As the only superpower in the world, the United States is now pulling NATO to do evil. It not only promotes the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and joins forces to suppress Russia, the "successor of the Soviet Union," it also hopes to extend NATO's power to the Asia-Pacific

2024/05/2212:08:33 military 1936

As a military organization left over from the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, NATO has long deviated from its "original intention" to prevent the expansion of the Soviet Union and strive for living space for Western European countries, and has become a tool to maintain American hegemony. As the only superpower in the world, the United States is now pulling NATO to do evil. It not only promotes the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and joins forces to suppress Russia, the "successor of the Soviet Union," it also hopes to extend NATO's power to the Asia-Pacific region to contain the rising China. In this regard, a former US intelligence official said that NATO has completed its role change, that is, "suppressing the Russians, retaining the Americans, and blocking the Chinese", from a European guard dog to an American attack dog.

As the only superpower in the world, the United States is now pulling NATO to do evil. It not only promotes the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and joins forces to suppress Russia, the

According to a report from " Reference News ", recently, former U.S. Marine Corps former intelligence officer Ritter pointed out that NATO has transformed itself from the protector of Western Europe into the global "police" in a " "Suppress the Russians, keep the Americans, and block the Chinese" posture has redefined its mission to maintain U.S. hegemony by defending and promoting the so-called "rules-based international order." This also means that NATO has reneged on its agreement to be limited to the transatlantic area. The former guard dogs have been retrained by the United States as attack dogs.

It is worth mentioning that NATO was a military alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Its first secretary-general, Lord Ismay, once said that the mission of the NATO alliance is to "stop the Russians, suppress the Germans, and retain the Americans." " was intended to act as a wall to prevent the expansion of the Soviet Union, and also to prevent Germany and the Soviet Union from reaching a treaty that might unify Germany. It can be said that its main purpose was to use the United States to allow Western European countries to breathe and survive under the oppression of the Soviet Union. space.

As the only superpower in the world, the United States is now pulling NATO to do evil. It not only promotes the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and joins forces to suppress Russia, the

The Soviet Union has been disintegrated for many years, and Germany has also been integrated into EU . Previously, the major EU countries, led by Germany and France, hoped that Europe would seek "political independence" and "technological independence", but the United States is definitely not happy to see this become a reality. In order to maintain or even increase the EU's dependence on the United States, Washington continues to undermine Russia-EU relations for various reasons, exacerbating the EU's sense of panic, and even encourages Brexit in an attempt to split the EU from within. Now it has ignited the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, forcing European countries to move closer to themselves.

After that, the Biden administration tried to repeat the same trick and listed China as a "systemic challenge" at the NATO summit. When it wanted all NATO countries to join forces to help it contain China, the European countries were not happy. Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium all objected one after another. French President Macron sneered, "Did I get the wrong map? China is not located in the transatlantic area." He also felt that it was too much, saying that "NATO countries do not have any direct borders with China."

As the only superpower in the world, the United States is now pulling NATO to do evil. It not only promotes the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and joins forces to suppress Russia, the

Objectively speaking, differences between the United States and the European Union are inevitable. The United States uses NATO countries as tools and ignores the interests of other countries for its own strategic intentions. This will inevitably harm its European allies. On the one hand, the EU, which has been hit hard by the sanctions against Russia, has already suffered a lot and hopes to resolve the Russia-Ukraine conflict peacefully. However, the United States still wants to step up its efforts without taking the interests of the EU into account at all. EU countries have long complained. For example, France proposed at the G7 summit that U.S. oil be included in the "global oil price limit" team, which embarrassed U.S. officials.

On the other hand, China has been the EU's largest trading partner for six consecutive years, and China-EU relations have remained good for many years. Now that the United States has thrown out a "systemic challenge", it wants European countries to quarrel with their important economic partners, especially At a critical moment when global oil and gas prices are soaring and economies of various countries are being hit, it may be impossible to break with the world's second largest economy.

As the only superpower in the world, the United States is now pulling NATO to do evil. It not only promotes the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and joins forces to suppress Russia, the

Today, the United States is distributing its military power across Europe under the guise of "suppressing the Russians" and even wants to use its European allies in NATO to "block the Chinese."As Ritter said, NATO, the military organization, is transforming from Europe's guardian dog to being trained by the United States as an attack dog to maintain hegemony. If NATO's European allies cannot make up their mind to "break away" from the United States, it may be difficult to get rid of the situation of "the United States dominates and Europe follows." As Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said, some EU leaders have become accustomed to the United States being the master, with Macron being the only exception.

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