They have built a solid foundation for New China with their own flesh and blood, and have also supported generations of Chinese people to move forward to a farther and broader world. Without their sacrifice and dedication, we would not have the stable and happy life we ​​have tod

2024/05/2411:15:32 military 1385

In the course of our country’s modern revolution, there have been many revolutionary martyrs who “spared their lives and blood” for the country.

They have built a solid foundation for New China with their own flesh and blood, and have also supported generations of Chinese people to move forward to a farther and broader world. Without their sacrifice and dedication, we would not have the stable and happy life we ​​have today, and for this reason, we cannot forget them. What we are going to talk about today is a Communist who dedicated his life to the revolution. His name is Yuan Guoping.

They have built a solid foundation for New China with their own flesh and blood, and have also supported generations of Chinese people to move forward to a farther and broader world. Without their sacrifice and dedication, we would not have the stable and happy life we ​​have tod - DayDayNews

On May 26, 1906, Yuan Guoping was born in a small village in Hunan Province at that time. His father is a craftsman who earns a meager income through his hard work, barely maintaining the family's needs. This is not a wealthy family, and it is common for them not to have enough to eat or keep warm.

But even so, Yuan Guoping's parents gritted their teeth and sent their son to school, hoping that he could change his destiny through studying instead of spending his life day after day in the village like them.

What surprised them was that Yuan Guoping was a very smart child with very good grades. In addition, his poor family made him understand the difficulty of life very early, so he worked harder in his studies.

After years of hard study, Yuan Guoping was admitted to the Hunan Provincial First Normal School at the age of 16. When it comes to this school, many people will feel familiar with it, because this is the alma mater of the great man. Many outstanding revolutionaries have appeared in this school, and Yuan Guoping is one of them.

While studying at Hunan Provincial First Normal School, Yuan Guoping was exposed to many progressive ideas, and began to participate in various student patriotic movements, and gradually established his own communist ideals.

They have built a solid foundation for New China with their own flesh and blood, and have also supported generations of Chinese people to move forward to a farther and broader world. Without their sacrifice and dedication, we would not have the stable and happy life we ​​have tod - DayDayNews

At the age of 19, Yuan Guoping, who was very patriotic, was admitted to the Huangpu Military Academy, hoping to learn more useful knowledge here.

It was also in this year that he officially joined the Communist Party of China from the Youth League and started his own revolutionary road. At this time, Yuan Guoping had already realized that the road to revolution was difficult and full of hardships, and he might die at any time.

But even so, Yuan Guoping never had the idea of ​​retreating. In his life, there is only "forward" and no "retreat".

Fortunately, on this road, Yuan Guoping found a life partner with whom he knew and loved each other - Qiu Yihan. Like Yuan Guoping, Qiu Yihan is also a party member and warrior. On the road of revolution, Qiu Yihan and Yuan Guoping supported each other and went through many difficult years.

Their common ideals and congenial personalities make their relationship very deep, and they are a famous loving couple in the military. They had a daughter and a son, but due to the danger and busyness of the revolutionary cause, they had to send their son and daughter back to their hometown to be raised by their relatives.

They have built a solid foundation for New China with their own flesh and blood, and have also supported generations of Chinese people to move forward to a farther and broader world. Without their sacrifice and dedication, we would not have the stable and happy life we ​​have tod - DayDayNews

In the process of the revolution, Yuan Guoping successively participated in major events such as the Agrarian Revolution, Nanchang Uprising and Guangzhou Uprising. At every stage of the revolution, he did his best to make great contributions and was a very important figure in the New Fourth Army.

Due to his amiable nature and firm will, Yuan Guoping has always been very popular in the army. The soldiers were willing to communicate with him and formed a deep friendship with Yuan Guoping on the revolutionary road full of obstacles.

When Yuan Guoping was 35 years old, the troops he led were surrounded by the Kuomintang while moving north. During the breakout process, Yuan Guoping was seriously injured. Looking from a distance, his whole body was almost bloody.

He was well aware of his injuries. In order not to injure others, he urged them with a weak voice to leave quickly and leave him alone. But at such a critical moment of life and death, his soldiers still abandoned him not far away, insisting on taking Yuan Guoping with them even if they were carrying him on their backs.

In the end, Yuan Guoping chose to commit suicide with a pistol in order not to continue to drag down the troops. Before pulling the trigger, he took out his notebook and the remaining money on his body and handed them to the soldiers around him, and told them that this was his party fee .

They have built a solid foundation for New China with their own flesh and blood, and have also supported generations of Chinese people to move forward to a farther and broader world. Without their sacrifice and dedication, we would not have the stable and happy life we ​​have tod - DayDayNews

At the last moment of his life, Yuan Guoping still thought about the party and the country, and his life was forever fixed in the journey of revolution. After Yuan Guoping died, his wife Qiu Yihan was deeply saddened.

Their son Yuan Zhenwei was only two years old this year, and he had no impression of his father, whom he had never met.

Only after growing up, Yuan Zhenwei learned about his father's heroic deeds. Under his mother's strict requirements, Yuan Zhenwei was not complacent about his status, nor did he seek a superior life. Like his father, Yuan Zhenwei also became a member of the Communist Party and devoted himself to the construction of the motherland.

html For more than 0 years, Yuan Zhenwei has been devoted to the field of maritime combat command, trained many outstanding talents for the country, and obtained the rank of major general. In addition, he has also been committed to carrying forward the revolutionary spirit left by his father and mother. For him, this spirit is also his persistence and watchfulness throughout his life.

They have built a solid foundation for New China with their own flesh and blood, and have also supported generations of Chinese people to move forward to a farther and broader world. Without their sacrifice and dedication, we would not have the stable and happy life we ​​have tod - DayDayNews

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