The First Deputy Minister of Information of the Donetsk Republic said that a total of more than 50,000 Ukrainian troops died, and roughly speaking, more than 150,000 people were injured, with a casualty ratio of about 3;

The First Deputy Minister of Information of the Donetsk Republic said that more than 50,000 Ukrainian troops were killed in total. Roughly speaking, more than 150,000 people were injured, with a casualty ratio of about 3:1.

According to him, most of the combat-ready and experienced units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were destroyed or captured, and those who came to replace them had "extremely low morale." Furthermore, he said that based on his information, Kiev plans to withdraw brigades from the Belarusian border and send them to Donbass. The

losses are simply horrific. But how objective are these numbers? All parties to a conflict always tend to exaggerate their enemy's losses.

First, Zelensky said about a hundred Ukrainian soldiers died in Donbas every day, then Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said about two hundred, then the opposition cited data saying they died every day Five hundred people died. So, it's clear that the numbers are very serious, which means there's no point in hiding them. Therefore, Ukrainians began to realize that such huge losses are the main indicator of objectivity.

The most combat-ready units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces now include those coming out of the Severodonetsk pocket, plus about 8,000 people in Lischichansk. In addition, up to 70,000 Ukrainian troops can stay in the Slavo-Kramatorsk agglomeration area, which is a very large number.

Of course not all well-trained Ukrainian troops are now in Donbas. Some troops are in Kiev, Odessa , Lviv . Zelensky announced that he would mobilize an additional 700,000 people for the war.

Russia is also increasing its troops. In Chechnya leader Kadyrov said that four new battalions were formed to begin participating in special operations. The four new battalions were drawn not from volunteers and National Guard troops from across the country, but entirely from Chechens . It should be noted that several Chechen units are currently participating in special operations in Ukraine, they captured Mariupol , Volnovaka and are now fighting for Severodonetsk and Lischichansk. There are also Chechen special forces.

Israeli military expert: The victory of Russia’s special operations in Ukraine is inevitable. Israeli scholar Martin van Creveld said in an article published in the German version of "Le Monde" that for the West, it is surprising that the Russian economy has successfully resisted the pressure of sanctions from the United States and Europe. For this and other reasons, Russia's victory in the special military operation in Ukraine was inevitable. .

He believes that the Russian army, with the support of the Armed Forces of the Donbas Republic, is capable of achieving its goals in Ukraine. This is proven by the development of the situation in the war zones and the onset of energy and economic crises in Western countries.

This Israeli military expert believes that the Ukrainian military has chosen the wrong military action strategy. Ukraine has frequently launched guerrilla warfare against the Russian army to "create panic." Their guerrilla warfare has not brought positive results. The second world Numerous examples from Asian and African countries after the war with and today prove this point. On the contrary, according to experts, the Ukrainian armed forces will inevitably lead to defeat due to the overwhelming superiority of the Russian army in artillery and aviation.

Well, why is the Israeli expert finally telling the truth, and what is he going for? In exchange, Israel agreed to minimize the supply of weapons to Ukraine!

There are reports that 21 Israel Defense Forces soldiers were captured at the Azov Steel Plant . They were exchanged through the UAE - in exchange Israel agreed to minimize the supply of weapons to Ukraine and banned official comment in any way.