The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has developed to this day, and the two sides have been fighting for more than four months. During this period, the United States and the West continued to provide various high-tech weapons to the Ukrainian army and provided huge military ex

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has developed to this day, and the two sides have been fighting for more than four months. During this period, the United States and the West continued to provide various high-tech weapons to the Ukrainian army and provided huge military expenditures. This gave the Ukrainian army the strength to delay the Russian army's offensive. Now the two sides are engaged in a fierce battle for Lisichansk. The Russian army divided into five groups and surrounded the place. Faced with the fierce artillery fire of the Russian army, many Ukrainian troops began to collapse and flee. They were very embarrassed. At present, the Russian army has a dominant position in Lischichansk.

After more than a month of fierce fighting, in general, the Russian army has achieved a major victory in the Donbass area. The situation has been determined and it is no longer a problem to win here. However, all this is what the United States, the West, and even Europe do not want to see. In particular, Lithuania , one of the "anti-Russian" pioneers, has recently jumped out to increase its presence. In order to further attack Russia's strength, Lithuania immediately announced a blockade of Russia's enclave Kaliningrad . All Russian items will not be allowed to pass.

Faced with Lithuania’s provocation, all countries are worried about it. Lithuania is just a small country, about the size of a palm, with a population of less than 3 million. Neither the economy nor the military are good. If Russia wants to retaliate against it, a missile can wipe it out at any time. Even if we don't adopt such a radical approach and use conventional troops to attack, it will only last a few weeks. Just look at the former Georgia and you will know that it was used by the United States and the West. After it started working with the Russian army, it was beaten down within 5 days.

However, Russia seems to have no intention of retaliating against Lithuania at this moment. It only imposes relative counter-sanctions and cuts off transport roads to countries around the Baltic Sea. Furthermore, it is a warning to correct the mistake as soon as possible. Against this background, a Russian general said in a recent TV program that "if a world war breaks out, London will be the first place where Russian missiles are launched." Why did he say this?

This was said by General Gurulev of the Russian Army. He said that because of the Lithuanian issue, if a world war breaks out again, the Russian army will first launch missiles to destroy the space satellite clusters of Western countries. No matter which country they are, as long as they are Western. Beat them all down. Then 100% destroy NATO 's air defense system . Then the Russian army's first target was London, where they dropped bombs directly. The reason is that the Angsa people pose a huge threat to the world.

Why is it not the United States, not Germany, not the United States, but the United Kingdom? Because in the entire NATO, the United Kingdom is the most supportive of Lithuania, and the same is true in Europe as a whole. Moreover, in this conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Britain also jumped high and acted very radically, irritating Russia again and again. Willing to be the younger brother of the United States, he will take the lead in suppressing Russia. Recently, the Russian army sentenced two British mercenaries to death. Johnson even shouted arrogantly that he wanted to declare war on Russia. As a fighting nation, let me ask, can we bear it?