Do you want to build a dynamic company that can compete on a global scale? Do you know what are the conditions for entrepreneurial immigration to Canada? Conditions for entrepreneurial immigration to Canada: Canada Saskatchewan Investment Entrepreneurship Immigration Project: Mar

 Canada needs entrepreneurs, and successful applicants for the Venture Capital Program will be able to immigrate to Canada as permanent residents. Do you want to build a dynamic company that can compete on a global scale? Do you know what are the requirements for entrepreneurial immigration to Canada? Follow the editor of Panda Abroad to find out!

Canada is the best place for you to start your business There are many reasons:

Strong economic growth: Forbes magazine ranks Canada as the best country in the G20 to do business. Canada has the strongest fiscal position among the G-7 and the best fiscal outlook among the G-20.

Low taxes and low business costs: Canada offers a low-cost and low-tax environment where your business can thrive. Canada's overall tax rate on new business investment is significantly lower than that of other G7 countries. KPMG ranks Canada as the most tax-competitive country in the G-7.

Excellence in research and innovation: Canada provides a successful environment for research and innovation, including world-leading research and development (R&D) infrastructure, scientific talent and innovation incentives. The combination of federal and provincial credits can return an average of 30% of their R&D investments in Canada to foreign investors.

HIGHEST QUALITY OF LIFE: Canada's highest quality of life provides the backdrop for success for individuals, families and globally involved companies. Canada has a highly educated, flexible and multicultural workforce.

Requirements for Entrepreneurship Immigration to Canada:

Investment and Entrepreneurship Immigration Project in Saskatchewan, Canada:

On March 23, 2015, the Immigration Bureau of the Saskatchewan Government announced the restart of the SINP new policy, and the entrepreneur category was officially introduced into the EOI system. The system selects applicants based on their overall scores. The selected applicants will first obtain a work visa and then apply for Canadian permanent resident status.

  Saskatchewan entrepreneur investment requirements are simple, no language requirements, college degree or above can apply!

 Application conditions:

 Personal requirements

 ☀Language ability: no language requirements

 ☀Education: college degree or above

 ☀Age: There are no hard requirements, there are bonus points for those aged 21-55

Other requirements and bonus points

☀Business experience: Have more than 4 years of business or executive experience in the past 10 years (management experience in companies or farms is acceptable). If you are a business owner and own more than 50% of the ownership, you will get extra points

 ☀Past experience: If you have experience in export trade, patent application and high-growth industries, you will get extra points

 ☀Business inspection: at least 5 working days

 ☀ Investment fields (investments in the following fields have extra points): science and technology, manufacturing, exports, non-urban commercial takeovers, non-urban commercial development

Canadian Federal SUV Venture Investment Immigration Project:

Canada in March 2013 The purpose of launching a five-year pilot project is to attract international talents and entrepreneurs with technical expertise and entrepreneurial potential to start innovative enterprises and settle in Canada, help Canada introduce new technical knowledge, and create more job opportunities for local residents. , and contribute to economic growth and improved global competitiveness. In July 2017, the Canadian Immigration Department announced that it would convert the program into a permanent immigration policy.

The official website of the Canadian Federal Immigration Service explains the Federal Entrepreneurship Investment Immigration Program

Application conditions:

Applicant personal conditions:

1. Language reaches CLB5 or IELTS 5 or above

2. Education and associate degree or above

3. Entrepreneurship capital (based on business plan ) and settlement funds (according to government requirements: C$12,669/1 person, C$15,772/2 people, C$19390/3 people to C$33,528/7 people, and increase by C$3,414 for each additional member)

 4. Good health and no crime

Requirements for starting a business:

1. Can include up to 5 applicants, each applicant holding at least 10% of the company's equity

2. The Canadian government-designated agency and all applicants must jointly hold more than 50% of the company's equity.

 3. Innovative businesses other than hotels, restaurants, cafes and convenience stores.

The conditions, methods and benefits of entrepreneurial immigration to Canada are introduced here for investors. For other information about Canadian immigration, you can continue to browse the Panda Abroad website.

Statement: The pictures in this article come from the Internet.