Release the latest emergency military information and broadcast global hot news. Welcome to pay attention to "Military Intelligence Emergency Report"! With the help of Western countries, in order to move back to the current passive situation, Ukraine decided to take a desperate r

2024/05/2218:14:32 military 1085

releases the latest emergency military information and broadcasts global hot news. Welcome to pay attention to "Military Emergency Report"!

Ukraine , with the help of Western countries, decided to take desperate risks in order to move back to the current passive situation and launched a military provocation against Russia's "little brother" Belarus . In this regard, Belarus will naturally not sit still and choose to attack Ukraine head-on. However, judging from the current situation, the Belarusian army will not choose to actively attack Ukraine in the short term. Because this is a "conspiracy" planned by Western countries under the instigation of the Ukrainian authorities. The purpose is to draw Belarus into trouble and further expand the conflict to Russia-Belarus alliance countries.

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While the Ukrainian army was busy fighting against Russia, it did not forget to take the initiative to "greet" Belarus. Under the instruction of Western countries, the Ukrainian army crossed the border and actively attacked Belarusian military bases. Although this attack was intercepted by the Belarusian army's missile , it actually posed a major threat to the territory and people of Belarus. In response, Lukashenko gave a strong response. According to the Russian Satellite News Agency, Belarusian President Lukashenko publicly stated at the National Independence Day celebration, “I want to warn those hawks and tell you frankly: Just less than a month ago, I ordered all military units to target , as is now popularly said, the decision-making center of your capital, and all the consequences thereof. "

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Ukrainian officials then issued a response, further provoking that Belarus would not dare to launch an attack on Ukraine in the near future. Faced with Ukraine's aggressive military actions and provocative behavior in official language, Lukashenko expressed his readiness to fight back at any time, and also revealed Ukraine's true purpose of daring to offend Belarus at this time. Ukraine does not have the strength to openly engage in military operations against many. The purpose of its supporters is impure. The primary goal of the United States and Western countries is to create provocations, bring down Russia and Belarus in the conflict, and then start to deal with the East. Big country.

It can be said that Lukashenko directly pointed out the most fundamental reason why Western countries, or the United States to be precise, provoked the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which is to maintain the old order ruled by Western countries and suppress new international forces. Currently, the global power and influence of the United States is significantly declining. On the economic front, the United States is facing tremendous pressure from rising interest rates and inflation. On the political front, former U.S. President Trump set fire to people and attacked the U.S. Congress. This was the first case of failed peaceful transfer of power in the United States since the Civil War. This is a manifestation of the rift between American politics and society, and its domestic politics have lost the basis of stability.

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In this context, provoking geopolitical conflicts in order to divert domestic conflicts is one of the effective ways to solve the problem. At the same time, it can also take the opportunity to stifle Russia's rise. It can be said that it serves multiple purposes. Therefore, Western countries led by the United States are bound to continue to make a big fuss over the Russia-Ukraine conflict and will not give up until Russia is brought down.

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Judging from the development of the situation in Russia and Ukraine, with the strong intervention of Western countries, the Russian army did not fight smoothly in the early stage, and then passively fell into the quagmire of a long-term war. From this perspective, the strategic intentions of Western countries have been achieved. But what these politicians did not expect was that they seriously underestimated Russia's war potential. First, Russia has managed to achieve internal economic circulation by relying on a relatively complete industrial system left over from the Soviet era, basically ensuring domestic people's livelihood. Secondly, Russia’s strong wealth in weapons, especially nuclear weapons systems, still scares Western countries away from confronting Russia head-on. Third, Russia controls two major weapons, energy and food, and has a significant say in the global energy and food markets, making it impossible for Western countries to get rid of their dependence on it in the short term.

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In short, Western countries have clearly realized that they cannot succeed by attacking Russia alone.Only then did he think of further expanding the conflict, for example, by dragging Belarus, Russia's "little brother", into the water, and then moving the battlefield to the Russian-Belarus alliance countries. On the one hand, it can effectively reduce the pressure on Ukraine's frontal battlefield, and on the other hand, it can delay the war cycle and achieve its strategic goals.

It was precisely after seeing the wishful thinking of Western countries that Lukashenko made the above remarks. However, the Belarusian authorities should adopt a relatively cautious attitude in handling this matter. Faced with the provocative behavior of the Ukrainian army, Lukashenko cannot make an overreaction of hastily "ending up", because this will play into the hands of Western countries.

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