In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots.

2024/05/1703:53:33 military 1141

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews


vowed to turn America's stealth aircraft into scrap metal. Has Wu Jianqi done it now?

html In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to run rampant. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. What happened to these three compatriots made us extremely angry, and the demonstrations and shouts organized by the students were extremely heartbreaking. After investigation, the United States sent a stealth fighter jet. The radar technology at the time was unable to detect the movement of the stealth fighter, which was why such consequences occurred.

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

This made a scientist at the time very angry, and even swore to speak bold words. He said that I would definitely turn the US stealth aircraft into scrap metal. He is our national treasure-level scientist Wu Jianqi. Now that more than 20 years have passed, has Wu Jianqi fulfilled his vow?

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

Wu Jianqi was born in 1966, only 17 years after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Wu Jianqi's family environment is still very good. His father came from a military family and was a veteran soldier. Wu Jianqi has been in such an environment since he was a child. Growing up with a patriotic heart, he was very familiar with and admired the deeds of many heroes. He has told his father since he was a child that he would contribute to the country when he grew up.

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

Wu Jianqi has always put his study first since he was in school and devoted himself to learning knowledge in order to realize his dream. In the eyes of his teachers, he is a pillar of the motherland. In the eyes of his parents, he is "someone else's child." Just before the college entrance examination, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics came to Wu Jianqi's school to select top students. Wu Jianqi was selected without any surprise. In the college entrance examination, Wu Jianqi played an extraordinary level and entered with the third best score in Luzhou City, Sichuan. He studied at the Department of Radio Engineering at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, which also made his parents proud.

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

After graduating from Beihang University, he did not study abroad like other students. Instead, he chose to enter Xidian University to continue his academic graduate studies in radar technology. In 1990, Wu Jianqi finally successfully completed his graduate studies and was ready to enter the society. He firmly rejected the olive branch offered by foreign companies and came to work alone at the 38th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group . This research The core of the institute's research is radar research.

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

It sounds nice to say that it is a research institute, but the actual situation is a large area of ​​undeveloped wasteland with several temporary rooms scattered here and there, and even the offices are temporarily built. This environment was much worse than conditions abroad, but Wu Jianqi did not give up here. He started his own research in this temporary office.

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

Wu Jianqi often reads some books about radar. In order to develop China's own radar, Wu Jianqi almost forgets to eat and sleep. What really made Wu Jianqi determined to build an anti-stealth radar was the Gulf War that the United States targeted Iraq in 1991. At that time, the United States sent a stealth fighter code-named F-117A to the battlefield. At that time, Iraq's radar could not detect the existence of these fighters, so the casualties were very heavy. It was unknown when the stealth fighters would appear over Iraq, and their position could not be captured.

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

This war made the Chinese people feel an unprecedented threat, and it also sounded the alarm in the heart of Wu Jianqi, who had just worked at the No. 38 Research Institute for more than a year. If it is impossible to develop a radar against stealth fighters, our country is not sure when it will be bombed by the United States with stealth aircraft, which will cause an extremely unfavorable situation for our country. Therefore, Wu Jianqi decided to lead his team to start research on anti-stealth radar.

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

If you want to develop countermeasures, you must know what the core of the "anti-radar" of the stealth fighter is, but it is impossible to deliver the core if it is interrupted by the Americans.Wu Jianqi had no choice but to look up the information by himself and immersed himself in the book every day. Finally, Huangtian paid off and he finally understood the secret of the stealth fighter.

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

The stealth fighter is very powerful because it can fly very high and very fast, so traditional radar cannot detect it. Another reason is that the particularity of the material causes the signal waves emitted by the radar to be directly absorbed, so the radar cannot receive the returned signal and naturally cannot identify it. Based on these two characteristics, Wu Jianqi began to think of ways to find a radar that could counter stealth fighters. But ordinary radar does not have this effect and can only be counterproductive.

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

But soon after Wu Jianqi’s research, he discovered that meter wave radar has certain potential. The advantages of this radar are unmatched by other radars. But problems also arise. Meter-wave radar was born in 1935 and has long been eliminated by various countries because of its slow frequency band and inability to measure accurately. And it has been ridiculed many times by Western countries. How can such a radar be used to restrain stealth aircraft? Many people have this question.

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

But Wu Jianqi believes that as long as we can innovate and improve on the original basis and overcome these defects one by one, we will be able to create our own radar. Wu Jianqi led his team to study the radar step by step. Wu Jianqi's team members also worked very hard to conduct experiments and were unable to go home for several months. But they were never discouraged because Wu Jianqi was there and he would help them solve their problems. He said that he would only be accountable to the team and leaders if his research was successful.

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

In 2003, Wu Jianqi finally successfully completed all the research, invented a new radar system called MIMO, and developed the world's first 305A radar using the DBF system. As soon as this achievement came out, it won the first prize of the National Defense Science and Technology Award and the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award. However, Wu Jianqi did not give up his research just because he won the award. Instead, he led his team to continue experiments. In order to solve the problem of the stealth aircraft as soon as possible, Wu Jianqi began to try various methods to adjust the Mibo radar and change the defects to make it measure more accurately. for precision. Finally, in 2012, Wu Jianqi led the team to successfully develop a new meter-wave three-coordinate radar.

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

This radar caused quite a stir as soon as it came out, and its data and coverage area are very stable. Even the radars of the United States and France cannot match it. The three-meter wave radar has directly become the best in the world. The United States has never been a peaceful country. After learning the news, the United States sent a stealth fighter jet that it was proud of, but it was accurately captured by our radar. The Chinese Air Force directly dispatched a warning to them, and the United States had no choice but to run away in despair. , and then our country detected American F35 stealth fighters in other places and issued a warning to them to leave the country immediately.

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

The United States has used practical actions this time to prove the excellence of my country's newly developed meter-wave three-dimensional radar. This made the United States so angry that it allocated US$200,000 to develop a new type of stealth fighter to counter my country's meter-wave radar. But the United States also underestimates my country's scientific research technology. China has never been afraid of power. When friends come, they have fine wine, and when wolves come, they have shotguns. I believe that our scientists will never let the United States step into Chinese soil.

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

Wu Jianqi was hired as the chief scientist of Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology, and was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2021. Now, at the age of 56, he is still on the front line of radar development. In order not to be invaded by the United States, teaches its students unreservedly the experience it has accumulated for decades. This also reflects his love and patriotism for the Chinese people.

Today, China is already a world power. Although it bears the title of a developing country, it is also moving towards the goal of becoming an economic power. Wu Jianqi also realized his rhetoric more than 20 years later and successfully restrained the United States' stealth fighters. Every advancement in national science and technology is inseparable from patriotic scientists, who work hard to create a better life for us. Rather than saying that China has made them successful, it is better to say that they have made China successful.

In the 1990s, the United States relied on its advanced technology to dominate. One day in 1999, the United States suddenly blew up the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, causing the death of three of our compatriots. - DayDayNews

Finally, if you have anything you want to say to this great scientist Wu Jianqi, you can leave it in the comment area. By the way, use your little hands to like and repost so that more people can understand the contributions of this "national treasure scientist".

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