Recently, Wang Jichao, deputy director of the Veterans Affairs Bureau of Kaifeng Xiangfu District, and staff of the district Armed Forces Department, together with Wan Guochen, the mayor of Yuanfang Township, Duan Yaoyong, member of the township party committee and minister of th

Recently, Wang Jichao, deputy director of the Veterans Affairs Bureau of Xiangfu District, Kaifeng, and staff of the District Armed Forces Department, together with Yuanfang Township Township Mayor Wan Guochen, township party committee member and Armed Forces Minister Duan Yaoyong and other relevant personnel came to Yuanfang Village, Yuanfang Township, Michang Village visited the families of soldiers Yang Bingbing and Teng Yunlong who were awarded the third-class honorary medal, and sent good news, certificates and condolence money to their relatives.

At the homes of active-duty soldiers Yang Bingbing and Teng Yunlong, the staff talked cordially with the military families and thanked them for cultivating outstanding military talents for the motherland and the army. I hope they will continue to be a strong supporter of soldiers and encourage children to serve with peace of mind, strengthen their studies, and achieve greater success. District and township leaders unanimously stated that any difficulties encountered by military families in their lives should be reported to the organization in a timely manner, and the party committee and government will definitely resolve the worries of military officers and soldiers. Yang Bingbing's mother said that she felt extremely proud of her son's meritorious service in the army. She was grateful for the training of the army and the government's care. She would continue to be a strong supporter of her son in the future and encourage her son to serve in the army with peace of mind, make meritorious service in the military camp, and strive to achieve greater success. Make greater contributions to the motherland and hometown.

In recent years, Yuanfang Township has always attached great importance to the work of dual support, actively implemented various policies to support the army and give priority to subordinates, and widely created a social atmosphere in which "if one person joins the army, the whole family will be honored; if one person performs meritorious service, the whole village will be honored". Through the implementation of this activity, the sense of honor of soldiers and military families has been further enhanced, the enthusiasm of the masses to love the country and support the army has been inspired, the military has become a profession respected by the whole society, and a new social trend of supporting the army, loving the army, respecting the army and respecting the army has been set off.

Source: Dahe Daily·Yu Video