Recently, on the occasion of July 1st Party Founding Day, the South Australian Armed Forces Department organized more than 30 party members and cadres, key militia members, and retired soldiers to carry out party day activities with the theme of "Welcome July 1st, thank the party

Recently, on the occasion of the July 1st Party Founding Day, the South Australian Armed Forces Department organized more than 30 party members and cadres, key militia members, and retired soldiers to carry out party day activities with the theme of "Welcome July 1st, thank the party for its kindness, and spread the spirit", aiming to pay tribute to The Monument to Revolutionary Martyrs, revisiting the oath to join the Party and revisiting the old revolutionary sites, continues to inspire and mobilize the majority of militia cadres to not forget their original aspirations and keep their mission in mind, inherit the red gene, carry forward fine styles, and cultivate patriotism.

In front of the Revolutionary Martyrs Monument in Kwai Chung Park, all personnel stood solemnly in front of the monument, observed a moment of silence, bowed, saluted, and laid flower baskets to express their infinite admiration and condolences to the Dongjiang Column and the revolutionary ancestors who sacrificed their lives in the revolutionary war years. Later, the armed officers led the branch members to review the oath of joining the party, "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's charter, and fulfill the obligations of a party member...". Everyone faced the party flag with solemn expressions, full of energy, and sonorous voices. They accepted the spiritual baptism, which further built consensus, boosted morale, and enhanced the sense of responsibility and mission of the basic militiamen.

The second stop was the Shayuyong Red Memory Exhibition Hall and the Dongjiang Column’s Northern Retreat Memorial Pavilion. With great reverence, everyone followed the guide’s footsteps and relived it through historical pictures, sculptures, scene reenactments and other forms. The glorious course of the Dongjiang Column's bloody battles during the Revolutionary War, you can feel the fighting years written by the revolutionary ancestors with their lives, and listen to the red memory that will never fade. After the event, the main militiamen expressed their intention to draw on the powerful motivation of the "Eastern Zong Spirit", establish a strong "combat team" idea, and are determined to inherit the Dongzong Spirit of being loyal to the party, fearless of hardships and dangers, and unremitting struggle, and contribute to the development of South Australia in the new era. Contribute to the militia.

"This event, relying on revolutionary sites, using visible scenery and oral stories to show the revolutionary spirit, gave a vivid party history education lesson to the majority of militia cadres. Next, the South Australian Armed Forces will continue to use Guided by deepening the study and education of the militia party history, we will integrate the inheritance of red genes with the promotion of fighting spirit, innovate forms and methods to carry out a series of political education activities, assist the construction of national defense reserve forces in the new era, and continuously promote the high-quality implementation of grassroots armed work in South Australia. ." said the head of the South Australian Armed Forces.

(Shen Yu)

Source: National Defense Times

Editor: Lin Lao

Editor: Zhang Yi

National Defense Times News Center