In order to ensure that emergency response forces are “available, available and win-win” at critical moments, recently, the Xindu District Ministry of Human Arms and the Xindu District Emergency Bureau jointly organized militia teams and emergency social rescue teams to carry out

In order to ensure that emergency response forces are “available, available and win-win” at critical moments, recently, the Xindu District Ministry of Human Arms and the Xindu District Emergency Bureau jointly organized militia teams and emergency social rescue teams to carry out a five-day water rescue. Train together. A total of 50 players from the two forces participated in the training.

In view of the dangerous, complex and changeable situation of water rescue, the instructors explained in detail the timing and action essentials of different rescue techniques, standardized the steps, and then organized the trainees to conduct systematic exercises on practical water rescue courses. Further integrate the basic skills of digestion and move from learning to practicing.

The joint training team adheres to task demand as the training orientation, and adopts on-site demonstrations, prompt guidance, step-by-step exercises, and overall improvement to carry out training from easy to difficult, which is divided into boat drills, power boat OSZ marking, and unpowered Subjects such as self-rescue and rapid rescue when a boat capsizes.

This joint training further tested the Xindu District’s military-civilian emergency linkage working mechanism, fully demonstrated the effectiveness of military-civilian integration development, and laid a solid foundation for the region’s emergency response work.

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Source: Xindu Rong Media

Reporter: Lai Tao

Editor: Qiu Yang

Reviewer: Li Jin, Huang Yang Min, Zhang Lan