Where are the cemeteries of the Chinese marshals? Buried in separate places to bless the country, sprinkle bones on the battlefield to protect China

typesetting 丨 Seven ten

editor 丨 Lao Wang Shushi

When the new China was established, 10 outstanding generals were awarded to them During the war of resistance in China, both large and small battles showed a brave and fearless attitude and superb commanding ability. It can be said that China is able to survive today because these outstanding generals have won for us.

Even after the founding of New China, these marshals all contributed to China's construction. Then after the death of these marshals, their cemeteries were all located in those areas. See which ones you know, or know which heads of state cemeteries are in your hometown.

Hengdao immediately broke the U.S. formation, arrogant and powerful

Recently, with the popular release of the " Changjin Lake" movie, China has used its own way to perform China's performance in the anti-US aid Korea Great victory. The Chinese Volunteer Army is not afraid of the cold and the enemy in the ice and snow, and has created China's exclusive steel spirit. When it comes to the Chinese Volunteer Army, it is certainly not possible to bypass China's great general-President Peng.

Since the 1970s, Mr. Peng’s physical condition has been worsening every day. Because as early as the Anti-Japanese War, Mr. Peng had blood in his stool, but he was physically strong and he didn't care about it. But since 1970, Mr. Peng’s blood in the stool has become more and more serious, and he often suffers from severe abdominal pain. Mr. Peng is equally improper, which makes everyone around him worry about it.

In 1972, Mr. Peng, whose physical condition was not as good as before, also began to notice his physical condition. Because the situation became more and more critical, he even had an astonishing 5 blood in the stool every day. What condition is it that makes Mr. Peng so painful? Until one day later,Mr. Peng's condition has once again deteriorated extremely.

On the afternoon of April 10, 1973, Mr. Peng suddenly suffered a physical condition, with blood in his stool reaching about 1 liter, and Mr. Peng felt dizzy in an instant. Seeing that the situation was very critical, he soon arrived at the hospital for treatment. Sure enough, this investigation revealed rectal cancer .

At that time, President Peng had reached the advanced stage of rectal cancer, and everyone fell into a state of extreme depression after learning the news.

After receiving treatment for more than a year, in November 1974, Mr. Peng left the world forever. His burial issue directly caused a national sensation, and Premier Zhou also gave special instructions.

After the death of Mr. Peng, his body was first stored in a crematorium in the eastern suburbs of Chengdu. After Premier Zhou learned about it, he immediately ordered the relevant departments of the Party Central Committee to place President Peng’s ashes in Beijing’s Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China also paid solemn tribute to President Peng in the Great Hall of the People. Can.

In 1999, Mr. Peng’s cemetery also moved from Beijing to under 乌石峰 in Xiangtan City, Hunan Province. And Mr. Peng’s cemetery is also very solemn, and Mr. Peng stayed in Hunan for a long time.

Seeing Lao Jiang's face clearly, his faith turns to justice

Besides Mr. Peng, there is such a person. In the very early days, , Mr. Sun received the support of many people, including one who actively supported Mr. Sun’s three major policies-Marshal He Long.

He Long was born in Hunan and is an authentic Hunan Sangzhi .Marshal He Long is very faithful and constantly pursues the truth. Maybe many people look at him as bluffing, but he always has a scale in his heart. I joined Mr. Sun’s Chinese Revolutionary Party because of the Revolution of 1911 , and later served as a military commander under Lao Jiang.

But in the Northern Expedition , Marshal He Long gradually saw Lao Jiang’s badness and ambition, and he began to change his beliefs from then on.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, He Long was also dedicated to contributing to the construction of the country, but the years were not forgiving, and Marshal He Long could not escape the torture of the disease.

On March 26, 1968, He Long didn't do much activity on that day, but suddenly fell ill, lying underground and could not speak. After being rushed to the hospital, his condition gradually improved after treatment, and he was discharged home within a few days. But the good times didn't last long, and Marshal He Long eventually fell.

On June 9, 1969, Marshal He Long, the brave hero, had another sudden situation. This time he passed away without escape.

After the death of He Long, with the approval of the central government, he also chose to be buried in the Babaoshan in Beijing. Leaders of various countries have come to attend his funeral. Looking back on He Long's life, he devoted himself to the construction of the country without reservation. He is always very open-minded and generous, especially for the Chinese People's Soldiers. He Long’s tomb was also relocated many years later, and the location of the relocation is also a good place.

In 2009, He Long's tomb was moved to Hunan Province. There is a Tianzishan Helong Park in Zhangjiajie City, where Marshal He Long "sleeps".

The Chinese warlords who worries about the country to the last minute

In the 1970s, it was a period when Chinese generals fell one after another. In 1976, Premier Zhou passed away and another great man passed away forever.In front of Premier Zhou's body, there was a marshal who was also in very weak physical condition. He paid a military salute in front of Premier Zhou's body-Zhu De.

The military salute given by Zhu De in front of the remains of Premier Zhou is also the last military salute in his life. After the death of Premier Zhou, Marshal Zhu De was very sad about this. In the face of major national events, Zhu De worked hard and had less and less time to rest. Even on the national side, Zhu De said something more tearful.

At that time, Marshal Zhu De’s children were very worried about his physical condition. Because of his advanced age, he could not bear such a high-intensity work. However, Zhu De said: Now that Premier Zhou is gone, the chairman’s health is not well. There are still many things that need to be resolved in the country, and I should do my part to share the worries for them.

But Marshal Zhu De's body was also very weak. In July 1976, Zhu De was also seriously ill. He had a high fever and caused various diseases, not only high sugar and gastroenteritis, but also kidneys. Problem. Although he was constantly treated in the hospital, he couldn't stop him from coming. On the afternoon of July 6, Marshal Zhu De lost his breath in a hospital in Beijing and took off his heavy "armor".

At the request and permission of the central government, Marshal Zhu De's ashes are also in the Beijing Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery.

To save the country from distress, to save the people

In October 1976, the country was in a very critical moment, because at that time the country had wrong thoughts and put the country and the people in distress. At this time, there was one person, Rescuing China from the crisis, so as to relieve the country from difficulties-Ye Jianying.

Marshal Ye Jianying is very clever, and he is informal when talking to others, and his emotional intelligence is also very high. But God might be favoring his clever mind, and always posed various problems for Marshal Ye Jianying.

In 1980, Ye Jianying was diagnosed as Parkinson's disease by the hospital.This kind of disease can be said to be very unfriendly. It is easy to bring other complications to the patient. The whole Ye Jianying's physical condition is very unoptimistic.

Finally, on October 22, 1986, Marshal Ye Jianying, who was very old, died because of a serious illness. In the short period of 6 years, the illness has been afflicting his body, not only has his lungs been infected many times, but also caused brain diseases.

After Ye Jianying's death was cremated at Babaoshan in Beijing, she sent her ashes to Guangzhou at the end of the month.

Guangzhou is the place where Ye Jianying was in the Guangzhou uprising . There are many of his old comrades in arms. It was also his wish to be able to enter the soil together with his comrades.

So his cemetery was finally placed in the Martyrs Cemetery in Guangzhou.

Don’t forget to work when picking kidneys, the people’s good marshal

He is the first marshal hero in China to die. He never specializes, eats and lives with his subordinates, and even removes himself for physical reasons. One of his kidneys, and has been working with the disease-Luo Ronghuan.

In his later years, Luo Ronghuan had kidney function not enough to support himself due to the removal of his kidney, and eventually suffered from uremia . The medical technology at the time was also relatively advanced, but that failed to keep Luo Ronghuan's life.

On December 16, 1963, Luo Ronghuan passed away at Beijing Hospital . Facing the fact that the first marshal died, it was a very big blow to the leaders of China at that time. At that time, a Chinese marshal was admitted to Babaoshan in Beijing.

On the morning of December 22nd, the Great Hall of the People also held a grand public memorial meeting for Luo Ronghuan, as a hero who has worked hard for China in the past few years.

The sea crosses the sea, showing his heroic qualities

He is the first mayor of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government ,He is also the well-known Minister of Foreign Affairs in China, and he also commanded many famous battles during the Anti-Japanese War. When he was young, he went to France to study, and after the founding of New China, he also used Go to open the door of Chinese diplomacy. He can be said to be a famous decathlon figure——Chen Yi

In his later years, Marshal Chen Yi often suffered severe abdominal pain. The medicine prescribed by the hospital did not help his condition, and he was later hospitalized in Beijing. When he was diagnosed with bowel cancer ……

On January 6, 1972, Marshal Chen Yi fought fierce enemies on the battlefield, but he still failed to defeat the disease, leaving the years forever on that day.

After the death of Chen Yi was sent to Beijing Babaoshan. At that time, Chairman Mao, who was also very old, attended Chen Yi's memorial service in person.

Tu just Seven words dyed silk, one hundred thousand army tents cry Liu Gong

Their ashes were scattered on the battlefield where they had struggled hard-Marshal Liu Bocheng and Marshal Xu Xiangqian.

Liu Bocheng spent his entire life on the battlefield. He lost his right eye as a result of fighting during the Xinhai period in 1916. He participated in the Northern Expedition and the Agrarian Revolution. During this period, he met Premier Zhou and Marshal Zhu De. The Long March of the Red Army, the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, and the War of Liberation of all have the shadow of Liu Bocheng desperately fighting the war, and they are known as the "military god".

On October 7, 1986, Liu Bocheng passed away. According to his last wish during his lifetime: after his death, he will scatter his ashes on the Taihang Mountains and the Huaihai land, and there are other battlefields. On October 16, Liu Bocheng's memorial service was solemnly held in the Great Hall of the People. After it was over, his sons and daughters scattered his ashes on the place where they had fought. The same request was made by Marshal Xu Xiangqian.

Xu Xiangqian said his last wish to his children before his death: that is not to engage in funerals and memorial services.Sprinkle your ashes on Dabie Mountain , Daba Mountain , Taihang Mountain and Hexi Corridor.

On September 21, 1990, Xu Xiangqian passed away. After his ashes were scattered on the battlefield, Marshal Xu Xiangqian's ashes and portrait were placed in his hometown, Wutai County Martyrs Cemetery.

The last "handsome" star will eventually fall, not forgetting the original heart and the country.

In his later years, he was admitted to the hospital for medical reasons. For several months before his death, he still insisted on working in the hospital bed. His ashes were also buried in two places at the same time-Marshal Nie Rongzhen in accordance with the will.

Marshal Nie Rongzhen continued to work when he was in the hospital bed. In fact, according to the doctor's advice, he could no longer work, but in the end he agreed that Nie Rongzhen could work for half an hour in the morning and in the afternoon. But even so, Marshal Nie Rongzhen never stopped during this period.

On the morning of May 14, 1992, Nie Rongzhen was still asking the secretary about some national affairs in the morning. After an hour, he quietly left the world. According to Nie Rongzhen's will, his ashes will be buried in two places.

Nie Rongzhen has been fighting for the country all his life. He thinks that after his death, his will will be buried in the Beijing Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery, and there is another place to be buried, that is, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center .

The above is the last place guarded by the nine new Chinese marshals. China can rely on them to work hard today. Careful friends among them will find that many of them are buried in the revolutionary cemetery in Babaoshan, Beijing. Because of this place, the establishment of this place was started when New China was first established, and it was designed to provide a peaceful and pure land for the martyrs and revolutionary seniors.

Do these marshals have anything you want to express? Are there any friends who are guarded by the marshals? You can share what you know and stories in the comment area.
