Deep in the dense forest of a mountainous area in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, a burst of gunfire suddenly sounded, "The target has been cleared!" Recently, the Armed Police Force's "Peak-2022" Shandong Corps special warfare reconnaissance competition kicked off at a certai

text/pictures 🖊 Wang Xiaohui Kang Jiugong

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Deep in the dense forest in a mountainous area in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, a burst of gunshots suddenly sounded, "The target has been cleared!" accompanied by the voice from the walkie-talkie Sound, this group sniper course was successfully completed.

The wind drove the rain down on the high city, and the clouds pressed lightly with the sound of thunder. Recently, the Armed Police Force "Peak-2022" Shandong Corps Special Warfare Reconnaissance Competition kicked off at a certain unit of the Zaozhuang Detachment of the Armed Police Force. More than a hundred special forces reconnaissance soldiers from various units competed on the same stage, distinguishing between special operations and reconnaissance. Section, start a 7-day fierce competition!

The special operations section is developed around individual sniping, group sniping, and sniper operations 3 categories, 10 courses, and more than 30 items of content . It not only tests the special operations team members' ability to fight independently in different combat environments and kill the enemy with one shot, but also tests sniping. The team has the ability to work closely together to carry out sniper missions and penetrate behind enemy lines to carry out precise sniper kills.

The reconnaissance section is organized around 53 categories of common basics, professional skills, and group tactics, and includes 6 courses and 18 items of content. It focuses on testing the capabilities of commanders and reconnaissance team members in reconnaissance command, armed reconnaissance, instrument reconnaissance, group collaboration, and overall reconnaissance. Mobility.

This competition is a battlefield sharpening sword focusing on actual combat training. It is a major test of military training and preparation. has set a new standard for winning wars and issued the strongest voice for actual combat training.

Wang Yangjian, a member of a certain special forces team, participated in the Peak Special Warfare Competition for the first time. He won the first place in this subject and won the first place in a single subject. He said excitedly: "The focus of this course is on daily life. If you have a solid grasp of basic gun skills, your shooting performance will naturally improve." There were two slits on the shoulders of Wang Yangjian's special battle suit. When asked how the slits were made, he came to his senses and said, "Maybe they were made while running with a gun..." ·"

"The rainy weather is a God-given opportunity for us. It can better test the quality and effectiveness of the special operations team members' training in harsh weather and complex environments, and it is also closer to actual combat. This is what we want most."This competition. said the facilitator Chen Ming.

The thunder in the sky at night

seems to be cheering for this peak competition

The next game

The special forces team will face the scorching heat and high temperatures

They will also continue to be baptized by thunderstorms and strong winds

The changeable weather

will be Another test for the special operations team members

Let us wait and see!

sets off an upsurge in military training and preparation | Fight for honor and train for responsibility! Use sweat to fill youth with a bright background

set off a craze for military training and preparations|The big can be seen from the small, and the drop of water can penetrate the stone! "Five small military training" helps improve quality and strength. "Big achievements"

set off an upsurge in military training and preparation | temper and surpass the limit! Use loyalty to protect the "Special War Glory" in your heart Set off a craze in military training and preparations | Practice "skills" and strengthen "combat power", this is how "summer training" should be practiced!

(This article is an original article by the Shandong Armed Police, please contact us for authorization for reprinting)

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