In order to further adapt to the needs of building national defense reserve forces in the new era, comprehensively strengthen the construction of the militia team, enhance the concept of national defense and the ability to perform tasks, on July 1, 2022, the Ministry of Human Arm

2024/05/2714:25:32 military 1555

In order to further adapt to the construction needs of the national defense reserve force in the new era, comprehensively strengthen the construction of the militia team, and enhance the national defense concept and ability to perform tasks, on July 1, 2022, the Ministry of People's Armed Forces of Yuancheng District, Heyuan City held a meeting to promote the militia work tasks in 2022 The meeting and the formation ceremony of the basic militia unit.

In order to further adapt to the needs of building national defense reserve forces in the new era, comprehensively strengthen the construction of the militia team, enhance the concept of national defense and the ability to perform tasks, on July 1, 2022, the Ministry of Human Arm - DayDayNews

The meeting summarized and reviewed the work of the yuancheng District militia group in 2021 and deployed new work tasks. Comrade Xiao Zhengliang, Minister of the District People's Armed Forces Department and leader of the District Militia Adjustment and Reform Leading Group, pointed out that last year, the Yuancheng District militia work achieved certain results, but there are still some problems and deficiencies. It is hoped that the participants will address these issues in future work. We must attach great importance to it, continuously strengthen our political awareness, sense of responsibility and sense of responsibility, coordinate and implement it, and strive to achieve high-quality development of militia work in Yuancheng District. Comrade Cao Xinhua, executive deputy director of the district and leader of the district militia adjustment and reform leading group, put forward several work requirements to improve his political position and effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency for doing a good job in militia work; grasp the characteristics and requirements, and effectively improve the quality of militia work. Quality and efficiency; strengthen overall planning and coordination, and effectively unite the military and local governments to jointly manage and manage joint efforts.

In order to further adapt to the needs of building national defense reserve forces in the new era, comprehensively strengthen the construction of the militia team, enhance the concept of national defense and the ability to perform tasks, on July 1, 2022, the Ministry of Human Arm - DayDayNews

After the meeting, the formation ceremony of the basic militia unit was held. The ceremony kicked off with the majestic "National Anthem of the People's Republic of China". Li Haishan, Political Commissar of the District People's Armed Forces Department, announced the formation order of Yuancheng District's grassroots militia units in 2022 and organized the flag presentation. Representatives of each unit received the bright red flag with firm eyes and high morale. The militia representatives spoke generously, fully stimulating the passion of every militiaman present. .

In order to further adapt to the needs of building national defense reserve forces in the new era, comprehensively strengthen the construction of the militia team, enhance the concept of national defense and the ability to perform tasks, on July 1, 2022, the Ministry of Human Arm - DayDayNews

"I am Chinese militia , and I swear to obey the leadership of the Communist Party of China, actively participate in national construction, and faithfully perform national defense obligations..." All militiamen swore in unison with full spirit and high morale, saying that they would actively participate in various military activities. Activities, obeying orders, obeying commands, conscientiously performing various obligations of the militia, and the oaths echoed in the venue. Afterwards, all the party members present collectively reviewed the oath of joining the Party. On the occasion of celebrating the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, they further demonstrated their sonorous oath of loyalty to the Party and lifelong struggle.

In order to further adapt to the needs of building national defense reserve forces in the new era, comprehensively strengthen the construction of the militia team, enhance the concept of national defense and the ability to perform tasks, on July 1, 2022, the Ministry of Human Arm - DayDayNews

Comrade Cao Xinhua, executive deputy director of the district and leader of the district militia adjustment and reform leading group, put forward three requirements at the ceremony. First, we must remember to listen to the party’s command and strengthen political awareness; second, we must keep in mind our responsibilities and missions and hone our winning skills; It is to keep in mind the fine traditions and establish a good image of the team. He hoped that all personnel would not be afraid of hardships and overcome difficulties in the next step of work, continue to promote the high-quality development of Yuancheng District militia construction, and contribute to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results.

(Huang Yuxin)

Source: National Defense Times

Editor: Lin Lao

Editor: Deng Xiaobing

National Defense Times News Center [email protected]

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