In 1981, a news report entitled "Dissatisfied with the dark rule of the Le Duan Group - Vietnamese Air Force pilots flew UH-1H helicopters to our country" attracted the attention of people across the country and attracted people's likes.

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In 1981, a news report entitled

Text | Blockbuster Record

Editor | Blockbuster Record

In 1981, a news report titled "Dissatisfied with the dark rule of the Le Duan Group - Vietnamese Air Force pilots flew UH-1H helicopters to our country" attracted the attention of people across the country. Pay attention and get people to like it.

In 1981, a news report entitled

It turns out that not long ago, a second lieutenant of the Vietnamese Air Force named Qiao Qinglu, led nine Vietnamese army technicians to surrender to our country while driving an American-made UH-1 helicopter .

So, what exactly drove this surrender incident? What happened to these ten people in the end? Is there any political purpose hidden behind the so-called surrender? Click to follow and let’s read on!

1. A team of ten people surrendered to China

On the last day of September 1981, Daxin County, Guangxi had entered the autumn harvest season. Many farmers got up early to prepare to work in the fields. However, the morning of this day was unusual.

In 1981, a news report entitled

Someone heard a whistling sound coming from the southwest corner, approaching from a distance and gradually becoming clearer. It was the sound of a helicopter . The people of in Daxin County, who have been in border areas all year round, are no stranger to this sound.

Soon, within sight, they discovered a dark brown helicopter approaching them. Everyone straightened up and looked in that direction.

Some people who responded quickly have already run into the village. This matter must be reported to the militia department as soon as possible. If necessary, they will request support from the military department in time.

In 1981, a news report entitled

The militia leader quickly used his ability to command on the battlefield and quickly directed the villagers to find hidden places to hide. Although the other party only sent one helicopter, they still posed a considerable threat to the unarmed people.

Under the command of the militia captain, the strong men in the village looked for hiding places and stood ready to .

Soon, the dark brown helicopter was already hovering over a sweet potato field, looking for a slightly flat terrain to land on. The militia captain led the crowd slowly around with a suspicious look on his face.

In 1981, a news report entitled

After the helicopter stopped, more than ten people emerged from the cabin. Counting them carefully, there were eight men and two women . They did not hold weapons in their hands, but looked at the surrounding villagers cautiously. The man headed by

came up and tried to greet the villagers, but was forced back by the gun in the hands of the militia captain . He also seemed to realize that his group had caused everyone to misunderstand, so took the initiative to raise his hands , hoping to reduce everyone's vigilance.

It is obvious that his approach is effective. When the militia captain saw that he had no ill intentions, he put down his gun and shouted at them from a distance: "What do you do?" , shouted in broken Chinese : "We are soldiers of the Ninth Corps of Vietnam, we have no malicious intent."

After a few words of exchange between the two sides, both sides finally let down their guard, and the militia captain took them After 's only self-defense pistol was confiscated, they were brought into the village.

It turns out that these ten people all escaped from the Vietnamese army. The leader was named Qiao Qinglu, and he was a second lieutenant of the Vietnamese Air Force. The others are mechanical engineers, water conservancy engineers and ground staff.

In 1981, a news report entitled

The one on the left is Qiao Qinglu

The border defense troops also came soon after hearing the news. Several of them can speak some Chinese, especially Qiao Qinglu. His father came to China to study and exchange in his early years. Qiao Qinglu also followed and learned some Chinese. His life in China made him have a lot of good impressions of China.

So why did Qiao Qinglu and others choose to escape from the Vietnamese army? As a second lieutenant, his status in the army is obviously not low , but in the end he chose to make a desperate decision and led his companions to defect to China. Is there any deep meaning in this?

2. Why did you choose to "defect" China

In fact, after the founding of New China, the relationship between China and Vietnam was very harmonious. After all, both countries have a long history in history, and as neighboring countries, only through friendly exchanges and mutual help can we better promote the development of the two countries.

In 1981, a news report entitled

However, after the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Vietnam , the US military withdrew from Vietnam, Vietnam actually committed pro-Soviet and anti-China white-eyed behavior . The reactionary group represented by Le Duan began to completely turn to the Soviet Union, and the relationship between China and Vietnam became increasingly bad.

During this period, all pro-China members within the Vietnam Communist Party were confiscated and persecuted. For a time, the whole country in Vietnam was dissatisfied with Le Duan's behavior.

What is even more sad is that at that time, the Vietnam Anti-American War had just ended, but Le Duan did not know how to seize the opportunity and concentrate on healing the wounds of the war, restoring and developing the economy. Instead, he was dazzled by victory and completely deviated from Ho Chi Minh. route.

In 1981, a news report entitled

He ignored the anti-war sentiments of soldiers and people and forcibly carried out excessive left-wing socialist transformation, got closer to the Soviet Union, and tried to piece together the "Indo-China Federation" to satisfy his ambitions.

In the face of a series of bad behaviors by Vietnam, in February 1979, China's "People's Daily" published an article titled "What is Tolerable, What Can't Be Tolerated", officially announcing the launch of a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam. Fight .

In 1981, a news report entitled

Moreover, many Vietnamese soldiers have had friendships with Chinese soldiers, but now they have to fight each other with swords and guns. It is very difficult for each other. The morale of the Vietnamese soldiers is low , and the people are having a hard time .

It was against this background that Qiao Qingluk took the lead in setting an example, that is, used actions to resist the war and resisted the unreasonable behavior of the Le Duan Group.

In 1981, a news report entitled

Le Duan

Qiao Qinglu had long considered escaping in the "Huey" helicopter (the Vietnamese army's name for the UH-1 helicopter).

However, because the Vietnamese military has very strict controls on these military helicopters , after each mission, some key components such as batteries and magnetic compasses will be removed , so it is difficult for Qiao Qinglu to do it alone. Find an opportunity to escape.

In 1981, a news report entitled

American UH-1 Iroquois Helicopter

So Qiao Qinglu was going to to convince the ground crew to help him install the battery and magnetic compass when he escaped. But what Qiao Qinglu never expected was that when he proposed to defect to China, Huang Chuntuan, Li Yushan and other three people in charge of the ground service actually hoped that Qiao Qinglu would take them with him to defect to China.

Qiao Qinglu is naturally very happy. With their help, their surrender plan will become smoother.

In 1981, a news report entitled

With the examples of Huang, Li and others, Qiao Qinglu began to realize that maybe he was not the only one in the legion who wanted an armistice, and there might be others who had the same idea as him.

So Qiao Qinglu told several close comrades about his surrender plan. Unexpectedly, they all expressed their approval of Qiao Qinglu. After a friend's introduction, they also found two engineers who also wanted to escape.

In 1981, a news report entitled

Just like that, the team that originally had only Qiao Qinglu suddenly became the team of ten people . This also fully reflects the strong anti-war sentiment of the soldiers in the Vietnamese army.

3. How have you been after coming to China

In this ten-person team, there is an engineer named Yang Wenli. In 1977, he tried to hijack a plane and fled to Thailand. However, the plan was exposed and he was arrested and imprisoned for four years. He was not released from prison until recently.

In 1981, a news report entitled

The most important thing is that Yang Wenli is very rich! Therefore, they do not need to steal their batteries and magnetic compasses from the barracks warehouse. They only need to buy at a high price from the black market. is both safe and practical.

After all the plans were finalized, they began to decide which country to go to. First of all, someone stood up and excluded China , because now is the moment when China-Vietnam relations are tense. Chinese people must hate them very much.

So someone proposed to go to Thailand , but Yang Wenli rejected it, because last time it was because someone over there Thailand exposed him , which led to his plan being exposed.

In 1981, a news report entitled

After finally denying Myanmar, Laos and many other neighboring countries, everyone fell into deep thought. At this time, it was the time when had everything ready and only needed Dongfeng . They did not want to give up just like this.

But now that the international situation is tense, it seems that no country is willing to accept these "deserters" . They might escape to their country, but they will be arrested and sent to Vietnam to claim credit.

Thinking of this, it seems that there is only one country that will not send them back to Vietnam to claim credit. That is China! So Qiao Qinglu was the first to speak: "Let's go to China!"

In 1981, a news report entitled

Everyone looked shocked. They all thought that Qiao Qinglu must be crazy to say such words. The Chinese people must hate them the most at this time.

Seeing the confusion on everyone's faces, Qiao Qinglu continued to explain: "I have been to China with my father before, and they are not as vindictive as we thought. Chinese people know right from wrong. At least we have not hurt Chinese people on the battlefield. , they won't hurt us."

Everyone was still silent, they were still hesitating, after all, no one wanted to bet their lives on Qiao Qinglu's words.

In 1981, a news report entitled

"Please believe me, my father once taught me a word called repaying evil with kindness . This is a Chinese word. If they can create such a word, it proves that they will not attack us."

said this , someone finally started to get moved, and the first person to agree with was mechanical engineer Yang Wenli . He is a knowledgeable person who has studied abroad. Although he didn't understand China, he still chose to believe in Qiao Qinglu. After all, he really had no other place to go.

With Yang Wenli taking the lead in agreeing, others also chose to believe in Qiao Qinglu and were willing to go to China with him.

In 1981, a news report entitled

's departure time was set at 2 a.m. on September 30, 1981. This was the time when everyone was asleep, and would not easily cause chaos . The 10 people gathered in three groups on the tarmac, driven by Qiao Qinglu , the helicopter slowly took off and flew towards the China-Vietnam border.

As a second lieutenant of the Vietnamese Air Force, Qiao Qinglu's flying skills are undoubtedly very good. He easily avoided the Vietnamese army's radar and flew in places where it was not easy to be discovered.

At six o'clock in the morning, people from the Vietnamese military camp discovered the fleeing crowd and the plane, and began to contact the flying troops along the route to intercept the . Fortunately, Qiao Qinglu had good skills. He drove the plane into a valley and ravine. This kind of place is like a fatal spot for immature pilots. If he is not careful, the plane may be destroyed and people killed.

In 1981, a news report entitled

Several planes of the Vietnamese army parked outside the valley and did not dare to rush in, but several planes still caught up. Qiao Qinglu continued to display his superb driving skills, sometimes traveling through mountains and ridges, and sometimes flying at ultra-low altitudes.

Since they had avoided most radar searches, the pursuit fleet could only rely on their sight to detect Qiao Qinglu's aircraft, but they were still unable to accurately track their traces..

Finally, at about 9 o'clock that day, Qiao Qinglu and his party got rid of their pursuers and arrived in Daxin County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. After landing here, they were "received" by local border guards and militiamen.

In 1981, a news report entitled

After receiving instructions from their superiors the next day, Qiao Qinglu and his party were sent to Beijing by special plane to be interviewed by the leaders. This was undoubtedly an affirmation of them.

In addition, when it comes to the resettlement of the ten people, our country also fully respects their wishes. Except for Yang Wenli, who hopes to go to France to join his relatives, the other nine people have stayed in China to settle down.

The Chinese government will provide them with corresponding welfare subsidies. In view of Qiao Qinglu's superb flying skills, he was invited by an aerospace university in China to serve as a flight instructor at the school.

In 1981, a news report entitled

And the UH-1 helicopter they were driving was originally a helicopter left by the United States on the battlefield in Vietnam. It was undoubtedly a huge gain for China at that time, which was extremely critical to the development of our country's military helicopters. reference value.

After the helicopter was dismantled and studied, it was sent to Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics for collection.


In fact, as Qiao Qinglu said, China is a country of etiquette . Mao Zedong has long said "I will not offend others unless they attack me." China's counterattack against Vietnam was completely driven to the point of intolerance. the point.

But even if Vietnam is unreasonable, we will adopt the most preferential treatment policy whether it is treating foreigners who have fled to China or prisoners.

In 1981, a news report entitled

"Zuo Zhuan" says: "Etiquette governs the country, determines the country, order the people, and benefits the heirs." Etiquette is not only the basic quality of a person , but also the foundation of a country .

Well, that’s the end of today’s story. I wonder what you think about this matter after reading the article? Welcome to participate in the discussion in the comment area!

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