Image Network News (Elephant News reporter Huang Xiangyang intern Wu Guohua correspondent Yang Xinxin) "Advocating military harmony and filial piety, happy veterans", in order to enhance the happiness, gain and belonging of retired soldiers and other preferential care recipients,

Image Network News (Elephant News reporter Huang Xiangyang intern Wu Guohua correspondent Yang Xinxin) "Advocating military harmony and filial piety, happy veterans", in order to enhance the happiness, sense of gain and belonging of retired soldiers and other preferential treatment recipients, fully It reflects the care and concern of the party and the government for the vast number of retired soldiers and other preferential care recipients, and creates a strong social atmosphere that "makes the military a profession respected by the whole society." On the morning of June 30, Hexiao Town, Runan County, held a meeting to promote the application and issuance of preferential treatment certificates for retired military personnel in the town.

At the meeting, we conveyed and learned the relevant spirit of applying for and issuing preferential treatment certificates at the national, provincial and municipal levels, reported the progress of preliminary work, and remobilized and redeployed the next step of work. The

meeting requested that we should further improve our political stance, accurately grasp the significance of the application and issuance of preferential treatment certificates, and carry out this work with serious political requirements, rigorous work attitude, and strict handling procedures. It is necessary to understand and thoroughly understand the spirit of the policy, carefully study the relevant national, provincial and municipal policies, accurately grasp the steps of distribution, clarify the conditions for distribution objects, clarify the boundaries of distribution work, and ensure that the work is implemented accurately and accurately.

should pay attention to publicity and positive guidance, make full use of radio and television, outdoor advertising, portals, WeChat public accounts and other means to widely publicize the conditions, procedures and scope of use of preferential treatment certificates, so that everyone should know the application policies. We must adhere to overall planning and advancement, and all villages must cooperate closely to ensure scientific, steady and transparent advancement. It is necessary to strengthen inspection and supervision, inspect and supervise the work progress, and report the progress regularly.

Wang Wenping, Secretary of the Hexiao Town Party Committee, said: Applying for and issuing preferential treatment certificates is an important measure to promote the high-quality development of veterans’ affairs work, and will help enhance the sense of honor and gain for the majority of veterans and other preferential treatment recipients. The retired military affairs system should continue to improve its political position, strengthen its sense of responsibility, take strong measures on the basis of the previous work, enrich the distribution forms, make various service measures practical, detailed and considerate, and strictly follow the time points to ensure smooth operation. Complete the registration of files and the application and issuance of preferential treatment certificates, and effectively convey the deep love and care of the party and the government to the hearts of retired military personnel.

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