Japanese movie air mother Ibuki Comments: The protagonist of the drama style is possessed by the halo, and the slot can be filled with a basket

2020/07/0413:32:02 military 2425

Since 2014, Kawaguchi Keiji’s work "Empire Ibuki" has been popular in Japan. On May 24, 2019, this movie was put on the big screen. Soon after it was released, the film "Sky Mother Ibuki" got good box office performance. This film reflects Japan’s attitude toward the use of aircraft carriers, so there are many expectations for the outside world. But in fact, this film is lacklustre, and there is a whole lot of slots.

Japanese movie air mother Ibuki Comments: The protagonist of the drama style is possessed by the halo, and the slot can be filled with a basket - DayDayNews

Aircraft carrier formation details and plot setting

According to the background settings of comics, novels and movies, the Japanese aircraft carrier "Ibuki" was placed in the "Pegasus" plan under. The ship is modified with an "Izumo" class helicopter carrier. In order to carry a stealth carrier-based fighter, a skideck is installed at the front of the flight deck, and its hull number is DDV-192. Equipped with 15 F-35JB stealth fighters, divided into three teams. For the purpose of exclusive defense, the "Ibuki" aircraft carrier deployed only 8 F-35JB fighter jets, and was also equipped with helicopters to retain its anti-submarine function.

With the "Ibuki" aircraft carrier as the core, Japan formed the fifth escort group. The units in the formation are: two "Aegis" destroyers, the appearance of the film should be 1 "King Kong" class and 1 "Atago" class; two general-purpose frigates; 1 AIP submarine; 1 fleet Supply ship. Air defense and anti-missile is mainly composed of "King Kong" class or "Atago" class destroyers, while anti-submarine is equipped with "Aslock" missile frigates and AIP submarines.

Japanese movie air mother Ibuki Comments: The protagonist of the drama style is possessed by the halo, and the slot can be filled with a basket - DayDayNews

The movie plot scene is set to 20×× years, the virtual East Asian Federation dispatched fishing boats to infiltrate, and attacked a Japanese ship, boarded the disputed island, and Japan began immediately. In response to an emergency, the "Ibuki" aircraft carrier battle group was dispatched. The two sides engaged in a series of intense competitions around the island conflict.

Soon after the aircraft carrier "Ibuki" appeared, it was ambushed by the East Asian Federation submarine group. Despite the desperate resistance of the "Ibuki" aircraft carrier battle group, it was still hit, the elevator was damaged, the captain was injured, and the deputy captain took the job. Subsequently, the aircraft carrier "Ibuki" and the joint combat forces of the East Asian Federation battled their wits. At the most critical moment, the five major forces of the United Nations intervened and the two sides halted their troops and stopped fighting.

Japanese movie air mother Ibuki Comments: The protagonist of the drama style is possessed by the halo, and the slot can be filled with a basket - DayDayNews


possessed by the protagonist's halo

It stands to reason that the "Ibuki" aircraft carrier elevator was destroyed and temporarily lost its aviation combat capability. At this time, it should exit the battlefield at the fastest speed, but the plot development of the movie did not. After the first wave of missiles hit the "Ibuki" aircraft carrier, the East Asian Federation did not rapidly expand the results, but carried out various nonsensical attacks based on the halo settings of the protagonist of the film.

In the film, the submarine of the East Asian Federation launched multiple torpedo attacks. The "Ibuki" was stunned, and even arranged sensational details for a frigate to block the torpedo. This reminds us of the U.S. Navy at that time. The positioning of the "Perry" class frigate.

Japanese movie air mother Ibuki Comments: The protagonist of the drama style is possessed by the halo, and the slot can be filled with a basket - DayDayNews

The MiG-35 carrier-based fighter of the East Asian Confederation (the movie is set in this way) mainly conducted two waves of assaults, both of which were carried out shortly after Japan hesitated. In the first wave, there were 5 fighter planes, and 10 anti-ship missiles were launched in two batches. The first batch was a high-altitude launch of anti-ship missiles, four aircraft launched a total of eight, all of which were intercepted by ship-to-air missiles or near-defense guns launched by the "Ibuki" aircraft carrier. The remaining one carried out an ultra-low-altitude penetration, and the captain made an accurate judgment "wisdom" and then dispatched F-35JB fighter jets to shoot it down. The second batch of

was a large-scale raid of 24 aircraft. It was almost at the end of the film. The East Asian Federation only remembered to use a regiment-scale fleet to carry out a saturated assault. Even in the case of a damaged ship, the Japanese aircraft carrier battle group still had a high will to fight, and it was a magical body that stopped all these anti-ship missiles. The angry enemy fleet killed one of the F-35JB stealth fighters, fired six air-to-air missiles, exploded it, and the pilot parachuted to escape.

At the last moment, the opponent's submarine appeared and launched a large number of torpedoes. Seeing this, I thought "The "Ibuki" aircraft carrier must be over. But at the last moment, the torpedo exploded bizarrely as it approached the formation. It turned out that the "Ibuki" "reinforcements" arrived. These "reinforcements" are the submarine fleets of the five major UN permanent members. In order to keep the "Ibuki" alive, the screenwriters of the film really took great pains. Even the British and French nuclear submarines that would not appear in Asia basically were moved from Europe.

In short, the "Ibuki" aircraft carrier Even all kinds of "unable to die." In actual combat conditions, the "Ibuki" aircraft carrier simply could not last for so long. After being attacked and injured by the first wave of anti-ship missiles, the "Ibuki" aircraft carrier was actually sunk. It has already been decided. As long as the opponent conducts a full wave of 24 fighter jets, the "Ibuki" aircraft carrier can basically go to the sea to feed fish.

Japanese movie air mother Ibuki Comments: The protagonist of the drama style is possessed by the halo, and the slot can be filled with a basket - DayDayNews

Artillery battle serious cheating

"Air Mother Ibuki" director's plot arrangement is unreasonable, not only "Ibuki" aircraft carrier "unsinkable" under the protagonist's halo, but also reflected in the artillery battle between the two sides. The middle link of the film, East Asian Federation Two destroyers came and were discovered, and Japan sent a "King Kong" class destroyer to confront them.

According to the plot, the "King Kong" class uses the Otto Breda 127mm naval gun. This type The artillery is equipped with "volcano" shells with a maximum range of up to 100 kilometers, but they are not used. They use conventional shells. When conventional shells are used, their effective range is 30 kilometers. One of the two destroyers of the opponent is " The Hyundai class, the other is the “Dreadnought” II type.

Japanese movie air mother Ibuki Comments: The protagonist of the drama style is possessed by the halo, and the slot can be filled with a basket - DayDayNews

Both the “Hyundai” class destroyers and the “Dreadnought” II type are equipped with twin-mounted AK-130 guns. "Class" destroyers have two AK-130 naval guns, and "Dreadnought" II destroyers have one. In contrast, "King Kong" class destroyers are equipped with only one Otto Breda 127mm naval gun. If in actual combat The Chinese two sides are engaged in artillery battle, and the "King Kong"-class destroyers have to fight against them. They are not opponents at all.

But in order to reflect the "brave" of the "King Kong"-class destroyers, the director is surprised to give it a halo bonus. Otto · The Breda 127mm naval gun is described as having a longer range than the AK-130 naval gun, and the "King Kong" class destroyer’s artillery skills are very impressive. In the case of extremely tense combat, the distance between the two sides is about 20 kilometers. By the time the first hit, the opponent had no response and was injured.

Japanese movie air mother Ibuki Comments: The protagonist of the drama style is possessed by the halo, and the slot can be filled with a basket - DayDayNews

In the second artillery battle, the opponent’s destroyer finally reacted, but just as the turret turned, it was "King Kong". Class destroyers were also injured by the precise artillery fire. In this artillery battle, the "King Kong" class destroyers were still very entangled. Originally, they wanted to use the Harpoon anti-ship missiles, but considering that each ship would have 300 people "The casualties", so I made up my mind to use artillery battle, and finally won.

I don’t know how the director is so confident in the guns of the "King Kong" class destroyers. Even on the land, it is very difficult to make a first hit, and the gun must be calibrated before the head can be ensured. The "King Kong" class destroyer is at sea. Although it has a fire control radar bonus, it is basically impossible to make a first hit. For the sake of the plot, the "King Kong" class destroyer is simply cheating seriously. And the director also made a huge joke. The AK-130 naval gun is actually a double-mounted gun, but it has been weakened to a single tube.

In fact, in addition to the "Ibuki" itself and the destroyer gun battle, there are many slots. For example, the performance of the deputy captain of the "Ibuki" in the course of combat cannot actually be called a qualified commander. Such slots can be filled with a basket, and everyone can look for them slowly.

Japanese movie air mother Ibuki Comments: The protagonist of the drama style is possessed by the halo, and the slot can be filled with a basket - DayDayNews

Viewing effect comments

From the film point of view, "Empty Mother Yibuki" can hardly be called the best work. The biggest sticking point of war films is that the plot arrangement is not tight and it looks loose. And the length of this film is 134 minutes, which is mixed with details of maritime formation operations, the lives of Japanese civilians, and the "difficult" decision-making of the top. I want to be sensational, but I want to explore Japanese possessionThe rationality of the aircraft carrier, but it seems to be mechanical, the reason is very pale.

The second thing that makes people complain about "Empress Ibuki" is that the opponent's scene is not full and unreal. The multiple attacks of the East Asian Federation formations made people feel weak due to the protagonist's aura too prominent. For war dramas, if the opponent is overly weakened, no matter how prominent the protagonist’s "shenwu" is, it will appear to be insufficient.

Japanese movie air mother Ibuki Comments: The protagonist of the drama style is possessed by the halo, and the slot can be filled with a basket - DayDayNews

In the end, it was due to the excessive emphasis on the battle of the "Ibuki" aircraft carrier, and did not show the grand confrontation scene of the original work. In fact, naval battle films can be made very well if they are careful, highlighting the details of training at sea, scenes of officers and soldiers' lives, and some necessary details, and the audience will appreciate it.

Japan has actually made a lot of successful naval battle films, some of which are very chewy even from today’s perspective. However, in the author's opinion, this film with obvious tendencies may not even be considered a third-rate film to compare with classic naval battle films. Finally, don't think that "Ibuki" can become a real aircraft carrier with F-35JB fighter jets. It must have a complete system. Using this kind of half-way foreigner to fight against a very aircraft carrier, if its performance is to fight against a real aircraft carrier, the result should be the opposite of the movie, and it will definitely be hammered.

Japanese movie air mother Ibuki Comments: The protagonist of the drama style is possessed by the halo, and the slot can be filled with a basket - DayDayNews

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