The Battle of Shipai is the key battle, the core battle and the victory battle of the entire Western Hubei Campaign. We have to talk about this Chinese army and several key figures.

#anti-Japanese hero#nationalhero#national destiny

Tribute to the generals and heroes of Shipai defense battle (serial part three)

(continued from the previous two parts)

3. The process of Shipai defense battle.

(1) The Battle of Shipai is the key battle, the core battle and the victory battle of the entire Western Hubei Campaign . We have to talk about this Chinese army and several key figures.

1. Guarding the Shipai area of ​​the Yangtze River Fortress is the "Upper Yangtze River Jiang Defense Army". Its core army is one of the five main forces of the Chinese National Army and the oldest ace 18th Army , referred to as the " Civil Engineering Department " 18th Army , the founder is General Chen Cheng, who is known as the "Little Chairman".

General Chen Cheng

Chen Cheng was a native of Qingtian County, Zhejiang Province. He was an authentic fellow countryman and confidant of Chiang Kai-shek. He graduated from the Artillery Section of the 8th phase of Baoding Army Officer School in 1921 and later served as President of the Executive Yuan and Vice President of Taiwan. .

The "Civil Engineering Department" is the main force of the direct line of the central government, and the 18th Army is the direct line of the direct line, and it is also the capital of Chen Cheng's fortune.

The 18th Army has two main ace divisions, one is the 11th Division led by Chen Cheng, and the other is the 18th Division led by Chen Cheng's confidant Luo Guangwen.

2. General Hu Lian, commander of the 11th Division, was born in Huaxian County, Shaanxi Province (today's Huazhou District). He was called a famous anti-Japanese general by Mao Zedong as "cunning as a fox". He graduated from the 4th place of Huangpu Military Academy in October 1926. Expect.

He was a colonel commander of the 18th Army when he participated in the "August 13th" Songhu Battle, and later served as the seventh commander of the 18th Army.

General Hu Lian

During the War of Liberation, he had direct battles with the People's Liberation Army three times:

The first time was as deputy commander of the 12th Corps of the National Army, The commander of the Huaihai BattleHuang Wei was captured, but he was defeated and escaped luckily. ;

The second time was when he served as the commander of the reorganized 12th Corps of the National Army, fighting in Fujian while retreating to Taiwan;

The third time was the Battle of Kinmen, which was the crossing initiated by the People's Liberation Army Ye Fei Corps in the Taiwan Strait. Jiang fought , and he was known as the "King of Kinmen" in Taiwan.

General Hu Lian's combat style was good at defense, cautious and shrewd. His characteristics of being "as cunning as a fox" can be clearly seen in the subsequent Battle of Huaihai.

3. General Luo Guangwen, the commander of the 18th Division, was also the deputy commander of the 18th Army. Because General Tan Daoshan was appointed as the commander of the 18th Division before the Shipai Defense War started, Luo Guangwen, the deputy commander of the 18th Army, had to serve as his commander. The commander of the 18th Division was brought out.

General Luo Guangwen, a native of Zhongxian County, Chongqing, graduated from the Artillery Department of the Japanese Military Academy in 1929. He served as an instructor at the Whampoa Military Academy and soon entered Chen Cheng's "Civil Engineering Department."

General Luo Guangwen

He was the major general and brigade commander of the 42nd Brigade of the 14th Division of the 18th Army when he participated in the "August 13th" Songhu Battle, and later served as the 6th Commander of the 18th Army.

General Luo is famous for his ability to control "unruly troops", and his military management is so strict that it is almost inhumane.

In September of the 27th year of the Republic of China, that is, beginning in September 1938, he simply integrated the "unruly" 18th Division of Hunan local troops into two ace main divisions that were as famous as the 11th Division.

General Luo's combat style is ruthless, brave and unafraid of death. He is a famous anti-Japanese general who is an offensive warrior.

General Luo's actual influence in Chen Cheng's "Civil Engineering Department" ranks third after Chen Cheng and Luo Zhuoying. Huang Wei, Hu Lian, Zhou Zhirou and others are all behind him.

During the War of Liberation, Luo Guangwen served as the commander of the 4th Corps and the 15th Corps of the National Army. Since he became a general, he had direct confrontation with the People's Liberation Army 5 times:

The first time was when he served as the 14th Army (Reorganized 10th Division) Army Commander, when the People's Liberation Army broke out of the Central Plains, he chased Li Xiannian and Wang Zhen;

The second time was as the commander of the reorganized 10th Division, assisting Hu Zongnan in attacking Yan'an;

The third time was as the commander of the reorganized 10th Division. Sticking to Yuncheng, Shanxi, the People's Liberation Army failed to liberate Yuncheng for the first time. The opponents were Marshal Xu Xiangqian, General Chen Geng and General Wang Xinting of the Republic;

served as the commander of the 4th Corps for the fourth time. When the People's Liberation Army liberated Yuncheng, Shanxi for the second time, he rushed to the aid of the country. Other troops of the army, the opponents are Marshal Xu Xiangqian and General Wang Xinting of the Republic of China. (The liberation of Yuncheng was only successful for the third time).

was appointed as the commander of the 15th Corps for the fifth time. During the liberation of Southwest China, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping persuaded him to revolt. During the process, he was defeated in the eastern Sichuan of Chongqing. His opponents were Liu Bocheng, Deng Xiaoping and Chen Xilian.

The first author of Hongyan, Luo Guangbin, is the younger brother of General Luo Guangwen

General Luo Guangwen led the regiment to revolt in Chengdu on December 24, 1949, and died of illness in January 1956. He has a younger brother, Luo Guangbin, who is the first author of the red novel "Red Rock".

4. General Guantian, commander of the 18th Army and commander of Bayi Fortress, was born in Gan County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province. He graduated from the second phase of Huangpu Military Academy in September 1925. In May 1937, he was appointed as Chen Cheng's "Civil Engineering Department" 18th Army Major General Commander of the 11th Division; participated in the "August 13th" Songhu Battle, and was promoted to the fifth commander of the ace 18th Army and commander of Bayi Fortress in December 1940.

General Fang Tian was promoted to deputy commander-in-chief of the 20th Group Army after the Battle of Western Hubei. During the War of Liberation, he served as deputy chief of staff of the National Government Staff Department, deputy chief of staff, chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Government , Ganzhou, etc. I went to Taiwan on the eve of liberation.

General Fang Tian

General Fang did not directly fight with the People's Liberation Army during the War of Liberation. He was also strict in running the army and was a famous anti-Japanese general with a tough-fighting style.

5. General Wu Qiwei, deputy commander of the Sixth War Zone and commander-in-chief of the Jiang Defense Force in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, was born in Dapu, Guangdong. He graduated from the 6th Infantry Division of the Baoding Army Officer School in 1919.

He graduated two years earlier than Chen Cheng, and he was a classmate of the same generation as Ye Ting, Xue Yue , Zhang Fakui, Deng Yanda, Gu Zhutong , Yu Hanmou and other outstanding people.

General Wu served as the commander of the 12th Division during the Northern Expedition . After the "September 18th" Incident, he was promoted to the commander of the 4th Army and participated in the 4th and 5th "Encirclement and Suppression" of the Jiangxi Soviet Area in 1937. In October, he was appointed deputy commander-in-chief of the 19th Group Army and commander of the 4th Army.

General Wu Qiwei

He led the 4th Army to participate in the "August 13th" Songhu Battle, won the title of "Iron Army", and was promoted to the commander-in-chief of the 9th Army;

Wanjialing in the Wuhan Battle sequence In the battle (also known as the Battle of De'an), he was the commander-in-chief of the former enemy. The 9th Army was the main force participating in the front line. He once severely damaged the Japanese 106th Division and annihilated 4 Japanese regiments.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, General Wu Qiwei was elected as a member of the Central Supervisory Committee of the Kuomintang Army, and served as Chairman of the Hunan Provincial Government and Commander of the Hunan Provincial Military District; in August 1948, he was appointed deputy commander-in-chief of the North China "Suppression General", and in May 1949 He planned the uprising in eastern Guangdong and was warmly welcomed by Mao Zedong.

General Wu Qiwei is a famous anti-Japanese general with a fighting style that takes the lead and is brave and not afraid of death.

6. Chiang Kai-shek’s establishment of the Sixth War Zone, the deployment of major generals, and the deployment of the 18th Army, the most direct ace of the Central Army, in the core and most critical area of ​​ Shipai Fortress , you can see the importance of the Yangtze River Fortress Shipai Strategic position;

Naturally, we can also see the great significance of the victory in the Shipai defense battle to the victory of China's Anti-Japanese War.

Chiang Kai-shek

At the same time, it can be seen that the status and weight of the five generals Chen Cheng, Wu Qiwei, Fang Tian, ​​Luo Guangwen, and Hu Lian in Chiang Kai-shek's mind.

Many articles now praise General Hu Lian’s achievements and role in the Battle of Shipai, but more or less derogatory or do not mention the achievements of the four famous anti-Japanese generals Chen Cheng, Wu Qiwei, Fang Tian and Luo Guangwen, which is not objective and unfair. of! Historical events and historical figures need the truth.

(2), the troop deployment and defense battle in the Shipai area.

1. When the Japanese army was preparing to launch the third phase of the operation, the Chongqing Supreme Command sent a telegram to Wu Qiwei, the commander-in-chief of the Jiang Defense Force: "Strictly defend the front lines of Ziqiu, Muqiaoxi, and Shipai Fortresses to resist the enemy, and designate one division. Defend the Shipai Fortress."

The three divisions of the Ace 18th Army are deployed as follows: the two main divisions are stationed at the Shipai Fortress, among which Hu Lian's 11th Division defends the front of the Shipai Fortress, and Luo Guangwen's 18th Division defends the Qianniuling area on the right wing of the Shipai Fortress; Wu Xiaoya's The 34th Division guards the Tiantaiguan area.

At the same time, the 5th Preparatory Division was transferred to the Xiakou area to stand by. The 67th Division returned to the original 86th Army from the 10th Group Army and returned to the command of the Jiang Defense Army.

Other troops deployed layers of defenses to stop the Japanese army.

2. Defending Shipai Fortress is related to the life and death of the country and the survival of the nation. According to the instructions of the Supreme Commander, Wu Qiwei, the commander-in-chief of the Jiang Defense Army, ordered "every general to write a suicide note and be prepared to sacrifice his life for the country."

Ms. Luo Youqun, Luo Guangwen’s eldest daughter, told the author: The situation at that time was very serious, and it was a very tragic life-and-death battle. Therefore, every general was required to write a suicide note. The middle and lower-level officers should try their best to write it. , everyone is mentally prepared to die on the battlefield!

Whenever I think of that scene, I burst into tears when I read these letters from home. How tragic and heroic it is to regard death for the country as a homecoming! A country and a nation cannot survive without heroes. Heroes are the backbone.

General Hu Lian, commander of the 11th Division, wrote five desperate letters home overnight before going into battle, and arranged for his army veterinarian Cui Huanzhi (Hu Lian's fellow villager) to leave Shipai with the letters, saying that if he became a benevolent, he would bring them to or Send it to his family to say goodbye.

Cui Huanzhi handed two of the letters to a reporter from the " Sweeping Newspaper" in Badong , and the reporter published them in the "Sweeping Newspaper".

One stone caused thousands of waves. "Ta Kung Pao " and "Joongang Daily" successively reprinted the full text. Hu Lian suddenly became a hero across the country and a core figure in newspapers and public opinion. On the contrary, the four bosses, Chen Cheng, Wu Qiwei, Fang Tian and Luo Guangwen, became foil characters.

The suicide notes of other generals were handed in according to regulations, but General Hu Lian's suicide note was presented to the public in this way. Therefore, there was a saying later that Hu Lian was putting on a show to "grow his reputation."

now excerpts two of General Hu Lian’s family letters published in newspapers, so that everyone can feel the tragedy and bloodiness in them.

(1). Written to my wife:

I am now ordered to guard Shipai Fortress. It is my duty, so I have nothing to worry about. My hometown is poor, I have a small wife and children, my hometown is thousands of miles away, I feel lonely and helpless, but I have no choice but to accept my fate. When all the sons grow up, they still think it is appropriate to serve as soldiers to avenge their fathers and to be loyal to their country. After the victory of the war, he stayed in Gansu and returned to Shaanxi of his own choice. If you can be frugal at home, you should be able to have enough food and clothing. If you are poor and happy, there are ancient teachings, and you should be able to understand them.

During my more than ten years of military service, I have failed you a lot. Now I say goodbye and I am deeply grateful. I leave you a gold watch, a fountain pen and a diary as a souvenir. When I read this letter, I feel sad but not painful. After a hundred years of life, I will eventually die. It is appropriate to be happy when I die in the right place. I wish you all the best in a hurry.

(2). Written to my father:


My son is now ordered to defend the Shipai Fortress. He is fighting alone and has an unpredictable future. However, there is no other way except success and becoming a benevolent person. There are many benevolent public figures, and having a son can kill the country, and the great kindness is also comforting. Wei'er has been engaged in state affairs for more than ten years. Shushui Huan has been deprived of this position for a long time, so he is very sad now. Mr. Qian adds clothes and food at the right time, which is why he uproots the soul of a naughty boy. Respectfully kowtow to Jin An.

(To be continued, see four parts)