Last night, Beijing time, after I learned the relevant news, I posted a Weibo headline as soon as possible. In mid-May, more than 2,500 Ukrainian soldiers surrendered after months of holding out in underground bunkers at the sprawling Azov Steel Plant in Mariupol.

Beijing time last night, after I learned the relevant news, I released micro headlines as soon as possible. The time of release is 23:11. Let’s share more details with you below. Let’s review


In mid-May, more than 2,500 Ukrainian soldiers surrendered after months of holding out in Mariupol underground bunkers at the vast Azov steel plant. Their surrender was carefully negotiated between Russian, Ukrainian and international mediators and marked the end of one of the most brutal battles of the war.

While Ukraine and Russia have exchanged prisoners on several occasions, including this week's announcement of the return of 17 Ukrainians after the exchange, the fate of the Mariupol garrison has been one of the most sensitive issues of the war.

When the Ukrainian government issued the surrender order, it vowed to do everything in its power to ensure they were returned to Ukraine.

The Kremlin’s propaganda machine has long sought to exploit the Azov group’s far-right heritage. The Azov Regiment was expanded on the basis of the Azov Battalion. The Azov Regiment played a leading role in the defense of Mariupol. After the surrender of the Mariupol garrison, some Russian lawmakers were quick to call for the death penalty and proposed a ban on any prisoner exchanges so that no Azov members would be released.

Touching moments of reunion

Next, let’s take a look at what happened on June 29?

Ukrainian officials announced the largest prisoner exchange since Russia's invasion, saying 144 soldiers were being sent back to Ukraine, including dozens defending the southern port city of Mariupol.

Although the prisoner exchange has been kept secret, Denis Pushilin, the acting head of Russian forces in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, said that Ukraine had returned the same number of Russian and pro-Russian troops.

Ukraine's Main Intelligence Service said in a statement that the 144 people included 95 fighters who held on to the Azov Steel Plant until the last moment, including 43 Azov regiment fighters. The statement said that most of the soldiers exchanged suffered serious injuries, including some with broken bones, burns, and amputations.

Among the 144 people, 59 are members of the National Guard, 30 Marines, 28 Army soldiers, 17 border guards, 9 members of the Territorial Defense Force, and 1 police officer.

US media quoted the wife of an Azov regiment soldier to disclose follow-up plans

According to an authoritative US media report, Yulia Fedosiuk’s husband Arseniy Fedosiuk is an Azov soldier. A sergeant in the regiment, one of about 1,000 Azov soldiers imprisoned in Russia.

Yulia (second from left)

She told reporters that as far as she understood, the first step in the exchange process was to exchange the remains of the deceased. The second step, she said, was to exchange the wounded, and that's what's happening now.

In the final step, she said, soldiers like her husband deemed fit for combat would be exchanged. She said her husband, like most other prisoners of war, was being held in a pretrial detention center in Olenivka in the Russian-occupied Donetsk region.

10 days ago, she talked to him. The two have developed a secret code. He can flash when he's caught and something goes wrong. "He didn't send a signal. He said everything was fine," she said.

But she knew that wasn't the case, she said. She said: "I saw that everything was not good. Many of his friends were dead. His commanders were killed."

The head of Ukraine's military intelligence service talks about the situation

According to the head of Ukraine's Defense Intelligence Service, Kyrilo According to Budanov, the exchanged soldiers included a couple, both soldiers of the Azov regiment. The husband was taken captive at the Azov Steel Plant. His wife had been captured earlier at another location. They have two children.

Budanov said: "The children are living without their parents. We insist that the Russians hand them over.”

According to Budanov, the commander of the Azov regiment and a marine infantry unit fighting at the Azov Steel Plant have been transferred to Moscow, where they are being held in the notorious Lefortovo prison.

He It said that among those detained were Lieutenant Colonel Denis Prokopenko, commander of the Azov regiment in Azov Star, and his deputy Captain Svyatoslav Palamar, as well as Serhi, commander of the 36th Independent Marine Brigade. Major Volina.

Mr. Pushilin, the head of Russia's proxy forces in the Donetsk region, said that some of the soldiers handed over to Kiev were members of the "nationalist battalion" and their condition was very bad. He said: "They suffered serious injuries, some had amputations and other complications. ”


It feels so good to see the parents of the two children among them! What a lucky family!

It’s heartbreaking to see Yulia say that her husband’s commander has been killed! It’s actually heartbreaking! Is there such a thing? But why was she killed?