On July 2, local time, the Russian Satellite News Agency and Russia Today TV both reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the same day that General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, recently inspected Russian troops fight

2024/05/1707:01:33 military 1048

On July 2, local time, the Russian Satellite News Agency and Russia Today TV both reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the same day that General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, recently inspected Ukraine. Russian troops fighting on the front line. According to reports from Russia Today, General Gerasimov first listened to the frontline commander’s report on the battle situation, and focused on the problems and troubles currently faced by each unit. In addition, Gerasimov also listened to reports from other officials on issues related to Russian military operational support. It is worth mentioning that on June 26, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that General Shoigu, the Minister of Defense, would go to Ukraine to inspect the front line. Just a week after Shoigu’s inspection, another senior Russian military chief, Grassi Mov came to Ukraine for the second time to inspect the war situation, which may bring some major changes to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

On July 2, local time, the Russian Satellite News Agency and Russia Today TV both reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the same day that General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, recently inspected Russian troops fight - DayDayNews

Screen provided by of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

General Gerasimov's inspection of the front line has two meanings. The first is to crush all the rumors surrounding it. Since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Chief of General Staff Gerasimov and Defense Minister Shoigu have become one of the biggest victims of fake news in the West and Ukraine. In March and April, many Western media spread rumors that Gerasimov and Shoigu were dismissed and placed under house arrest because the Russian army's progress was not as good as expected. It was not until the two men hosted a series of important military meetings that the relevant rumors died down. On April 27, Gerasimov went to Izyum to inspect the frontline fighting situation. Soon after, the Ukrainian side said that the Ukrainian army launched a precise artillery attack on the Russian frontline command post, blowing off one of Gerasimov's legs. Now Gerasimov is in good health and has come to the Ukrainian frontline to inspect the situation of the troops, which once again effectively countered the rumors concocted by the Ukrainian side. After this inspection, I believe that Ukraine will no longer concoct rumors about Gerasimov in the short term.

On July 2, local time, the Russian Satellite News Agency and Russia Today TV both reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the same day that General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, recently inspected Russian troops fight - DayDayNews

The second significance of Gerasimov's trip, and probably the most important significance, is that he needs to listen to the opinions of frontline commanders and formulate strategic planning for the next stage. At present, the Russian army has completely controlled Severodonetsk, and the Ukrainian army in Lischichansk has also been defeated. The authorities of the "Luhansk People's Republic" believe that the Russian army and pro-Russian armed forces will completely defeat the Ukrainian army in the "next few days". The army was driven out of the city. By then, the entire territory of Luhansk Oblast will be under the control of the "Luhansk People's Republic". Now that the combat mission of fully capturing Luhansk Oblast has been completed, where should the Russian army go next? Should the troops be allowed to rest and reorganize, or should the remaining brave men be used to pursue the poor bandits and pursue the Uzbek army while they are victorious?

On July 2, local time, the Russian Satellite News Agency and Russia Today TV both reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the same day that General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, recently inspected Russian troops fight - DayDayNews

On the one hand, after several weeks of fighting between the Russian army and the pro-Russian armed forces in Lugansk , some units have experienced reduced combat effectiveness and low morale. If we continue to launch offensive operations, these problems may spread to more troops and cause serious consequences. But on the other hand, the Ukrainian army is now on the verge of total collapse. If the Russian army stops its offensive at this time, it will give the Ukrainian army a breathing space to reorganize its defense and restore the morale of its troops. How to make a decision tests the wisdom of the Russian General Staff.

On July 2, local time, the Russian Satellite News Agency and Russia Today TV both reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the same day that General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, recently inspected Russian troops fight - DayDayNews

If the Russian army continues to attack, there are at least two optional attack directions: first, attack northward to cope with the Russian army that is launching an offensive against Kharkov. Kharkiv is one of the most important cities in Ukraine. As early as the Soviet-German war, the two countries launched four large-scale battles to compete for this important town. The Russian army is currently exerting pressure on Kharkov from the north. If the Russian army in the Luhansk area can move north to support the Russian army on the northern line, it will form a north-south pincer attack on Kharkov, which may greatly affect the situation. Accelerate the Russian army's capture of Kharkov. Once Kharkov changes hands, the situation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict will be greatly improved.

On July 2, local time, the Russian Satellite News Agency and Russia Today TV both reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the same day that General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, recently inspected Russian troops fight - DayDayNews

Then continue the attack to the south and west, conquering Slavyansk and Bachmut.Although Russia is about to control the entire territory of Luhansk, a considerable part of the Donetsk region is still under the control of the Ukrainian government. With the end of the Lisichansk Battle, the Russian army and the Luhansk People's Army may be able to invade the territory of Donetsk Oblast, engage in a pincer attack with the Donetsk People's Army from the north and south, and quickly eliminate the local Ukrainian army, so as to achieve Russia's early goal as soon as possible. The strategic goal of the second phase of "liberating Donbass" was established in April. Compared with attacking Kharkov from the north, attacking Ukrainian-controlled Donetsk to the west or south carries less risk, and the burden of logistical supplies for the troops is also easier, but the benefits are not as great as the assault on Kharkov.

On July 2, local time, the Russian Satellite News Agency and Russia Today TV both reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the same day that General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, recently inspected Russian troops fight - DayDayNews

In short, although the Russian army has achieved important victories, what actions the Russian army should take in the future still requires serious consideration by the General Staff. If you want to get the most correct and realistic answer, you must listen to the opinions of frontline officers and soldiers. This is also the reason why Gerasimov came to the front line for inspection on the eve of the Russian army's capture of Lisichansk and control of the entire Luhansk region. I believe that after this inspection, Russia will soon make a decision and start a new stage of the war.

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