Its important role in the current war has already appeared, and it was widely used in the Russia-Ukraine war. The most promising drone tactic currently is the swarm tactic, which uses dense small drones to launch attacks. It is said that elephants are afraid of ants. , Strong men

The picture shows the drone launching. The important role of the drone

in the current war has appeared. It was widely used in the Russia-Ukraine war. The most promising drone tactic at present is the swarm tactic, which uses dense small unmanned aerial vehicles. It is said that elephants are afraid of , ants and , and strong men are afraid of bees. If you want to develop swarm drones, you need to solve many detailed problems, such as the take-off problem of drones. Traditional drones need to use runways. Take off, but a large number of drones can be launched only with the help of the launch system. Science fiction movies have become a reality. China has applied for a patent for the drone launch system, and the United States has eaten sour grapes.

The picture shows the drone

The drone "swarm" tactic is mainly used in offense and has a very powerful combat advantage. It can well integrate drone technology and system group tactical advantages, fully demonstrating the capabilities of drones. The flexibility advantage of combat greatly improves the combat capabilities of drones and puts great combat pressure on the enemy. Taking the US military drone swarm tactics as an example, it has four outstanding advantages, namely reconnaissance attack, large-scale operations, and flexibility. Response and cost advantages make drones used in persistent operations.

The picture shows the drone

As a kind of aircraft, drones have some technical problems in taking off. The current take-off methods of drones can be roughly divided into mother aircraft launch, rocket boosting, "chair" lift-off, There are several types of vertical take-off and ski-jump take-off. The latter two are the most common. One is the vertical take-off and landing unmanned helicopter, and the other is the fixed-wing drone . However, ski-jump take-off requires a straight runway of a certain length. , there are some demanding requirements on the frontline battlefield, so on this basis, some experts have developed a launch system. Recently, an aircraft company in Chengdu, China, has developed a patent for a drone launch system. This launch system can eject drones into the air, which can overcome the trap phenomenon of traditional catapults and make drones safer. To eject into the air, ordinary small fixed-wing UAVs need a runway to take off. If swarm tactics are used, many runways are needed to take off a large number of small UAVs at one time. However, after using this launch system, there is no need to use runway, all can be ejected into the air.

The picture shows the launch of the drone

Some unmanned target drones developed in China use the ejection method. It installs the drone on the launcher and launches the magnetic traction lock with the help of rocket , like high-pressure gas, high-pressure Liquid booster rockets and other ejection devices are used to achieve zero-length ejection take-off. The main advantage of this method is that in a field environment, in rugged terrain, a large number of small UAVs can be ejected and taken off with the help of the launch system. This take-off method is very suitable for warships. , vehicles are also very important and can take off on weapons and equipment. Moreover, with this take-off method, the drone take-off time period and the take-off interval are short, and multiple drones can be launched into the air in a short time. Finally, the cost of this technology is not high, and the cost of purchasing such a launch system will bring The value of the drone is much higher than the purchase value itself, and it is crucial to swarm operations. Therefore, after domestic aircraft companies developed the drone ejection system, they immediately attracted the attention of foreign experts. This technology is very important for the development of drones in China. It has important value in combat, and applying for a patent can also ensure that interests are not infringed.