A preferential treatment certificate encapsulates respect. On June 29, the reporter learned from the Anshan Municipal Veterans Affairs Bureau that starting from July 1, the application and issuance of preferential treatment certificates for Anshan veterans and other preferential

A preferential treatment certificate condenses the respect. On June 29, the reporter learned from the Anshan Municipal Veterans Affairs Bureau that starting from July 1, the application and issuance of preferential treatment certificates for Anshan veterans and other preferential treatment recipients will be fully launched.

The preferential treatment certificate is an exclusive certificate for retired military personnel to enjoy preferential treatment services. It has four major functions: displaying honor, identifying identity, implementing treatment, and service management. It carries the respect and respect of retired military personnel by the country and society. The preferential treatment certificates are divided into two types: " The People's Republic of China Retired Soldiers' Preferential Treatment Certificate" and "The People's Republic of China's Martyrs, Soldiers who Sacrifice in the Line of Duty, and the Survivors of Soldiers who Died from Diseases Preferential Treatment Card", which are issued to eligible service recipients respectively. The overall design of the preferential treatment certificate is based on red and has a five-pointed star as the background. The name of the type of preferential treatment certificate, the holder's information, and a photo are printed on the front. There are two independent logical partitions inside the preferential treatment certificate, which store the identity information of the service recipient and the bank financial information respectively.

After the application and issuance of preferential treatment certificates is launched, our city’s retired military affairs system will take the issuance of preferential treatment certificates to retired military personnel as an opportunity to continuously expand the use scenarios and expand the scope of preferential treatment certificates on the basis of implementing the national and provincial preferential treatment catalog lists. , and strive to make the preferential treatment certificates more valuable, so that veterans have a stronger sense of honor and gain, and the value orientation of the whole society to support military and preferential treatment is more distinct and the atmosphere is stronger. All-media reporter Yang Feng