In pursuit of a better life, there has been a surge in immigration in recent years. Some people will choose to immigrate to traditional mainstream countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, while others may prefer the comfort of life. Like some Europe

In pursuit of a better life, immigration has surged in recent years. Some people will choose to immigrate to traditional mainstream countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, while others may prefer the comfort of life. Like some European countries, people feel very comfortable in terms of living environment, social welfare, educational resources, etc., and The threshold is low.
Countries like Portugal, for example, are very comfortable in terms of cultural atmosphere and living conditions. In recent years, they have also attracted many applicants.

The real life of immigrants in Portugal

1. Weather

One of the most impressive things about Portugal is the suitable weather, abundant sunshine, and spring flowers all over the country, which makes people happy and a good time to go to the beach. Coupled with the unique atmosphere Food with local characteristics makes life a kind of enjoyment.

2. Life

The pace of life in Portugal is very slow. Whether it is dealing with trivial matters or public affairs, everyone follows a very slow pace, taking it easy and not being impatient.

3, Playing

Portuguese people are very good at vacations, so living in Portugal, enjoying vacations is common. There is a national holiday, allowing you to have fun, whether it is sunbathing on the beach or vacationing abroad, it is very convenient.

4. Travel

The local transportation in Portugal is mainly subway and train, and there is no security check. This may be the local style, and there are very few station staff. Everyone relies on self-consciousness. The literacy of Portuguese residents is still very high.

5, Food

Portugal is a country that eats according to the seasons. Here you can taste delicious food that others cannot taste earlier than others. There are also many local specialties, such as Portuguese cheese, egg tarts, various fish, and Port wine , countless delicacies to stimulate your taste buds.

Portugal is a brilliant country that provides people with an ideal living environment. Not only that, the country's coast is an ideal place for those who enjoy various water sports and the scenery is superb. This is a country that makes people want to try something new: photography, try fishing or learn to play the guitar, to name a few. This highly stimulating environment is a truly inspiring place to easily keep people physically and mentally healthy.