According to Global Times news on June 29, the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center and 360 Company respectively released special research reports the day before, disclosing another cyber attack weapon "Acid Fox" vulnerability attack weapon platform belonging to the

The United States has been carrying out cyber attacks against other countries and stealing secrets, but it was once again "caught" by China. According to Global Times news on June 29, National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center and 360 company respectively released special research reports the day before, disclosing another cyber attack weapon "acid" belonging to US National Security Agency (NSA). Fox” vulnerability attack weapon platform.

has irrefutable evidence, is it not as good as the United States and still wants to cheat? Of course, it could also be a mess. Relevant experts pointed out that the "Acid Fox Platform" is the main combat equipment of the NSA's computer network intrusion team. Its attack scope covers the world, with key attack targets pointing to China and Russia. The United States' actions cannot help but make people suspect that it is actively launching a larger attack. Prepare for large-scale cyber warfare.

In 2013, former CIA agent Edward Snowden made the United States' "Prism Project" public to the world, causing a worldwide uproar and strong condemnation of the United States. However, over the years, the United States has not restrained its efforts to obtain secret intelligence from other countries. Instead, with the development of computer technology, its behavior of attacking network information systems of various countries and stealing confidential data has become more and more rampant, and has even reached the level of disclosure. The United States’ actions to steal global data are also constantly being exposed.

In order to maintain its cyber hegemony, the United States is frantically organizing cyber attacks internationally. This has not changed in any successive U.S. administration. On the contrary, it has become more and more intense. In particular, China and Russia have become important targets for the United States. Target.

The Special Invasion Operations Office (TAO), the cyber warfare intelligence collection department under the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), is the chief culprit in executing U.S. foreign cyber information warfare. TAO was established in 1998. Its main responsibility is to use Internet technology to steal inside information of opponents, including secretly intruding into the target country's critical information infrastructure and important Internet information systems, stealing and cracking account passwords, and breaking through or destroying the opponent's computer security protection system. , monitor network traffic, steal private and sensitive data, and obtain phone and mobile phone calls, emails, network communication, content, and mobile phone text messages, etc.

In order to maintain its cyber hegemony, while the United States is so frantically stealing other countries’ secrets, it is also trying its best to blame China for “stealing other countries’ secrets.” However, sufficient facts prove that the United States’ accusations against China are a thief-crying and catching-the-thief trick. After all, the United States has done so many thieves that everyone looks like a thief.

Just on June 1 this year, Nakasone, director of the US National Security Agency and commander of Cyber ​​Command , confirmed that during the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States launched a series of offensive cyber operations against Russia to support Ukraine . The exposure of the "Hive" platform, quantum attack platform, "NOPEN" and "Sour Fox Platform" remote Trojan cyber warfare tools in the United States this year fully demonstrates that the United States is actively preparing to launch a larger-scale cyber war. The first to bear the brunt are China and Russia.

A very important reason why the United States can develop so many network attack tools is that the Windows system is in the hands of the United States. The United States can implant viruses into target terminals through the backdoors reserved by the Windows system. Regarding the United States' secret theft behavior, don't expect that "condemnation" will allow it to withdraw its black hands from reaching out to global secret intelligence.

The simplest way to block the United States from conducting cyber attacks is to use domestic computer systems and resolutely deny it any opportunities. Currently, China has developed a domestic computer system, which is an important way to effectively prevent the United States from controlling computer terminals through the Windows system backdoor. With the popularization of domestic computer systems, the success rate of the United States in stealing China's secret intelligence will also become lower and lower.