On October 9, 2006, a huge mushroom cloud rose over the North Korean nuclear test base, making this small, closed country the ninth country in the world to possess nuclear weapons. So, how did it develop it?

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On October 9, 2006, a huge mushroom cloud rose over the North Korean nuclear test base, making this small, closed country the ninth country in the world to possess nuclear weapons . So, how was it developed?

On October 9, 2006, a huge mushroom cloud rose over the North Korean nuclear test base, making this small, closed country the ninth country in the world to possess nuclear weapons. So, how did it develop it? - DayDayNews

The Korean Peninsula is located at the Pacific exit of the Asian continent. Its geographical location is very important. Therefore, it is often a battleground for military strategists and is invaded by major powers. Therefore, the nuclear weapon is a very important weapon for them. It can not only resist the invasion of foreign enemies, but also give them a sense of security to a certain extent. Therefore, ever since they learned about the existence of the atomic bomb and , they have always wanted to develop it. .

After the end of World War II, the North-South Korean War broke out on the Korean Peninsula. Although North Korea had always had the advantage in the war, the situation underwent a major reversal after the United States joined the war. Later, with the help of the Chinese People's Volunteers , this war was won.

But it is worth mentioning that when the Chinese Volunteer Army joined the war and the US military was retreating steadily, the Commander-in-Chief of the US Army, MacArthur, applied to the White House to launch a nuclear strike against North Korea. At that time, the bipolar pattern between the United States and the Soviet Union had initially taken shape. The United States took the Soviet Union and China into consideration, so it did not launch a nuclear strike against North Korea. However, North Korea has become more determined to develop nuclear weapons.

On October 9, 2006, a huge mushroom cloud rose over the North Korean nuclear test base, making this small, closed country the ninth country in the world to possess nuclear weapons. So, how did it develop it? - DayDayNews

After the Korean War, the United States left many American troops in South Korea and deployed nuclear weapons in some places in South Korea. The deployment of this nuclear weapon was like a knife placed over North Korea's head, making them afraid. However, now that the war is over, they have time to concentrate on developing nuclear weapons.

However, the ideal is too full and the reality is too skinny. How can they develop nuclear weapons after the war has just ended? At that time, North Korea could be described as extremely poor. Even having enough food was a big problem for the people. How could there be funds to develop nuclear weapons? Despite this situation, Kim Il Sung still did not want to give up, so he turned his attention to the Soviet Big Brother.

At that time, the Soviet Union and the United States were sworn enemies, and North Korea and the Soviet Union both belonged to the socialist camp and were the targets of the United States. At this time, the Soviet Union just needed a group of juniors to support itself, so when North Korea proposed to the Soviet Union that it wanted to develop nuclear weapons At that time, he quickly agreed, and then Kim Il Sung established a nuclear physics institute in Pyongyang . After everything was ready, Kim Il Sung visited the nuclear power plant in Moscow at the invitation of the Soviet Union, and signed the "Agreement on the Establishment of a Joint Nuclear Research Institute" with the Soviet Union.

On October 9, 2006, a huge mushroom cloud rose over the North Korean nuclear test base, making this small, closed country the ninth country in the world to possess nuclear weapons. So, how did it develop it? - DayDayNews

At the same time, the United States and South Korea also began to take corresponding measures, which made the Soviet Union more determined to develop nuclear weapons against North Korea. Therefore, the Soviet Union provided comprehensive assistance to North Korea. not only provided North Korea with technology and design Drawings, and also sent a large number of nuclear weapons experts. North Korea is also relatively powerful. With the help of Big Brother, their nuclear weapons development has made great progress. At that time, in order to further help North Korea develop nuclear weapons, the Soviet Union trained 300 nuclear technology talents for North Korea. When they returned from their studies, they would help North Korea develop nuclear weapons better and faster.

Unfortunately, the United States later launched a nuclear attack on them. In 1965, the U.S. reconnaissance satellite accidentally photographed North Korea's nuclear reactor , . However, they always believed that such a small country as North Korea would not do anything, so they did not do anything to North Korea when they first photographed it, and North Korea did not react to the United States. , and speed up the development of nuclear weapons. Later, as North Korea continued to develop nuclear weapons, the United States finally took action.

They began to ask the Soviet Union to announce North Korea's development of nuclear weapons. They said that they would let the International Atomic Energy Agency monitor North Korea's development of nuclear weapons. They also required North Korea to join the " Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons". In fact, The United States has taken so many actions just to make North Korea give up the development of nuclear weapons. However, how could North Korea not research nuclear weapons because of the United States? Therefore, in the face of various pressures from the United States, North Korea ignored it and concentrated on developing nuclear weapons.

On October 9, 2006, a huge mushroom cloud rose over the North Korean nuclear test base, making this small, closed country the ninth country in the world to possess nuclear weapons. So, how did it develop it? - DayDayNews

In 1985, North Korea's nuclear weapons development had achieved certain results, and what they faced at that time was how to obtain an aircraft that could deliver nuclear weapons. At that time, North Korea was still underdeveloped and did not have such aircraft. After much thought, they decided to ask the Soviet Union for help. At that time, they were interested in the Soviet Tu-22M3 bomber and wanted to buy this bomber from the Soviet Union. , but Gorbachev disagreed and only sold North Korea a MiG-29 fighter . However, this fighter can also be used as a nuclear weapons delivery aircraft.

What surprised North Korea was that after the 1990s, the Soviet Union suddenly established diplomatic relations with South Korea. This meant that it had no longer relied on, so it could only rely on itself to develop nuclear weapons. What surprised them even more was that the big brother of the Soviet Union actually disintegrated a year later, which left North Korea without a backer. At that time, the only major power in the world was the United States, and the United States was suppressing North Korea's development of nuclear weapons. suddenly put a lot of pressure on North Korea. Moreover, they had various support from the Soviet Union and had not yet fully developed it. Now that it is gone, it is a greater challenge for them.

At this time, North Korea still did not give up. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, they began to look for nuclear scientists from the former Soviet Union. After finding these people, North Korea would hire them with high salaries to carry out the research and development of nuclear weapons in North Korea, and then pass them through Various means are used to collect and purchase nuclear technology in order to develop it quickly.

On October 9, 2006, a huge mushroom cloud rose over the North Korean nuclear test base, making this small, closed country the ninth country in the world to possess nuclear weapons. So, how did it develop it? - DayDayNews

In order to develop nuclear weapons as soon as possible, North Korea contacted Pakistan and wanted to learn from it. Therefore, they specially invited their "father of the atomic bomb" Abdul from Pakistan. It was precisely because of his arrival and North Korea's After all the efforts made before, in 2006, North Korea finally completed its nuclear explosion test and became the ninth country in the world to possess nuclear weapons.

It can be seen that North Korea went through many difficulties and dangers in order to develop nuclear weapons, but fortunately it succeeded in the end. But speaking of it, my country’s development of nuclear weapons is not so smooth. It was after the United States surrendered two atomic bombs to Japan that we learned about the power of nuclear weapons. Later, the Soviet Union also quickly developed the atomic bomb. We had a good relationship with the Soviet Union at that time, and we wanted to keep up with the Soviet Union. , also developed quickly. At the same time, although we in are in the same camp as the Soviet Union, we do not have nuclear weapons close by, so the United States will threaten us with nuclear weapons at every turn, which really scares us. After

, our country also started to develop atomic bombs with the help of its elder brother, the Soviet Union. However, this did not continue. The Soviet Union was only halfway through, and cracks appeared in the relationship between our two countries. Therefore, the Soviet experts who assisted China were immediately withdrawn. After leaving the country, only our own people are left to study.

On October 9, 2006, a huge mushroom cloud rose over the North Korean nuclear test base, making this small, closed country the ninth country in the world to possess nuclear weapons. So, how did it develop it? - DayDayNews

Forget it, no matter what, the Soviet Union did provide experience and help in atomic bomb research. Even if it removed the experts, we benefited a lot, but while we were developing the atomic bomb, we had already begun to study the hydrogen bomb , without the help of Soviet experts, it would be simply too difficult.

At that time, we had just ended the war. Like North Korea, our economy was not developed enough, so when we started to develop nuclear weapons, almost everyone in the country tightened their belts. It is worth mentioning that , our group of overseas students who returned to China to participate in nuclear testing, although the Soviet experts have left, their help has made our research and development much easier.

After the successful test explosion of the atomic bomb, our experts began to devote themselves to the research of hydrogen bombs. So a few years later, the hydrogen bomb was also successfully tested. At this time, we finally broke the nuclear monopoly and threat of the nuclear powers. From then on Since then, China has built a relatively stable international environment for economic development and construction.

On October 9, 2006, a huge mushroom cloud rose over the North Korean nuclear test base, making this small, closed country the ninth country in the world to possess nuclear weapons. So, how did it develop it? - DayDayNews

It can be seen from the development of nuclear weapons by North Korea and China that if you want to succeed in something, you must persist in doing it. No matter what difficulties you encounter, don't give up easily.

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