The 102 maritime formation organized by the Northern Theater Navy, including a Type 055 destroyer 102 "Lhasa" ship, a Type 052D destroyer 120 "Chengdu" ship and a Type 903A comprehensive supply ship 902 "Dong Pinghu" ship, passed through Tsushima Strait and sail into the Sea of ​

2024/05/2608:33:32 military 1142
The 102 maritime formation organized by the navy of the

Northern Theater Command includes a 055 destroyer 102 "Lhasa" ship, a 052D destroyer 120 "Chengdu" ship and a 03A comprehensive supply ship 902 "Dongpinghu" ship, passing through Tsushima Strait , sailing into the Sea of ​​Japan. The

102 maritime formation passed through the Tsugaru Strait , Soya Strait , Miyako Strait , etc., and conducted a "circle" voyage around the Japanese archipelago . Finally, after completing the "closed loop" of the track on the map, we entered East China Sea and returned to the home port.

The 102 maritime formation organized by the Northern Theater Navy, including a Type 055 destroyer 102

This is the 101 maritime formation of the Northern Theater Navy led by the Type 055 101 "Nanchang" ship. After passing through the Strait of Japan, entering the Pacific Ocean, and cruising around the Alaskan waters of the United States the Aleutian Islands , the Type 055 once again broke through the first place of 10,000 tons. The long-sea voyage after the island chain blockade put the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force and the US Navy under unprecedented pressure.

The actions of our 102 maritime formation especially made the Japanese Ministry of Defense feel like they were struggling and exhausted. We dispatched anti-submarine patrol aircraft , frigates , missile boats and other warships and aircraft to conduct close tracking and surveillance. I was fortunate enough to take a "family photo" of our navy's 102 formation, but we still lost track of a Type 815A intelligence collection ship that merged into our 102 maritime formation midway.

The 102 maritime formation organized by the Northern Theater Navy, including a Type 055 destroyer 102

In the history of the development of destroyer equipment of the Chinese Navy, a 10,000-ton destroyer with large tonnage and strong combat power appeared for the first time. This changed the situation in which the Chinese Navy had long lagged behind the US and Japanese "Aegis" air defense destroyers in the field of destroyer equipment.

Our navy's 102 maritime formation sailed around the Japanese archipelago. With the help of the Internet, its influence has long overflowed Northeast Asia region and spread to the world. It has become a major international military news, even though it is thousands of miles away and located in the United Kingdom. The British in the island are paying great attention and attention to this.

The 102 maritime formation organized by the Northern Theater Navy, including a Type 055 destroyer 102

It is reported that the British "Military Observer Magazine" recently spoke highly of the rare voyage of the Chinese Navy's 102 "Lhasa" as the leader of the 102 maritime formation around the Japanese archipelago, and was especially impressed by the performance of the Type 055 destroyer. The

055 destroyer, with a volume of 12,500 tons, is the world's largest destroyer except for the 14,500-ton DDG-1000 "Zumwalt" class destroyer.

The 102 maritime formation organized by the Northern Theater Navy, including a Type 055 destroyer 102

The US military recognized that the "Zumwalt" class destroyer , which was born under the guidance of the "sea to land" strategy, is far inferior to the all-round offensive and defensive Type 055 destroyer, and named the Type 055 destroyer " cruiser" ". In fact, it is a recognition of the combat power of the Type 055 destroyer.

As an iconic warship for the Chinese Navy to achieve strategic transformation in the new era, the Type 055 destroyer has an excellent hull stealth design, a comprehensive mast-integrated radio frequency system, and a dual-band active phased array radar layout. It has the most powerful battlefield in the world. Situational awareness. The

The 102 maritime formation organized by the Northern Theater Navy, including a Type 055 destroyer 102

055 destroyer has 112 ship-borne vertical launchers with the world's largest depth and diameter, with a diameter of 850 mm and two depths of 7 meters and 9 meters. It has hot and cold co-launch capabilities and is the world's most advanced ship-borne vertical launcher. device.

, especially the incorporation of the anti-ship missile into the vertical launch device, is significantly more concealed and advanced than the single, double, and 4-link armored plate tilt launch modes adopted by Western naval anti-ship missiles. The

055 destroyer has anti-ship, air defense, anti-missile, anti-submarine , and land attack capabilities. It can counter stealth fighters , missiles and other targets. It also has the capability of anti- satellite . It is itself a sea-based anti-missile platform. .

The 102 maritime formation organized by the Northern Theater Navy, including a Type 055 destroyer 102

A British magazine article believes that the Type 055 destroyer is the guided missile destroyer with the most powerful comprehensive combat performance in the global navy today. It is not one of them, but the first. The conclusion is that the Type 055 destroyer is the number one destroyer in the world.

html The Type 0055 destroyer has the advantage of being a latecomer. In the field of destroyers, it has made the Chinese Navy a global benchmark. The Type 055 has become the target ship pursued by the global military community, so much so that the US Navy the future DDG-X 10,000-ton destroyer As soon as the PPT came out, it was said by American netizens that it imitated the hull design and layout of the Type 055 10,000-ton cruise ship.

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