Recently, China Eastern Airlines, Air China, and China Southern Airlines announced that they would purchase 292 A320NEO passenger aircraft from the European Airbus Company. The total order amount reached 37.257 billion U.S. dollars, which is approximately RMB 250 billion. However

2024/05/1908:16:32 military 1646

Recently, China Eastern Airlines, Air China, and China Southern Airlines announced that they would purchase 292 A320NEO passenger aircraft from the European Airbus Company. The total order amount reached 37.257 billion U.S. dollars, which is approximately RMB 250 billion. However - DayDayNews

Airbus A320NEO passenger aircraft

Recently, three airlines, China Eastern Airlines, Air China, and China Southern Airlines , announced that they would purchase 292 A320NEO passenger aircraft from the European Airbus Company. The total order amount reached 37.257 billion U.S. dollars, approximately RMB 250 billion, but they did not expect this. The super-large order has made Americans thousands of miles away unable to sit still. Some American media made blunt comments: This super-large order between China and Airbus is simply rubbing salt into the wounds of , Boeing, and ! What's going on?

Recently, China Eastern Airlines, Air China, and China Southern Airlines announced that they would purchase 292 A320NEO passenger aircraft from the European Airbus Company. The total order amount reached 37.257 billion U.S. dollars, which is approximately RMB 250 billion. However - DayDayNews

Tens of thousands of A320 series passenger aircraft have been delivered, and they are the most successful single-aisle passenger aircraft in the world.

First of all, let’s talk about the protagonist of this big order - the A320NEO passenger aircraft. This is the latest single-aisle mainline passenger aircraft launched by Airbus . It is currently the best-selling single-aisle passenger aircraft in the world, with a capacity of 150-180 passengers. It first flew in 2014 and was delivered to users in 2016. Compared with other models of A320, the biggest improvement of A320NEO is the replacement of PW1000G-JM engines. , the fan size of this engine reaches 81 inches, and the bypass ratio is as high as 12.5. Within a certain range, the higher the bypass ratio, the more fuel-efficient the engine is. For comparison, the bypass ratio of the American LEAP-1A engine used by my country's C919 is 11. The use of cutting-edge engines and a large number of composite materials allows the A320NEO to save 15% of fuel compared to previous passenger aircraft, and is less noisy and more reliable.

Recently, China Eastern Airlines, Air China, and China Southern Airlines announced that they would purchase 292 A320NEO passenger aircraft from the European Airbus Company. The total order amount reached 37.257 billion U.S. dollars, which is approximately RMB 250 billion. However - DayDayNews

Boeing's 737MAX

It is precisely because of the various benefits of the A320NEO that China's three major airlines have placed such a large order. So why are Americans restless? In fact, there are two reasons: the first is that China purchased a large number of Airbus aircraft , so naturally Boeing aircraft sold less. Before the Boeing 737 MAX was grounded globally due to multiple crashes, the annual passenger aircraft delivery volume in the Chinese market Accounting for more than 20% of Boeing's global business, it can be said to be its most important export market. Boeing itself predicts that China will purchase US$1.5 trillion in commercial aircraft in the next 20 years. At present, the world's large passenger aircraft are equally divided between Boeing and Airbus. China's purchase of Airbus aircraft means that Airbus's performance will increase significantly. How can Boeing not be anxious?

Recently, China Eastern Airlines, Air China, and China Southern Airlines announced that they would purchase 292 A320NEO passenger aircraft from the European Airbus Company. The total order amount reached 37.257 billion U.S. dollars, which is approximately RMB 250 billion. However - DayDayNews

China's C919 and 737MAX both use LEAP-X series engines.

The second is China's purchase of 292 A320NEOs, which is a huge blow to Boeing's main export model - the 737MAX. The 737MAX is launched by Boeing after a large number of modern improvements based on the 737. An advanced single-aisle passenger aircraft, if nothing goes wrong, it will take on the important task of competing with the Airbus A320NEO for the global single-aisle passenger aircraft market. However, Boeing committed suicide. Due to its own design errors, it caused two catastrophic crashes of the 737MAX, two The crash killed a total of 346 people and directly led to the indefinite grounding of the aircraft around the world. Although Boeing later announced that it had repaired the fault, everyone still could not restore trust in the 737MAX. At this time, China, which occupies an important voice in the world's civil aviation field and has extremely high safety requirements for passenger aircraft, purchased A320NEO in large quantities. It was against Boeing's attempt to restore the world's confidence in the 737MAX. The efforts were greatly reduced, and this loss was even greater than the 250 billion yuan order.

Recently, China Eastern Airlines, Air China, and China Southern Airlines announced that they would purchase 292 A320NEO passenger aircraft from the European Airbus Company. The total order amount reached 37.257 billion U.S. dollars, which is approximately RMB 250 billion. However - DayDayNews

Boeing's SLAM-ER land attack missile was exported to Taiwan, China.

Currently, the volume of passenger aircraft delivered by Boeing to China each year only accounts for 5% of the global total. This is partly because the quality of American aircraft is indeed Not bad, but on the other hand, the United States has gone against the grain in recent years, constantly challenging China's bottom line, dreaming of eating China's food and smashing China's pot at the same time. How can there be such a good thing in the world? They say that if you have money, you can do whatever you want. Although we won't do whatever we want, we can still use our hard-earned money to make those annoying people feel uncomfortable.

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