Victor Duno said in the article: The United States can adopt a radical and low-cost strategy to lay mines in the Yellow Sea and the Pearl River Delta, threatening China's maritime lines of communication with mine warfare, so that China does not dare to carry out " military reunif

html On June 28, according to Hong Kong media reports, under the sponsorship of the American Mine Warfare Association, the U.S. Naval Research Association held a "Mine Warfare Essay Competition", and U.S. Navy Commander Victor Duno's article won the prize. Victor Duno said in the article: The United States can adopt a radical and low-cost strategy to fill the Yellow Sea and the Pearl River Delta with mines to threaten China's maritime lines of communication through mine warfare. Let China not dare to carry out "military reunification", and then force China to accept negotiations.

Victor Duno also hyped up the "China Military Threat Theory," claiming that the tension in the Taiwan Strait was caused by China, and encouraged the US military Indo-Pacific Command to improve its ability to deploy offensive mines. Victor Duno believes: China has narrowed the gap with the US military in the Indo-Pacific region, and has even gained huge advantages in many fields, which can threaten the US military. This is a problem that cannot be ignored, and it is the United States that takes the initiative. The most correct choice.

In Duno’s view, mine warfare is a very cost-effective investment. He believes that it will destroy China’s maritime oil trade supply and endanger China’s import and export economy, thereby “paralyzing” China’s economy. Then the US Indo-Pacific Command will This can gain more preparation time and organize "high-end combat power" to more effectively deter China.

The thoughts of U.S. Navy Commander Victor Duno are extremely evil. Not only are they full of provocation and hegemonic thinking, but more importantly, his bad ideas are undermining international law and also violating basic international ethics and military affairs. Rules of Engagement.

Coincidentally, the Taiwan military has also recently announced the so-called "mine warfare" plan. According to photos published by the American Dynamics website, the new minelaying boat force formed by the Taiwan Navy has an "old antique". This antique was developed by the United States more than 100 years ago. MK6 floating mine. Floating mines are the most backward type. Military powers and big countries basically no longer produce such backward mines because they are too easy to remove and pose almost zero threat to modern warships. The Taiwan Navy still uses this kind of antique, and it is very difficult for them to do so. Possibly used to target civilian ships.

In fact, modern mines are indeed very powerful, but there are also many anti-mine methods. The most important thing is to use mines to block the sea lines of communication of a country that does not actively initiate war with other countries. It is a stupid act that violates international law. Countries that use mines to blockade are likely to be counter-blockaded, and this kind of game and confrontation is likely to result in a situation where the enemy is injured eight hundred times and oneself loses one thousand.

The Chinese Navy's anti-mine target has always been aimed at the world's largest military power. Similarly, the Chinese Navy's anti-mine means are also world-class and equipped with a variety of mine-sweeping artifacts. It also has unique means to deal with smart mines in ports. China is equipped with dozens of minesweepers and minesweepers . The minesweeper ships use non-magnetic materials as their hulls and are equipped with unmanned minesweepers and a variety of minesweeping tools.

Mission matching is carried out according to different mission needs and seabed depth. China has a variety of mine clearance methods, and China has begun to equip artificial intelligence type unmanned mine clearance cruisers, which can better detect bottom mines and smart mines. Through its own sensors and sonar devices, it can detonate mines laid by the enemy. The Chinese Navy also specially trains to eliminate self-propelled smart mines entering the port, so that the enemy's mines can't hide.

In fact, in most cases, mines will not pose a huge threat to warships and submarines, but they will pose a huge threat to civilian ships. Most civilian ships do not have sonar systems, and civilian ships with sonar cannot Compared with military-grade anti-submarine sonar and anti-mine sonar. Therefore, mines are more likely to destroy civilian ships, and international law stipulates that no matter which country lays mines, it must notify the other country, especially for large countries, so as to prevent mines from damaging civilian ships.

Chinese naval expert Li Jie said: Sea mining is a very dangerous tactic. If the US military really wants to do this, it will put Chinese merchant ships at high risk. The situation will then be beyond the control of the United States. Not only will China not accept negotiations , but will launch a counterattack against the United States.

Moreover, Victor Duno ignored China’s strong comprehensive strength. The U.S. Navy's deployment of mines is described in a very simple and easy manner, which seems to imply that the United States is invincible. However, anyone with common sense knows that deploying mines on a large area without absolute control of the sea and air will It’s simply a fantasy. Moreover, minelaying and minesweeping are relatively difficult and arduous tasks in various maritime operations. If the United States wants to blockade the Yellow River and the Pearl River Delta, the number of ships, aircraft and torpedoes required is astronomical. Even if the United States has so much inventory, There are not that many troops to complete this combat mission.

Moreover, even if the United States makes up its mind to use mine warfare to block China, it will have a great negative impact on the United States. If China's shipping is paralyzed, the global supply chain will face collapse. China can rely on its own reserves, manufacturing base, strong organizational power and internal circulation to maintain social stability, while the United States will experience a comprehensive shortage of materials, plus the impact of the epidemic. Reflecting the inefficient organizational capabilities, it is only a matter of time before the American social order completely collapses. By then, I'm afraid that before the U.S. military operation has even begun, they will have to send manpower back to the mainland to maintain law and order.

U.S. Navy Commander Victor Duno published such a "full of loopholes" article, which is likely to be motivated by the capital behind the scenes. Because the Mine Warfare Association is not only an important collaborative department of the U.S. Navy, the association is also closely watched by U.S. arms dealers. Duno’s purpose in writing this article may be to hope that the Navy will increase its investment in mine warfare, thereby creating a foundation for the military-industrial complex. Body for profit. After all, a combat plan that failed to pass the feasibility study from the beginning is not worth discussing. Since it is not for military purposes, it is most likely just for economic purposes.