Hold your American thighs hard? Britain, France and Germany decided to send troops to the Indo-Pacific, Japan, South Korea, India and Australia all choose sides

2020/12/1120:10:21 military 2380

Even after the baptism of the epidemic, the United States still behaves very hard, and it is a deadly place for hegemonism. If you want to control power, you must have the support of allies. Therefore, many allies remain under the military threat of the United States. The mentality of being voluntarily had to face it.

Hold your American thighs hard? Britain, France and Germany decided to send troops to the Indo-Pacific, Japan, South Korea, India and Australia all choose sides - DayDayNews

The Indo-Pacific region will face a huge threat

On December 8, the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov stated that the United States is trying to challenge the status of the United Nations. The European Union is already leaning toward the United States. Only the United Nations remains in the middle ground and persists. This is not true. The United States wants to see. The situation of

is not a stable situation for Eastern Europe and Russia, and the Indo-Pacific region is facing huge challenges just like Eastern Europe. Biden and wanted to replicate Obama’s policies and joined forces with allies to besiege opponents. On December 7th, the United States and Japan conducted a joint military exercise, and the military exercise lineup is also quite large. The United States has 1,000 people and Japan has it. 4000 people, the military exercise will last until December 15.

Hold your American thighs hard? Britain, France and Germany decided to send troops to the Indo-Pacific, Japan, South Korea, India and Australia all choose sides - DayDayNews

U.S. military exercises have been quite frequent recently. Prior to this, the United States, Japan, India and Australia had conducted joint military exercises. Japan said that it would always support the United States, and the United Kingdom took the opportunity to express its desire to join the U.S. team and said that it would The number" was sent to the Pacific for joint military exercises. Watching Britain join the war, France must also make clear its position in due course. The French Chief of Naval Staff said that the military exercise is a demonstration of multilateral relations and an important signal of French-Japanese cooperation. French aircraft carriers are also ready to move. The fact that countries are closely watching the Indo-Pacific region will also put a certain pressure on the international situation. This is a naked provocation against China and Russia. Z1z

Hold your American thighs hard? Britain, France and Germany decided to send troops to the Indo-Pacific, Japan, South Korea, India and Australia all choose sides - DayDayNews

US hegemonism is constantly expanding. Z8z

has won the support of many countries in France, Japan, India, Germany, Australia and South Korea, which will also greatly increase the strength of the United States, and it will definitely be very powerful in the control of the Indo-Pacific region. The United States has always wanted to increase its control over the EU and NATO through military exercises, but the seemingly invincible alliance is actually full of loopholes.

Every country has its own small abacus, and every country wants to get something for nothing. It is worth mentioning that South Korea has no intention of joining in many military exercises. Perhaps it is because South Korea does not want to take a trip to the muddy waters. Although the United States, Japan, Australia and India conducted military exercises before, South Korea still stands firm.

Hold your American thighs hard? Britain, France and Germany decided to send troops to the Indo-Pacific, Japan, South Korea, India and Australia all choose sides - DayDayNews

No matter what the minds of France, Japan, India, Germany and Australia are, they have to rely on the United States to survive. The policy of the United States determines their national position. Such a passive choice is not a good thing. More initiative. "We need to be hard on ourselves." No matter when and where we are strong, we are really strong. Over-reliance on the United States will only become a favorite among the "cannon fodder", without any benefit.

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