Company-style management, practical coaching, interactive communication, open learning, immersive experience... Recently, the Armed Police Hebei Corps has issued the "Outline" for two batches of new pre-appointed large (squadron) chief officers for a period of two weeks. The trai

Company-style management, practical coaching, interactive communication, open learning, and immersive experience... Recently, the Hebei Armed Police Corps' 2 batches of new (pre-appointed) large (medium) team chief officers for a period of two weeks "Outline" 》The training and the training of grassroots party organization secretaries came to an end in Xingtai .

This training, with the theme of "learning the outline, knowing the outline, and using the outline", focuses on the newly (pre-appointed) large (squadron) chief officer, adopts the method of "military and political joint training, on-site organization", and insists on research and development. The combination of theory and practice, the combination of theoretical thinking and problem solving, the combination of learning experience and analyzing lessons, the course arrangement is rich, the content is practical, students gain a lot, and the whole process is full of highlights.

Keep a close eye on the "demand side" and optimize the "supply side"

Make the training starting point "higher"

This training adheres to small incisions, large depth, and emphasis on practice. It runs problem-oriented, demand-oriented, and practical-oriented throughout. Old problems that have not been solved for many years have been targeted at the new situations brought about by the development of the times, focusing on the necessary positions, commonly used tasks, and urgent needs to perform duties, and effectively connect the "supply side" and the "demand side."

Lecturers from the grassroots level of the organization focused on 5 aspects and 6 themes, introduced experiences, exchanged experiences, and answered questions to help everyone firmly establish the thinking concept of running the army in accordance with the law and building according to the program.

You can use it after learning it, and you can do it after following it

Let the training method "come alive"

This training has innovative methods and methods, such as "problems solved by everyone" and "family-style discussion" and other teaching courses. The atmosphere is warm and the collision of ideas is fierce. Very popular among students.

Interactive teaching demonstrations, order-based communication and Q&A, heuristic typical guidance, and immersive participation experience stimulate participants to think deeply and participate deeply.

Find gaps on site and talk about problems on site

Make the training "real"

Visit advanced grassroots units and receive baptism at the exhibition hall of the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University. What is innovative is the model and method, what is broadened is the vision of thinking, and what is improved is At the level of thinking, what is enhanced is ability and quality.

During the training period, theoretical tests and physical fitness assessments will be organized. Outstanding students and "most popular lecturers" are selected in each period, and two-way evaluation is conducted to activate the motivation to participate in the training.

transforms the thinking of learning into the thinking of work, and transforms the pragmatic direction into the results of construction. Through intensive training, the trainees closely followed the situation and tasks and explored scientific methods of team building according to the outline. They had a mental map, more moves in their hands, and more responsibilities on their shoulders, laying the foundation for shortening the "adaptation period" and grasping the "fluctuation period" of their tenure. a solid foundation.

Unit: Organization Department

Author: Gao Xiongchao, Zhang Yu