Those "Japanese Eight Ways" I know

Back then, they fought side by side with the Chinese military and civilians and made outstanding contributions to the cause of the Chinese people's liberation. After the smoke cleared, they returned to their hometowns one after another, and worked hard for the normalization of Sino-Japanese relations and the friendship between the two countries for generations. They are the Japanese Eighth Route Army, the veterans of the People's Liberation Army, Maeda Mitsuhiro, Jianjing Shigeo, and soldier Yoshiki... On the eve of the August 1st Army Day in 2010, the author got to know these veterans because of work.

summer Yanshan green and green, after a torrential rain, the 38th group army camp at the foot of the mountain has a new look. The honor guard lined up to welcome Japanese guests from afar. A group of gray-haired old people stepped off the bus and walked slowly towards the reviewing platform. On the reviewing stage, the Japanese guests even raised their right hands to salute the military flag. Many people sang military songs with tears in their eyes. The escorts present were shocked! "We are home!" Seeing the banner "Warmly welcome the delegation of Japanese veterans to visit", the head of the delegation, Akio Garden, confided in his heart. "Kill! Kill! Kill!" The training ground shook for nine days. Dozens of heavily armed soldiers were performing assassination exercises. The veteran Maeda Mitsuhiro took it very seriously. He said that the weapons in his hand were not knives and guns, but shouting microphones and leaflets.

In the winter of 1939, Mitsuhiro Maeda and seven other Japanese Eighth Route Army soldiers established the "Japanese Soldiers Awakening Alliance", which was the first anti-war organization of the Japanese in China. After that, the Japanese revolutionary and the awakened Japanese prisoners of war in China set up the banner of anti-war and became a special force in China's war of resistance. Kobayashi Hiroshima also participated in the anti-war propaganda that year. He was wearing a hearing aid, and his voice was very loud: "I shouted to the other side during the battle to conduct anti-war propaganda against the Japanese. Sometimes the place of propaganda was only three to four hundred meters away from the Japanese army." Hearing the anti-war propaganda, the Japanese army would call them "traitors." "Some soldiers even fired shots under the coercion of Japanese officers. "The 36 members of the Anti-Japanese Alliance shed their last blood for the cause of China's War of Resistance."Speaking of the sacrificed comrades, Kobayashi Hirosumi was choked with speech.

^Maeda Hikaru 2 br8sp _span0 span0 pbr8sp _span0span0 pbr8sp _span0sp _span0 pbr8sp _span8sp _span0 But the blood was shed for a just cause. The next day, Kobayashi Kansumi continued to pick up the microphone and tell the Japanese soldiers in the stronghold: "I am a Japanese, and I was also a Japanese army invading China. Let's not engage in such a war of aggression. "Sometimes he will sing Japanese folk songs, "When they hear the folk songs, they will miss their hometown, their loved ones, and give up their sinful acts in China.

At the officer training center, some officers and soldiers are using tank simulators for tactical training. Seeing the seriousness on everyone’s face, Shigeo Kanei talked about teaching Eighth Route Army officers how to fly.

"They also have the same expression when they hold the control stick in their hands." In 1946, in the icy and snowy northeast, a group of young Eighth Route Army officers got into the cockpit of the aircraft, and under the gaze of Jiani Shigeo, they began to use rifles. He pulled the control lever of the airplane. Decades later, the names of these officers were still engraved in his mind. They were Wang Hai, Lin Hu, Liu Yudi, Zhang Jihui... "Rough action is a common problem for them." . One training took off, an officer slammed the joystick and threw the coach out of the plane. No one could have imagined that these "young eagles" who threw the coach out of the plane would be in North Korea a few years later. The sky fluttered high, daring to fight against the powerful air force of the world, " MiG Corridor" became the nightmare of the enemy's talk, and even Davis, the "double ace" who shot down hundreds of aircraft in World War II Defeated.From the Japanese prisoners to the Eighth Route Army instructors, Jianjing Shigeo's journey to "join the army" was quite dramatic.

^1941, the members of the Japanese Anti-war Alliance in China are preparing and distributing anti-war propaganda _span8sp_0span2 A pilot of the Nanjing Air Force. In January 1945, he flew a plane to Sishui County, Shandong Province and was captured by the Eighth Route Army. Faced with the Eighth Route Army soldiers in the shelter, Jiani Shigeo refused to cooperate, and even wanted to "deliver his loyalty" to the emperor with death. Later, one incident changed his view of this army wearing homespun uniforms and simple weapons.

"After I was captured, the Eighth Route Army gave me flatbread and millet porridge every day, but they themselves were often hungry." He understood the connotation of the " three disciplines and eight attention " from the soldiers, and began to look at this former enemy in a different light. Soon, the Eighth Route Army sent him to study at the Shandong branch of the Japanese Workers' and Peasants School. Through painstaking study, Shigeo Kanai's thinking changed. "Japanese militarism advocates wars in China and other places to liberate the people of these countries." After visiting some villages that had been bloodbathed by the Japanese army, he found that the militarists were telling lies. Later, he volunteered to join the "Japanese People's Liberation Alliance" and shouted together on the battlefield with cadres of the Eighth Route Army and enemy industrialists, weakening the will of the Japanese army to fight until the Japanese fascists surrendered. In 1946, he followed the Eighth Route Army, New Fourth Army 100,000 iron flow into the northeast, participated in the creation of " Northeast Democratic Alliance Aviation School ", as a flight instructor, most of his students became the backbone of the new Chinese Air Force.

1958,After returning to his country, Shigeo Kanai often actively worked for the peaceful exchanges between the two peoples. On September 8, 2005, the Chinese state leaders cordially met with Shigeo Kanai and other friendly Japanese persons in the Great Hall of the People, and awarded them the medal of "Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression".

The chests are covered with medals, and the old medals clank the heads of the soldiers. "After the Japanese fascists surrendered, I was abandoned by militarism in the northeast, and survived by begging. The last kind Chinese citizen took me in." Recalling the past, soldier Yoshitou said in Chinese. Later, he was educated in the People's Army and established a world outlook and outlook on life that pursue justice and peace.

Among the many medals, the author recognized one of them as the "Liberation of Northeast Medal", which is . The Fourth Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army awarded the "Victory" to the soldiers after the liberation of the whole northeast. medal". These medals that carry the honor and history of the army have already entered the military history hall. You can see this kind of medals in almost every regimental history hall of the 38th Group Army.

"I am a soldier of the ×× Division ×× Regiment of the 38th Army!" Soldier Yiqing took the initiative to introduce his own experience as a soldier. The voice was not loud, but it shook the nerves of every Chinese soldier present. The ×× regiment is a heroic unit of the group army. This regiment fought hard battles in the war of resistance against Japanese aggression and the liberation war of . The battle that made the regiment world-famous took place in an unknown highland in North Korea. Its name was Songgufeng.

Highlands that are hard to find on this map,Enemies armed to the teeth were bombarded with large-caliber artillery fire, burned with napalm bombs, and bombed with tanks and airplanes. However, the storm of bullets made them quickly defeated. For several days, they could not fully occupy the high ground.

Author Wei Wei’s famous story "Who is the cutest person in " truly recorded the fierce battles, so the "Song Bone Peak Hero Group" was named in military history. Although the soldier Yiqing did not participate when the "Songgufeng Hero Group" became famous, he stayed in China, looking for his troops through newspapers and radio every day, and paying attention to the safety of his comrades. The comrade-in-arms coagulated with blood is also the topic he talks about most. In the conference center, facing the faces of young soldiers in the audience, he tremblingly took out a letter from his pocket, opened it respectfully, and said: "This is a letter written to the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Before the August 1st Army Day in 2000, a Japanese veteran wrote this letter. Before the letter was sent, he passed away. Now, please allow me to replace him and read it to the great Chinese People’s Liberation Army. Read this family letter."

"On the 73rd anniversary of the glorious People's Liberation Army, I would like to express my high respect to you. I am a Japanese veteran of the Fourth Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Back then, I Fighting side by side with Chinese comrades, from Baishan and Heishui to the coast of the South China Sea, establishing a friendship of life and death... After returning to Japan, I have visited China many times and traveled many places, but I have never been to the PLA barracks. For so many years, I have a dream, to go back to the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, which has been away for half a century, and to look at my dear comrades..." A major mission. After a long silence, he exhausted all his strength and said one word at a time: "I love my motherland, Japan, and my second homeland, China." "Long live the Chinese People's Liberation Army!"

at this moment ,The warm applause lasts for a long time...

