4000 soldiers froze to death in the Battle of Changjin Lake, and the ice sculptures made people cry. Why is hypothermia so terrible?

2021/10/1017:44:02 military 2860

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I am Xiaomi Yarn Ball, thank you for continuing to lock my channel, let us accumulate energy for life together.

4000 soldiers froze to death in the Battle of Changjin Lake, and the ice sculptures made people cry. Why is hypothermia so terrible? - DayDayNews

The movie " Changjin Lake " is currently being screened. Many people who are not familiar with that period of history can feel the hardships of that era and the bravery and indomitable national spirit of the revolutionary ancestors. While the blood is boiling, it also makes us love today's powerful motherland even more.

Battle of Changjin Lake 's victory laid the foundation for the US military to step onto the negotiating table. But in this battle, our army also paid a huge price. Among them, the deeds of the "Ice Sculpture Company" are particularly shocking.

In order to complete the ambush mission, this company just lay on the ice and snow for 6 days and 6 nights. When the charge rang, they couldn't stand up anymore. They were all frozen into ice sculptures and became eternal monuments.

4000 soldiers froze to death in the Battle of Changjin Lake, and the ice sculptures made people cry. Why is hypothermia so terrible? - DayDayNews

Yes, they were frozen to death! Why does this happen?

"Freezing to death" is medically called "hyperthermia". It means that the body's heat loss is greater than the heat supply, the core temperature, that is, the temperature of the internal organs and the brain is lower than the normal temperature, and a series of chills , arrhythmia, coma, and even death occur.

Body temperature lower than 35 degrees Celsius is called mild hypothermia. The human body will experience uncontrollable chills, which means that the patient will feel extremely cold.

35-32 degrees, called moderate hypothermia. At this time, the patient is no longer shivering, but will feel particularly sleepy and want to sleep.

Body temperature below 30 degrees Celsius is called severe hypothermia. If the body temperature is lower than 30 degrees, death will basically be unavoidable.

4000 soldiers froze to death in the Battle of Changjin Lake, and the ice sculptures made people cry. Why is hypothermia so terrible? - DayDayNews

The temperature loss of has three main factors: low temperature, humidity and strong wind.Among these three factors, as long as two factors exist at the same time, it may cause hypothermia. It is necessary to make a special statement here, low temperature does not have to be particularly cold, as long as the temperature is lower than 20 degrees, it can cause loss of temperature.

Let's imagine that when the temperature in Changjin Lake was as low as minus 40 degrees, the soldiers were lying in the ice and snow, and they were dressed in thin clothes. The warm body temperature at first melted the snow under them, and the snow soaked their clothes. In order not to be discovered by the enemy, they persisted motionlessly. But the strong wind did not let them go, and howled their faces and hands stiffened. They feel cold and tremble constantly. Slowly, they stopped feeling cold and started to feel sleepy, so they wanted to sleep. Finally, they stopped breathing and their hearts stopped beating. But they still maintained a battle formation, and their guns were always pointed at the enemy, becoming a "myth that can never be defeated" in the eyes of the enemy.

4000 soldiers froze to death in the Battle of Changjin Lake, and the ice sculptures made people cry. Why is hypothermia so terrible? - DayDayNews

As more and more people like outdoor sports, hypothermia has also become more common among outdoor athletes, the elderly and newborns. Like the previous mountain marathon accident, 21 lives were taken away.

How to prevent hypothermia for key populations?

First of all, of course, pay attention to keep warm and add clothing appropriately. The elderly, infants and young children are not sensitive to temperature and should try to avoid prolonged exposure to the cold environment. Neonatal hypothermia can cause neonatal scleredema , which can endanger the life of the newborn, and we must pay attention to it. For outdoor athletes, you must choose quick-drying underwear and try not to wear cotton underwear. Because cotton underwear is difficult to dry after sweating, wet clothes will take away body temperature and cause chills. Replenish physical fitness in time and drink plenty of hot water. It is best to carry high-calorie foods such as chocolate with you to avoid excessive fatigue and dehydration. Once loss of temperature occurs, deal with it immediately.

4000 soldiers froze to death in the Battle of Changjin Lake, and the ice sculptures made people cry. Why is hypothermia so terrible? - DayDayNews

What should I do if hypothermia occurs?

Hypothermia must be warmed up slowly, and you should not use too much force. Too fast recovery of body temperature will only aggravate hypothermia. Don’t lean too close to the fire source, don’t put the patient in hot water, don’t rub his limbs, these will cause the blood circulation of his limbs to accelerate, and the core temperature will drop further.Don't drink alcohol to the patient either. Drinking is to quench thirst. Alcohol will increase calories in a short period of time. It seems that the body is warm, but then alcohol will dilate blood vessels and cause body temperature loss.

4000 soldiers froze to death in the Battle of Changjin Lake, and the ice sculptures made people cry. Why is hypothermia so terrible? - DayDayNews

What is the correct way to deal with it?
The patient is first removed from the windy and cold environment. Change into wet clothes. Do not put the patient directly on the cold ground, and spread a layer of warm clothing or quilt on the ground. Conscious patients can drink warm water, pay attention to the water not too hot. If the patient has become unconscious, do not give him anything to eat or drink water. Put a hot water bottle on the patient’s neck, underarms, and groin. The water temperature should not be too high. Wrap it in a towel so that you don’t get burned. If the patient's heartbeat and breathing have stopped, cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be performed immediately and professional rescue is awaited.

4000 soldiers froze to death in the Battle of Changjin Lake, and the ice sculptures made people cry. Why is hypothermia so terrible? - DayDayNews

Okay, that's it for today. Revolutionary ancestors gave their lives to go to the country, and they saw death suddenly as a return. In exchange for our better life today, in addition to paying tribute and gratitude, we must cherish the present and take root in order to live up to our predecessors.

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