The launching and undocking of the 18th ship is not only a major event in the development and growth of a certain maritime power, but also a milestone in the history of the world's aircraft carrier development. Because this is the first time in more than 100 years that a giant av

html The launching and undocking of the 318 ship is not only a major event in the development and growth of a certain maritime power, but also a milestone in the history of the world's aircraft carrier development. Because this is the first over 80,000-ton giant aviation platform outside a superpower in the world in more than 100 years. Moreover, it has completely surpassed the superpower in core subsystems such as electromagnetic ejection and electromagnetic arrest. The highest level that a major country can currently achieve. It can be said to be a transcendent event. At this point, some people may say that the tonnage of the 18th ship is still about 20,000 tons compared with the Ford-class , and there is a high probability that it is not nuclear powered. How dare you Hanhai Langshan (Xiongnu Langshan) dare to say that the 18th ship Already achieved transcendence? In fact, the reason is not complicated. This is because the core specifications for the design and construction of the world's large or giant aircraft carriers have basically not changed much since the Kitty Hawk class. That is to say, the Kitty Hawk class has established the basic specifications for the largest aircraft carriers in modern times. Future development,

is just a matter of which method to use several lifts and catapults. Don't look at the fact that the largest of the Kitty Hawk-class ships is just over 80,000 tons. It is even said that it is only 78,000 tons at full capacity, because the superpowers have deliberately misrepresented the aircraft carrier tonnage data released by the superpowers; but the 80,000-ton Kitty Hawk class The deck area, hangar area and total number of operational carrier-based aircraft are not much worse than the Nimitz-class or even the Ford-class, which have significantly increased in tonnage since then; that is, the effective operation of the Kitty Hawk-class The area, including the total area of ​​the hangar and flight deck, is not much less than the latter two; even the practical area of ​​the hangar has always maintained the record as the largest. Therefore, from the Nimitz class to the Ford class, the increased tonnage is basically due to the deeper waterline caused by the heavy nuclear power package and its protection system, which increases the displacement; the hangar and deck are truly directly related to the overall combat effectiveness of the aircraft carrier. The area, as well as the maximum capacity of the catapult and arresting device, have not been substantially improved.

html The total operating area of ​​the deck of the 318 ship is definitely larger than that of the Kitty Hawk. Although the total hangar area is still unknown, it is certainly not smaller; after all, the total hangar area and the total deck area are positively correlated. The capabilities of the electromagnetic ejection system and electromagnetic arresting system of the 18th ship are far superior to the traditional systems of the Kitty Hawk class. Therefore, the operational efficiency of various carrier-based aircraft in the future will naturally be unmatched by all Kitty Hawk and Nimitz classes. As for all the Fords that cannot be used normally, they fell to the road before they even stepped into the boxing ring. Therefore, we dare to say that once the 18th ship is born, it will already be a huge surpass; not to mention the super version with larger tonnage in the future. Some people also believe that the 18th ship only has 2 main elevators and 3 electromagnetic catapults ; in contrast, the Ford class has 3 main elevators and 4 electromagnetic catapults, so it can still be far inferior to the 18th ship. The main reason for the Ford class. In fact, neither of these two points is true! With a 2-liter and 3-bomb model,

is very likely to become the best choice for the world's next generation of large-scale main aircraft carriers. For example, the renderings of the next-generation PANG-class aircraft carrier launched by France are obviously also basically composed of 2 liters and 3 bombs. This is because the navies of various countries have gradually realized that too many elevators will not improve the overall dispatching efficiency of the entire ship's carrier-based aircraft, but will instead cause serious discontinuities in the flight deck. After all, one more lift means one more worrisome hole at the edge of the deck. Even though the Kitty Hawk and Nimitz classes both have 4 elevators, in actual combat, only two elevators are often used most of the time, and the other two are used at most to transport ammunition to the deck. But there are at least five or six dedicated ammunition elevators on large aircraft carriers. Use the main elevator to transport ammunition? It's just a pain in the ass. In the event of large-scale actual combat, most main carrier-based aircraft do not need to return to the hangar, because both refueling and mounting bombs, as well as natural cooling of the aircraft after returning, need to be carried out in the open environment of the deck.Only when the aircraft carrier completely withdraws from the battle,

most carrier-based aircraft need to be taken back to the hangar one after another. Therefore, most contemporary aircraft carrier designers believe that two large main elevators are completely sufficient. The Ford class actually intentionally reduced one main lift. The fewer main elevators, the better the sealing of the hangar, and the stronger the comprehensive bulletproof and explosion-proof capabilities. The comprehensive launch capabilities of three electromagnetic catapults with ultra-low failure rates are also higher than those of four steam catapults ; after all, one of the four steam catapults is originally used as a fault remedy. Therefore, even if the future giant aircraft carrier reaches the 150,000 level, it is still possible to install only three electromagnetic catapults. As for the issue of nuclear power, it has been discussed N times. If there are still people who believe that only nuclear power is advanced enough to completely surpass the Ford class, then the next batch of ships will be dedicated to one or two hulls of more than 120,000 tons and equipped with nuclear power.