In 1951, our army captured a National Army major general in Yingde, Guangdong, and the National Army major general was subsequently sentenced to death. Chairman Mao immediately replied: "Immediately release this major general of the national army and give him a job."

2024/06/2320:50:33 military 1538

In 1951, our army captured a National Army major general in Yingde, Guangdong, and was subsequently sentenced to death. Ye Jianying quickly stopped the incident after learning about it and sent a telegram to Chairman Mao asking how to rescue the national army major general.

Chairman Mao immediately replied: "Immediately release this major general of the national army and give him a job."

So who is this major general of the national army who was sentenced to death? What's so special about him? Why was he released by Chairman Mao as an exception and given work arrangements?

In 1951, our army captured a National Army major general in Yingde, Guangdong, and the National Army major general was subsequently sentenced to death. Chairman Mao immediately replied:

Mo Xiong

saved Chiang Kai-shek, but was avenged

The national army major general who was sentenced to death was named Mo Xiong. He was born in Yingde, Guangdong in 1891. In his early years, Mo Xiong was known as "Big Brother Mo" within the Kuomintang's party and military. Because he had friends in red, yellow, blue, white and black, he was also known as the "Five Color General".

In 1907, Mo Xiong joined the Alliance in Guangzhou. In 1909, he was ordered to join the Guangdong New Army, ready to coordinate the armed uprising of the Revolutionary Party at any time. After the outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising, Mo Xiong successively served as platoon leader, company commander and other positions in the Guangdong Northern Expeditionary Army. He followed Mr. Sun Yat-sen and repeatedly made outstanding achievements in the Guangdong Army.

In 1922, when the Northern Expeditionary Army was attacking the warlord Wu Peifu, Chiang Kai-shek served as a member of the base camp and chief of staff of the Second Army of the Guangdong Army. He was mainly responsible for the stay of the base camp. However, while Chiang Kai-shek stayed behind, tens of thousands of bandits from the mountains near Guilin suddenly surrounded the base camp. Chiang Kai-shek was in danger and urgently sent a rescue signal to the Fourth Independent Brigade of the Cantonese Army.

At that time, this distress signal happened to be seen by Mo Xiong, the lieutenant colonel commander of the Fourth Independent Brigade of the Guangdong Army, so he led two battalions and risked his life to rescue Chiang Kai-shek. This was also the beginning of the extraordinary friendship between Mo Xiong and Chiang Kai-shek.

In June 1922, Chen Jiongming launched a mutiny against Mr. Sun Yat-sen. At that time, Mo Xiong served as a lieutenant colonel and battalion commander in the Guangdong Army stationed in Wuzhou, and concurrently served as the commander of the Wuzhou garrison. With the help of Mo Xiong, the 9 Yunnan and Guangxi brigades stationed in east of Guangxi and the 2 Guangdong regiments under Mo Xiong formed the "West Route Anti-Japanese Army", with Mo Xiong serving as the former enemy commander.

In 1951, our army captured a National Army major general in Yingde, Guangdong, and the National Army major general was subsequently sentenced to death. Chairman Mao immediately replied:

In this way, a total of more than 40,000 people from the "West Route Anti-Rebel Army" marched south from Xijiang River and drove the rebels led by Chen Jiongming out of Guangzhou City in one fell swoop, laying the foundation for Dr. Sun Yat-sen's third establishment of a revolutionary regime in Guangzhou. Achieved great military exploits.

Moxiong likes to use roundabout battles. Frontal pretend attacks and side sieges are his specialties. Due to Mo Xiong's meritorious service and his participation in the Huanghuagang Uprising, the National Defense Campaign against Yuan Shikai, etc., the Generalissimo's Office specially promoted Mo Xiong from lieutenant colonel to battalion commander to major general and brigade commander . It is worth mentioning that Mo Xiong was only 31 years old at the time.

In January 1924, Sun Yat-sen reorganized the Chinese Kuomintang and implemented the three major policies of "alliance with Russia, alliance with the Communist Party, and support for agriculture and industry", and implemented cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. During this period, Mo Xiong had been following Mr. Sun Yat-sen in the revolution.

On March 12, 1925, Mr. Sun Yat-sen passed away. From then on, Chiang Kai-shek completely exposed his true face. Not long after, Chiang Kai-shek used the assassination of Liao Zhongkai as an excuse to arrest many generals of the Cantonese army and forced away his old boss Xu Chongzhi.

htmlOn September 20, in order to seize the power of the Guangdong Army, Chiang Kai-shek did not hesitate to use Xu Chongzhi's order to command the army to surround Shilong , and said that Mo Xiong's 11th Division was a counter-revolutionary army. Chiang Kai-shek then disbanded Mo Xiong's 11th Division on the spot, and Mo Xiong had no choice but to go to Macau alone.

In 1927, Mo Xiong defected to Zhang Fakui and served as the commander of the major general, stationed in Guangzhou. In October, Mo Xiong served as the commander of Zhang Fakui's fourth division of the "Mobile Army" and cooperated with Zhang Fakui in the revolution against Chiang Kai-shek. In July 1930, Zhang Fakui resigned after his failed rebellion against Chiang Kai-shek. Mo Xiong had no choice but to come to Shanghai and found him at the end of this year. Song Ziwen was appointed by him to inspect the Ministry of Finance.

In 1951, our army captured a National Army major general in Yingde, Guangdong, and the National Army major general was subsequently sentenced to death. Chairman Mao immediately replied:

item and year

In 1930, Mo Xiong happened to meet Liu Yafo, a member of the Communist Party of China, when he went to Shanghai. Liu Yafo was Mo Xiong's former subordinate. When Mo Xiong served as the commander of the 11th Division of the Guangdong Army in 1925, Liu Yafo served as the director of the political department of the division.

After Liu Yafo's introduction, Mo Xiong met other CCP members, such as Xiang Yunian, Yan Xichun, Lu Zhiying and others, and established an alliance with CCP leaders Zhou Enlai, Li Kenong and Central Special Branch connect.

Later Mo Xiong recalled: "Zhou Enlai and others often used revolutionary principles to enlighten me, introduced me to the Russian October Revolution, and introduced to me how the Soviet regime under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin defeated the invasion of the 14-nation coalition. In addition to In addition, they also publicized the revolutionary program of the Communist Party of China to me."

At the same time, Mo Xiong asked Li Kenong to join the party. Li Kenong asked Yan Xichun to convey the party's opinions:

"Mr. Mo is a revolutionary veteran. He is a loyal follower of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. We welcome your request to join the Communist Party. However, the organization believes that Mr. Mo has seniority and social connections in the Kuomintang. For the sake of work convenience, it is better not to join the Communist Party for the time being.

The opportunity to join the party in the future. There are many. Although you are not a party member, if the party needs you to do something and you are within your ability, please help. If you think it is beneficial to the party, please try your best to do it. "

Mo Xiongfen. Understand our party's approach and regard Li Kenong's words as his commitment to the party. He has worked hard for this all his life and secretly provided huge help to the underground party many times.

In 1951, our army captured a National Army major general in Yingde, Guangdong, and the National Army major general was subsequently sentenced to death. Chairman Mao immediately replied:

The Anti-Japanese War in Songhu broke out in 1932. Mo Xiong commanded the tax police force and the 19th Route Army to fight against the Japanese army. After the armistice in Shanghai, Mo Xiong led his troops to Haizhou, the famous production area of ​​Huaihua salt, but there are also many salt lords. They destroy the salt tax all year round and do many evil things.

After Mo Xiong asked Song Ziwen for instructions and received Chiang Kai-shek's consent, he sent troops to wipe out the salt owl. A large number of salt owl, bandit leaders and relevant officials were executed. Since then, tax revenue has increased significantly, and Mo Xiong has also received awards. The people are particularly happy and have erected monuments to praise him.

Saved nearly 100,000 Red Army soldiers

In January 1934, Chiang Kai-shek appointed Mo Xiong as the commissioner and security commander of the Fourth Administrative Office in northern Jiangxi. Mo Xiong said to Yan Xichun: "Please send some Communists to work with me!"

In this way, the Shanghai Special Branch of the Communist Party of China sent Lu Zhiying , Xiang and Nian and Liu Dufo and many other Communists members and arranged them to hold important positions next to Mo Xiong.

html In September, Chiang Kai-shek held a secret military meeting in Guling, Lushan Mountain, and under the planning of German consultant Seekert, he formulated an "iron barrel encirclement and suppression" plan to completely "annihilate" the Central Red Army :

Chiang Kai-shek prepared to mobilize 1.5 million people. The army, 270 aircraft and 200 artillery pieces aimed at Ruijin . Each unit carried out a centripetal attack and then formed a large encirclement 150 kilometers away from Ruijin.

In addition, the Kuomintang army attacked 5 kilometers every day, built a bunker fortification, and built 30 barbed wire fences and fire blockades around Ruijin to cut off traffic, block the way forward for the Red Army, and finally suppress the main force of the Red Army to a small area. Have a decisive battle.

In 1951, our army captured a National Army major general in Yingde, Guangdong, and the National Army major general was subsequently sentenced to death. Chairman Mao immediately replied:

Chiang Kai-shek

In order to prevent the Red Army from breaking through, Chiang Kai-shek's "Iron Barrel Encirclement and Suppression Plan" also equipped 1,000 military trucks to quickly transport troops to conduct mobile interceptions, in order to completely "annihilate" the Red Army in the Central Soviet Area within a month.

Chiang Kai-shek was very confident in his "Iron Barrel Encirclement and Suppression Plan". He vowed at the meeting: "The great cause of 'suppressing the Communists' will be completed in this battle!" However, what Chiang Kai-shek never expected was that this "day" The "Iron Barrel Encirclement and Suppression" plan, known as the "No. 1 Secret", will be fully grasped by the underground party of the Chinese Communist Party on the night after the meeting.

On the night after the meeting, Mo Xiong risked being beheaded by leaking secrets and rushed back to De'an. He handed over a complete set of "iron barrel encirclement and suppression" plans to the CCP liaison officer Xiang Yunian, and said: "Hurry up and find a way." Hand this plan over to your superiors without any delay!"

After Xiang Yunian received the information, because the situation was extremely urgent, he approached underground party members Liu Mifu and Lu Zhiying to discuss it, and discussed it through the secret radio station in Nanchang . Urgently report the key points of the "Iron Barrel Encirclement and Suppression" plan to the Central Soviet Area.

However, Xiang Yunian considered that the Red Army needed specific deployment of enemy forces in order to counter the "encirclement and suppression" campaign in the Soviet area, and he had to find a way to send this plan to the central Soviet area. So Xiang Yunian, Liu Yafo and other three people used secret writing potion to write down the planned enemy troop deployment, firepower equipment, attack plan and other key points in four student dictionaries overnight, and decided who would be able to speak Hakka. Xiang Yunian was responsible for the task of sending intelligence.

Xiang Yunian pretended to be a teacher and set out with a dictionary. After entering the Taihe Mountains, he found that the roads in and out of the Soviet area were blocked by the Kuomintang troops. In order to avoid the checkpoints set by the Kuomintang army, Xiang Yunian had no choice but to rest during the day and travel at night, secretly moving forward.

In 1951, our army captured a National Army major general in Yingde, Guangdong, and the National Army major general was subsequently sentenced to death. Chairman Mao immediately replied:

As he was approaching the Central Soviet Area, Xiang Yunian discovered that the enemy situation was more serious than he imagined. There were enemy bunkers in almost every village, and there were sentries at every mountain intersection. Xiang Yunian kept thinking about how to pass the level, and finally decided to dress up as a "beggar" to confuse the enemy.

But beggars can’t just wipe a little dirt on them. In order to avoid the enemy’s search, Xiang Yunian ruthlessly knocked off his four front teeth. The next day, Xiang Yunian came to the checkpoint with a swollen face and weedy hair. He hid four dictionaries in a stained bag, with rancid food on top of which he had begged. As soon as he walked in front of the sentry, the sentry didn't even search and let him go.

With his outstanding courage and wisdom, Xiang Yunian went through all the hardships and finally passed the enemy's checkpoints and arrived at the CPC Central Committee's headquarters in Shazhouba, Ruijin, Jiangxi on October 7. When Xiang Yunian stumbled towards the temporary headquarters of the Party Central Committee, before the guards could stop him, they heard a hoarse "Zhou Enlai".

The guards were very puzzled. They stared at the beggar who had a stench all over his body, and quickly reported the situation to Zhou Enlai. When Zhou Enlai saw the unkempt "beggar", it took him a long time to recognize that he was his old subordinate Xiang Yunian from some details.

Zhou Enlai was shocked and said: "Yunian, how did you become like this?" Xiang Yunian took the water handed by the guard, and then reported the whole incident to Zhou Enlai. After listening to Xiang Yunian's report, Zhou Enlai immediately ordered the Red Army's combat intelligence department to transcribe the four secret dictionaries, analyze them carefully and report them to the Central Committee and the Military Commission.

In 1951, our army captured a National Army major general in Yingde, Guangdong, and the National Army major general was subsequently sentenced to death. Chairman Mao immediately replied:

At that time, Li De, Bogu and others ordered the Red Army to set up defenses everywhere, trying to respond to the Kuomintang's attack by combining positional defense with "short assault". Although the central government had already made preparations for the main force of the Red Army to withdraw from the Soviet area as early as May, and received a secret telegram from Nanchang a few days ago and learned about the Kuomintang's "iron barrel encirclement and suppression" plan, Bogu and others still advocated that the Red Army should maintain a strong presence in the base area. Smash the enemy's "encirclement and suppression" campaign.

Now that they saw the materials Xiang Yunian risked their lives to send, they realized the seriousness of the matter. So on October 10, in the name of the Provisional Central Military Commission, he issued an action order for "strategic transfer". Taking advantage of the fact that Chiang Kai-shek's "iron barrel" had not yet encircled the enemy, he launched a breakout campaign, starting from Ruijin and in the capital . On the 25,000-mile Long March.

This information Mo Xiong risked not only saved Chairman Mao, Zhou Enlai and others, but also saved nearly 100,000 Red Army soldiers.

took the initiative to evacuate, allowing the Red Army to occupy Bijie without a single soldier. In March 1935, Chiang Kai-shek issued another order to Mo Xiong to "fly to Guiyang quickly".Mo Xiong took a plane from Nanchang to Hankou to Guizhou. Since the plane was occupied by several military agents in Hankou in the name of "transporting important supplies," he had to borrow a private plane from Zhang Xueliang to go to Guiyang.

After Chiang Kai-shek met Mo Xiong, he appointed him as the security commander and administrative inspection commissioner of the "Suppression of the Communist Party", and asked him to lead the original team of the Jiangxi Fourth District Security Department and the Inspectorate to station at Bijie at the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces. , in order to "annihilate" the seven to eight thousand Red Army sick and wounded here.

In 1951, our army captured a National Army major general in Yingde, Guangdong, and the National Army major general was subsequently sentenced to death. Chairman Mao immediately replied:

In order to allow Mo Xiong to successfully complete his mission, Chiang Kai-shek also assigned him the strength of a Central Division (formerly the 63rd Division of Xue Yue's Second Route Army). However, Chiang Kai-shek's move was nominally under the command of Mo Xiong, but in fact it was used to monitor Mo Xiong. Mo Xiong was also well aware of Chiang Kai-shek's thoughts.

Bijie is located in the northwest of Guizhou, in the hinterland of the Wumeng Mountain. It is the key to the three provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou. It is also the only place to pass from the southwest to Huguang. Its strategic position is very important. As soon as he arrived in Bijie, Mo Xiong quickly figured out the bottom line: the Red Army had thousands of sick and wounded stranded in Bijie. If the powerful 63rd Division were to deal with these sick and wounded, the consequences would be disastrous.

Mo Xiong quickly discussed with underground members of the Communist Party of China Lu Zhiying, Liu Yafo and others, and decided to take advantage of the 63rd Division Commander Chen Guangzhong 's weakness of lust for wine and sex, and invite him to fish and hunt every few days. Chen Guangzhong had heard of Mo Xiong before, and his old boss Xue Yue had an extraordinary friendship with Mo Xiong. Now that he could be entertained by Mo Xiong, he was naturally overjoyed and would also "suppress" The task of "communism" was completely forgotten.

Mo Xiong also followed the trend and did not take the initiative to give any instructions to Chen Guangzhong; at the same time, Mo Xiong also took the initiative to send a telegram to Chiang Kai-shek, saying that "the Red Army here has been eliminated." At this time, Chiang Kai-shek was troubled by the disadvantages of pursuing and intercepting the main forces of the Red Army's Long March , so he did not take the telegram sent by Mo Xiong to heart.

Lu Zhiying and others quickly notified the Red Army's sick and wounded through secret communication lines to carry out the battle. The border guerrilla column also seized this opportunity to successfully avoid the "pursuit" of the Sichuan and Yunnan armies and replenished and recuperated near Bijie.

In 1951, our army captured a National Army major general in Yingde, Guangdong, and the National Army major general was subsequently sentenced to death. Chairman Mao immediately replied:

He Long

Just when Mo Xiong was playing an important role in protecting the lives of Red Army soldiers, He Long and Xiao Ke led the Red Second and Red Sixth Army to pretend to attack Guiyang according to the instructions of the Red Army headquarters to confuse the enemy. Attracting the main force of the enemy troops to the vicinity of Guizhou, they took the opportunity to break through the natural barrier of the Yachi River in Guizhou, and occupied Qianxi County in Qianxi, known as the "Eastern Gate of Northwest Guizhou" on February 3, 1936.

Two days later, the Second Red Army and the Sixth Red Army held the famous Western Guizhou Conference here, and successively established the Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou Provincial Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Soviet People's Republic, and formulated the strategic decision to create the northwest Guizhou base area. .

The Kuomintang was so frightened by our army's actions that even Long Yun, who was far away in Kunming, sent a telegram to personally direct the defense affairs in the area of ​​ Zhenxiong in neighboring Bijie Township. However, Mo Xiong's troops stationed in Bijie suddenly withdrew from here and took charge of rear security.

In this way, the Second Red Army and the Sixth Red Army occupied Bijie, the political, economic, and cultural center of northwest Guizhou without any effort. The Red Army troops stayed near Bijie for more than half a month. During this period, more than 5,000 people actively signed up to join the Red Army. The army's strength was replenished, its team was revised, and its logistics supplies were strengthened.

Mo Xiong was about to be executed. When Chairman Mao learned about it, he released him immediately and arranged a job for him. In August 1938, Mo Xiong served as the guerrilla commander of Guangzhou District 23 and the county magistrate of Nanxiong. At that time, Nanxiong Prison held hundreds of CCP members, Red Army soldiers and progressives. Most of them were captured by Yu Hanmou's "communist suppression" troops in Hunan, Guangzhou and other places and then taken to Nanxiong for detention.

In 1951, our army captured a National Army major general in Yingde, Guangdong, and the National Army major general was subsequently sentenced to death. Chairman Mao immediately replied:

At this time, Yun Guangying, the director of the Eighth Route Army Office in Guangzhou, found Mo Xiong and asked him to find a way to rescue these "prisoners". Mo Xiong nodded and agreed immediately.Soon after, Mo Xiong went to the prison to check and found out that these people were in a very difficult situation, and some had already died in prison.

Regardless of the opposition of some people, Mo Xiong was willing to take the blame and confess to Yu Hanmou, and ordered that all these people be released. They were also given one silver dollar, 5 kilograms of rice and a release certificate signed by him.

Later, Mo Xiong found that 24 important cadres of the Communist Party were imprisoned in secret prisons and sentenced. Mo Xiong did not dare to release him without permission, so he went to negotiate with Yu Hanmou: "Now is the period of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong have both figured out the bottom line. What's wrong with releasing these people to have more anti-Japanese strength?"

After hearing this, Yu Hanmou did not agree, so Mo Xiong had to ask Xu Jingtang to intercede, and only then did Yu Hanmou agree. Although Yu Hanmou promised to release these people, he asked these people to serve as soldiers under Mo Xiong after they were released from prison. Mo Xiong fully agreed, and then these 24 important cadres of the Communist Party were released.

Mo Xiong also went to Wuhan and met Ye Jianying. The two met as old friends and had not known each other for more than ten years. Ye Jianying also introduced to Mo Xiong the situation of the Anti-Japanese War and the Communist Party's anti-Japanese propositions, and gave him a copy of Chairman Mao's " On Protracted War ". If Mo Xiong found a treasure, he immediately instructed the county government to print out 3,000 copies after returning home, and he would give them to his relatives, friends and subordinates.

In 1951, our army captured a National Army major general in Yingde, Guangdong, and the National Army major general was subsequently sentenced to death. Chairman Mao immediately replied:

Gu Dacun and Mo Xiong (right)

From the end of 1938 to the beginning of 1939, when Mo Xiong was the head of Nanxiong County, Gu Honglie, director of Nanxiong County Rear Area Hospital, also introduced the former commander of the 11th Red Army who was hospitalized for recuperation at that time. Gu Dacun and Mo didn't know each other. Mo Xiong immediately invited Gu Dacun to serve as the colonel's chief of staff at the headquarters. During their work, the two treated each other with sincerity and cooperated sincerely, and also forged a deep friendship.

Gu Dacun often used the headquarters' transmitter to contact the Red Army, and often promoted the Communist Party's political program and the just proposition of unity against Japan to Mo Xiong. Since then, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee has held several party training classes in Nanxiong to train local party members and cadres. Mo Xiong not only did not object, but also vigorously provided convenience and support.

Mo Xiong also risked his own money more than once to cover the underground activities of CCP members and released hundreds of progressives and Communists imprisoned in Nanxiong Prison.

In 1939, when Mo Xiong was serving as the administrative inspector and security commander of the Shaoguan area, the CCP's "Beite" organized more than 10 Communist Party members including Huang Tonghua to serve in Mo Xiong's army through various channels.

In 1942, Mo Xiong served as the commander of the "Advancing the Second Column", and Huang Tonghua served as deputy commander and director of the Political Department. Huang Tonghua used Mo Xiong's name and credentials to develop his strength, rescue revolutionary comrades, and carry out anti-Chiang activities.

During this period, Mo Xiong did a lot of useful work for the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. He also provided information on enemy and puppet activities at that time to Yun Guangying. In addition, Mo Xiong also handed over the blank passes of his security headquarters and special agency to the provincial party committee for use to cover my underground party members. Mo Xiong also provided a lot of firearms and ammunition to the Provincial Party Committee to support our underground armed activities.

In 1951, our army captured a National Army major general in Yingde, Guangdong, and the National Army major general was subsequently sentenced to death. Chairman Mao immediately replied:

In order to meet the expenses of the guerrillas, Mo Xiong opened the "Yihe Store" in his hometown and arranged underground party members to serve as store managers. The store also became a transportation station for the Beijiang Special Committee and provided a large number of activities for the CCP Beijiang status. funding. Mo Xiong cooperated with the Northern Guangdong Provincial Committee for two and a half years and was praised by the Northern Guangdong Provincial Committee of our party many times.

In 1944, Yu Hanmou sent a telegram to Mo Xiong, telling him that he wanted to arrest Huang Tonghua and other four Communist members. Mo Xiong was not arrested. He used his own head as a guarantee so that Huang Tonghua and others could still stay in Mo Xiong's department.

In 1948, Mo Xiong served as the administrative inspector of Shaoguan and the commander of the "Purge". During this period, he secretly sent intelligence, ammunition, passes and other materials to the guerrillas, and also found ways to rescue five arrested Communists.

On the eve of liberation in 1949, the Kuomintang reactionaries frantically killed Communist members and progressive people. Mo Xiong was suspected of being a member of the Communist Party due to various abnormal behaviors, so Guangzhou garrison commander Li Jilan ordered Mo Xiong to be arrested and shot. Mo Xiong fled to Hong Kong after receiving the news.

After the liberation of the country, Ye Jianying served as Chairman of Guangdong Province and Mayor of Guangzhou City. Ye Jianying was very concerned about Mo Xiong. He sent Li Xuelin to Hong Kong with his own handwritten letter, inviting Mo Xiong to return to Guangzhou. After Mo Xiong returned to Guangzhou, Ye Jianying hosted a banquet for him at his home in Meihua Village and conveyed Chairman Mao's words to him: "He is an old friend and old comrade of our party. You must find him, regardless of his past." No matter what crime he has committed, he must be given a job. "

In 1951, our army captured a National Army major general in Yingde, Guangdong, and the National Army major general was subsequently sentenced to death. Chairman Mao immediately replied:

Chairman Mao

In 1951, during the land reform movement, some of Mo Xiong's old subordinates were arrested, and some people called for Mo Xiong's execution. After Ye Jianying learned about this incident, she stopped the local actions and reported the incident to Chairman Mao.

Chairman Mao was shocked after hearing Ye Jianying's report. He immediately said: "Release Mo Xiong immediately and arrange work for him."

In 1955, Mo Xiong served as the first deputy director of the Counselor's Office and met with the provincial government committee members. In September 1956, Li Kenong sent Xiang Yunian to Guangzhou to pick up Mo Xiong to attend the National Day ceremony in Beijing. On February 12, 1980, Mo Xiong died of illness in Guangzhou at the age of 89.

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