Before joining the army, he was an outstanding student cadre and a glorious Communist Party member. After joining the army, he always kept his identity as a party member in mind, took the lead in training, strived to be the first in work, and polished his party membership card wi


The new comrades who joined the army this spring

are about to complete their new training and life

and rush to new combat positions

The recruit company How many months of training

have they achieved what kind of transformation?


let us walk into a company of recruits of

Beijing Armed Police Corps

and see their growth and changes!

Huang Wenhong

Before joining the army, he was an outstanding student cadre and a glorious Communist Party member. After joining the army, he always kept his identity as a party member in mind, took the lead in training, strived to be the first in work, and polished his party membership card with practical actions.

Wu Zhaoyuan

Before joining the army, he studied at Guangdong Judicial Police Vocational College. In pursuit of his dream of becoming a soldier, he resolutely joined the military camp. After joining the army, he, who was already self-disciplined, placed stricter demands on himself and went all out to complete various training tasks.

Wang Jianhua

Before joining the army, he went to Australia to participate in exchange studies. His time studying abroad made him feel that a strong motherland will always be the strongest backing for those traveling abroad. After joining the army, he worked hard to learn his skills with a pure heart, chasing dreams in the military camp in straight lines and squares, and continued to work hard towards the goal of becoming an outstanding soldier.

Dong Guanbo

Before joining the army, he studied Sanda at Tagou Martial Arts School and developed extraordinary martial arts skills. After joining the army, he quickly stood out. Not only did he achieve excellent results in many military subjects, he also served as a junior instructor, teaching martial arts skills to his comrades around him.

Before Zhou Jiacan

joined the army, he was an auxiliary traffic policeman, guarding road safety on the city's traffic lines. After joining the army, he remained true to his original intention and took root in the fertile soil of the military camp with a new fighting attitude, shouldering the responsibilities and responsibilities of a soldier.

Yan Jiakang

Before joining the army, "like and follow" was his mantra. His handsome appearance made him one of the thousands of "Internet celebrities" in the traffic era. After joining the army, the camouflage military uniform replaced the trendy dress, and his dark and resolute face showed his determination and strength to strengthen the army.

Gong Yihan

Before joining the army, he was a well-known game player, and "Canyon of Kings" was his main battlefield. After joining the army, the "Internet Hero" came to the real world. His unwillingness to admit defeat allowed him to overcome many difficulties and fulfill his strong oath to pursue excellence.

Huang Weichen

Before joining the army, music was his second language. In the world of symphonic variations, he used musical notes to express his emotions to people. After joining the army, he used his loyalty and passion to play impassioned symphonies on the training ground, which were sonorous and full of energy.

Now, youth is for struggle

In the future, youth is for memories

In the hot military camp

The once immature boy is going through tempering

Let his youth

be imprinted with camouflage mark and feelings of family and country

Author: Armed Police Beijing Corps Lian Yuhan, Li Sinong, Jiang Ke

Organization: Lin Jiawei

Producers: Liu Fengqiao, Zhang Hongwei

Executive producers: Zhang Jinling

Editors in chief: Yao Honghua, Wang Wen

Duty editors: Wang Chao, Wang Yanting
