop being fooled by NATO's beautiful words. They must see the evil nature of NATO as a military alliance and the sinister intentions of the United States in using NATO to contain China.

To the outside world, we must give NATO a warning. As the Chinese Mission to the EU said, we urge NATO to stop provoking confrontation along ideological lines, abandon the Cold War mentality , zero-sum game , and stop spreading false information and provocative remarks against China. Now that NATO has positioned China as a "systemic challenge," we have to pay close attention and coordinate responses. We will resolutely and forcefully fight back against any infringement of our interests.

For Asia-Pacific countries, it depends on the situation.

Australia and New Zealand, these two Anglo-Saxon white Christian countries, there is no doubt that they side with the United States on major strategic issues.

Recently, the Australian Labor Party came to power. We can strive to improve relations with Australia, but we must remember that after the end of World War II, Australia has never missed any unjust war initiated by the United States, from the Korean War to the Vietnam War , then Iraq War , Australia has never been absent.

From China’s perspective, there is no need to take the initiative to fight Australia to the death, allowing the United States’ “Tian Ji Horse Racing” strategy to work and allowing China to consume unnecessary strategic resources.

To put it bluntly, the core of the game between China and the United States is that Australia is simply not qualified to be China’s opponent.

What China needs to consider is how to fundamentally attack Australia’s iron ore exports through domestic economic restructuring and exploring other sources of iron ore imports internationally. This is equivalent to cutting off the hands and feet of the United States, the vicious dog in the Asia-Pacific region. .

Regarding New Zealand, this country is generally relatively moderate and its strength is limited. In the past few years when the United States has tried its best to provoke competition between China and the United States, New Zealand's overall performance has been relatively restrained. But again, if the United States forces New Zealand to take sides in the end, New Zealand will definitely side with the United States.

In the Asia-Pacific region, the most critical ones are Japan and South Korea. Needless to say, Japan, this island country that has always liked to gamble on its national destiny, is adopting a new adventurous national policy. It is not willing to challenge China and Russia, its two powerful neighbors at the same time, in exchange for the United States loosening the dog leash around its neck, hoping to become a so-called normal country.

Japan has always been prone to making mistakes on major strategic issues. This has been true from the historical Toyotomi Hideyoshi invasion of North Korea to the Japanese militarists launching a full-scale war of aggression against China and the Pacific War during World War II.

However, every time this country makes a major strategic mistake, it will suffer for decades.

We must bear in mind Japan’s recent actions that directly harm China’s national interests and settle accounts with it in the future.

South Korea originally had a relatively balanced foreign policy, but under the leadership of the "spiritual American" Yin Xiyue, it has recently become a bit too pro-American. China has no ill intentions towards South Korea, but China needs to make it clear to South Korea that if it harms China's national interests, China will definitely repay double the amount. Moreover, large companies and opposition groups in South Korea do not support Yin Xiyue's implementation of pro-American and anti-China policies.

In fact, in the Asia-Pacific region, for China, the most important thing is ASEAN . Stabilizing ASEAN will stabilize China's rear.

At present, ASEAN countries are very wary of the United States provoking great power competition between China and the United States and that the United States may transform NATO into the Asia-Pacific. China should continue to strengthen communication with ASEAN countries, express goodwill, and remind all countries to jointly guard against the sinister intentions of the United States to transform NATO into the Asia-Pacific and disrupt the Asia-Pacific region.

As for Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea working together with the United States to form an Asian mini-NATO in the future, China needs to be very clear-headed. This is almost a strategy that the United States will definitely adopt.

The key to the problem is, how should China respond?

Faced with the vicious dog NATO instigated by the United States, the most important thing for China is to hold on to the beating stick, stay vigilant, stay awake, seize the time to accumulate national strength, and prepare in advance for the possible "showdown":

Chapter First, the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict has indeed created a new period of strategic opportunities for China. Many people think that the strategic opportunity period is a period when you can sit back and develop with peace of mind, but this is not the case. After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the strategic resources of the United States were greatly dispersed, and there was a certain mismatch between the U.S. security strategy centered on containing China and the EU security strategy centered on responding to the Russian threat. The United States is distracted and the United States and Europe are out of step. This is the meaning of this period of strategic opportunity.

From China’s perspective, Russia must not be allowed to collapse. The United States uses , Ukraine, and to consume Russia, and China strategically uses Russia to consume the United States. This sentence is only done but not said.

Second, this strategic opportunity period will not last too long, and China must have a sense of urgency. As soon as half a year, as slowly as one or two years, there will be a stalemate in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and the United States will have a chance to get out of it. For China, the period of strategic opportunity brought by the Russia-Ukraine conflict is fleeting.

Externally, although China's current economic ties with the United States, Europe, and Japan and South Korea have suffered some impacts, they have basically maintained a normal state. China must make full use of this period of strategic opportunities and develop itself quickly. If decoupling or a new Cold War does occur in the future, China will face an even worse external economic environment.

Internally, China must work hard to address its shortcomings, including shortcomings in the industrial chain and supply chain, as well as shortcomings in food security, energy security and other aspects.

While actively preventing decoupling, China must also prepare for possible decoupling and increase economic and trade relations with ASEAN, Central Asia, Russia, the Middle East, , Africa, Latin America and other regions. Economically, China must actively expand markets beyond the United States, Europe, Japan and South Korea. Regardless of whether it can fully achieve this goal, it must at least have some spare wheels. To give a simple example, if a second Korean War breaks out, you can think about how the international community will take sides and how China will ensure sustainable economic and social development. In terms of geopolitics, China must fully mobilize the desire of people from all over the world to seek peace, cooperation and development, hold high the banner of opposing war and imperialism, truly make Chinese friends all over the world, and respond to tyranny with kingly justice.

Third, it is urgent to prepare for military struggle. The United States is a vicious dog, and the G7 and NATO are its accomplices. Being targeted by them, China cannot defend itself. Talking alone cannot solve the problem. Only by keeping the dog-beating stick with you at all times and practicing the dog-beating stick method can you defeat the enemy and ensure your own safety. China hopes for peace and China sincerely pursues peace, but whether there is peace is not determined by China's good wishes, but by the United States and its allies. Based on this judgment, China must increase its preparations for military struggle and even speed up its current preparations, which are already very fast and tight. Only when China makes it impossible for the United States and its allies to see any possibility of successful military operations around China, will the United States dare not personally go to war with China. Only when China can threaten the United States itself at any time will the United States give up the possibility of using Taiwan, or Japan and Australia to fight a proxy war with China.

For the people in China, the most important thing is to maintain independent thinking in the face of evil dogs. Apart from the beautiful words of the United States, G7, and NATO, they can see their essence of containing China and their views on China and The vicious intentions of the Chinese people are to prevent "confused idiots", "reflection monsters" and "haters of the Kuomintang" from having any market in the country.

Then, let us each do our own thing and support the country. In the dangerous international situation, have the kindest expectations and make the darkest preparations.