However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequa

2024/06/2114:30:33 military 1617

The atmosphere of this year's G20 summit has not eased much compared to previous years, although the United States hopes that China can provide economic help to the United States and alleviate domestic inflationary pressure in the United States. However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequal conditions proposed by the United States.

However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequa - DayDayNews

At this G20 summit, the foreign ministers of China and Australia met for the first time after three years, and the Australian foreign minister also stated that Australia had no intention to participate in the United States’ plan to contain China in the Indo-Pacific region. This made China and Australia Relations between the two countries are showing signs of improvement.

However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequa - DayDayNews

But unfortunately, not long after the China-US and China-Australia talks ended, the Australian government reneged on its commitment and allowed two US Air Force B-2 stealth strategic bombers to land on Australian soil and allowed them to serve as Part of the US military stationed in Australia is permanently deployed in Australia. The two B-2 stealth bombers come from the 509th Bomb Wing of the U.S. Air Force. This unit is stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, in the United States, and is rarely stationed overseas.

However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequa - DayDayNews

At the same time, the Australian Department of Defense also publicly stated. In order to maximize the combat effectiveness of the US military's B-2 stealth bombers, the Australian Air Force's KC-135 aerial tanker will be on standby at any time to provide any aerial refueling services for the US military's B-2 stealth bombers.

However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequa - DayDayNews

Because the number of B-2 stealth strategic bombers is small, they are also very precious in the US Air Force strategic bomber force. Therefore, even if they are deployed in the Indo-Pacific region, most of them only make a short stop at Andersen Air Force Base in Guam and other places. Regular deployments like this in the Indo-Pacific region are very rare.

However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequa - DayDayNews

When it comes to the B-2 stealth strategic bomber, many people's first reaction is that it is an important part of the United States' " nuclear trinity ". But in fact, in addition to carrying nuclear weapons to carry out strategic nuclear strike missions, the B-2 stealth bomber also has the ability to carry GBU-31 giant earth-penetrating bombs, AGM-154 joint standoff attack missiles, and GBU-158 joint air-to-ground standoff missiles. Attack conventional ammunition such as missiles and perform conventional air-to-surface strike missions.

However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequa - DayDayNews

In fact, the U.S. Air Force has begun to gradually strengthen the conventional combat capabilities of its strategic bomber force. Because the United States does not dare to use nuclear weapons to attack China, and coupled with the deterrence of China's medium and long-range missiles, the U.S. Air Force has fewer and fewer "safe bases" in the Indo-Pacific region. At this time, strategic bombers with large bomb loads, long range, and strong single attack power have become the ideal long-range air strike platform for the US Air Force in the Western Pacific.

However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequa - DayDayNews

As of now, in addition to the B-2 stealth bomber, the US Air Force's B-1B "Lancer" supersonic strategic bomber and B-52H strategic bomber have also achieved regular deployment in the Indo-Pacific region. The former has simulated multiple long-range air-to-ship and air-to-surface strike operations in the Indo-Pacific region, and the latter is currently the main launch platform for U.S. air-launched hypersonic missiles.

However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequa - DayDayNews

India's "Eurasia Times" also noticed the deployment of US B-2 stealth strategic bombers to the Indo-Pacific, believing that this is another tough move against China after the US military stationed B-1B "Lancer" bombers in Guam . The purpose is to Deterrence and suppress China’s influence in the Indo-Pacific region and force China to make concessions.

However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequa - DayDayNews

There are many reasons why Australia welcomes US military stealth bombers to be stationed in Australia. First of all, Australia's own military strength is average. Because it occupies a single continent, no country has ever threatened Australia's national security, so Australia's military strength is average.

But in recent years, as Australia has begun to regard itself as an agent of Western countries’ interests in the Indo-Pacific region, Australia has begun to significantly expand its military power. In addition to trying to cooperate with the United States and Britain to obtain nuclear submarines, it also wants the United States to purchase F-35A stealth fighter jets. The main purpose is to curb China's development.

However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequa - DayDayNews

The F-35A

of the Australian Air Force However, although it has greatly expanded its military strength in a short period of time, Australia alone is still no match for China. As a result, Australia became keen on cooperating with the United States, India, Japan and other countries to enhance its military power and influence. As the U.S. military base in Guam is no longer safe in the face of China's long-range attack system, the U.S. military is also keen to deploy more combat forces in Australia so that it can rush to the Western Pacific region at any time.

However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequa - DayDayNews

From a military point of view, the B-2 stealth bomber has a range of 11,000 kilometers using only internal fuel. Coupled with the addition of aerial tankers, the B-2 stealth bombers deployed in Australia can indeed take off calmly beyond the attack range of China's medium-range ballistic missiles, and participate in the airspace of the South China Sea, Taiwan Strait, and East China Sea. combat operations. But this does not mean that China has no countermeasures against the B-2 stealth bomber.

However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequa - DayDayNews

Prior to this, the Chinese satellite constellation had already achieved long-term tracking of the US military F-22 stealth fighter in flight. This also means that the Chinese satellite constellation can also conduct long-term tracking and monitoring of the B-2 stealth bomber with larger target characteristics, and synchronize its whereabouts to the air force fighter unit and long-range air defense missile unit.

However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequa - DayDayNews

In addition, due to the real threat from the US military’s stealth combat capabilities, China is also constantly strengthening its anti-stealth combat capabilities. China Electronics Group's YLC-8E anti-stealth radar, which was publicly unveiled last year, is the world's first highly mobile UHF band anti-stealth radar. It uses " band + energy" to detect B-2 and F-22 at long distances. Class stealth fighter.

However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequa - DayDayNews

As for the U.S. B-2 stealth bomber base in Australia, although the range of China's medium-range ballistic missiles cannot be covered, the Chinese Air Force H-6 bombers carry "Changjian-20" cruise missiles, as well as the Chinese Navy's submarine force submarine-launched cruise missiles can also attack their ground bases.

However, the method adopted by the United States is not to engage in peaceful and friendly communication and coordination with China. Instead, it continues to use its previous coercive methods and continues to use various tough methods to try to force China to agree to the unequa - DayDayNews

China's military strength is no longer at the level it was a few decades ago. The United States' delusional idea of ​​​​bringing China to submission through a few B-2 stealth bombers is completely outdated.

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