However, the recent illegal immigration tragedy in San Antonio, in which more than 50 people died, has continued to unfold, exposing the "double standards" nature of the United States and quickly arousing the attention of international public opinion.

The United States has always been a "beacon of freedom" and frequently makes irresponsible remarks on human rights issues in other countries. However, the recent illegal immigration tragedy in San Antonio, in which more than 50 people died, has continued to unfold, exposing the "double standards" nature of the United States and quickly arousing the attention of international public opinion.

Faced with pressure from the international community, the United States may sentence the mastermind of "conspiracy to transport illegal immigrants and cause death" to life imprisonment , or it may rarely use the death penalty to eliminate the negative impact of the case.

But what you need to know is that The immigration tragedy in Texas is just the tip of the iceberg of human rights issues in the United States.

Regarding related issues, Chinese representatives have gone into full force at the United Nations venue, showing irrefutable evidence of human rights violations in the United States, redressing the grievances of the 1.6 million immigrants who were deported, and at the same time making the United States "human rights defenders" with a bad record over the years The image completely collapsed.

Why did the Texas immigration tragedy happen in the United States, which has always been regarded as a paradise for immigrants? Are the human rights issues in the United States really as good as the United States boasts? First, let’s take a look at the social background of the Texas immigration tragedy.

For a long time in the past, with its developed economy, top-notch technology, open social atmosphere, and more development opportunities, the United States has become a world-recognized immigrant paradise, and many people have realized the "American Dream" here.

However, in recent years, the United States has begun to inevitably decline, and its domestic conservatism forces have risen. In the face of economic crisis, employment pressure, and inflation, Americans believe that immigrants have taken away their jobs. Taking up their living space.

As a result, they began to have a hostile and hostile attitude towards immigrants. This is one of the important reasons why the former US President Trump spent huge sums of money to build the US-Mexico border wall. The inability to access normal immigration channels will inevitably lead to a large number of illegal immigrants.

The spread of the epidemic has left the United States stretched in many aspects. In particular, its collective deportation of 1.6 million immigrants in the name of epidemic prevention has stunned the world.

By doing this, the United States is not only in line with its status as the number one developed country, but also caused thousands of children to be separated from their parents due to the " flesh and blood separation" policy, which staged a tragic tragedy.

The irresponsibility of the United States on the immigration issue has further led to the intensification of illegal immigration today. Recently, international media such as Associated Press and Russian Sputnik News Agency have focused their attention on the tragedy of illegal immigrants in San Antonio, Texas.

The latest news shows that more than 50 illegal immigrants have died in American trucks, so this incident has directly attracted widespread public attention.

Secondly, even if the United States uses the death penalty, it cannot cover up the flaws in American human rights. It has even seriously undermined the foundation of international human rights law .

Relevant information shows that the truck involved carried 67 illegal immigrants. Their nationalities mainly involved Mexico (27 people), Honduras (14 people), Guatemala (7 people), El Salvador (2 people).

It is not difficult to see that the vast majority of these people come from Central America , mainly Mexico. Mexican President Andrés Lopez Obrador believes that poverty and desperation in Central America have led to the rampant human trafficking activities, coupled with the lack of supervision on the US-Mexico border and within the United States, becoming the biggest source of tragedy.

In response to this matter, the U.S. Department of Justice stated that the truck driver Zamorano and his accomplice Martinez will most likely be sentenced to death, and the other two persons involved may face 10 years in prison.

This is a very rare behavior in the United States, but what's the use? No one from the US government has taken responsibility for the loss of more than 50 lives.

For the families of these immigrants, they will live in great sorrow throughout their lives. What is even more frightening is that there are still many immigrant families who cannot wait for the official statement from the United States, let alone know whether their relatives are dead or alive. .

The Texas immigration tragedy has once again brought the previous U.S. immigration policy to the forefront. Among the large number of immigrants that flow into the United States every year, there are a considerable proportion of illegal immigrants, but their human rights are not protected at all.

Because of the harsh policies of the United States, illegal immigrants are kept silent. Even if they are treated in some extremely inhumane ways, they can only swallow their anger.

In fact, if you look at how the mounted police in the United States use their whips to expel immigrants, and look at how many places the United States has built to detain immigrants, you will know that these things are by no means an exception in the United States, but a common phenomenon.

More than half a century after the death of the leader of the black civil rights movement Martin Luther King , due to naked racial discrimination, whites treat blacks and Asians, even if they are not illegal immigrants, the human rights situation of many foreign citizens in the United States is quite worrying. This is already a long-standing social structural problem in the United States.

The irony is that in order to maintain its world hegemony, the United States can take out a little "washing powder" as evidence of using force against Iraq. Over the years, the United States has deliberately provoked wars around the world. Innocent civilians in many countries including Syria and Afghanistan have died under the guns of American soldiers.

Even if the facts are made public, American service members will rarely face legal sanctions. In this sense, American-style human rights have seriously undermined the foundation of international human rights law.

However, what is ridiculous is that the United States cannot even solve its own problems, but it always interferes in other countries' internal affairs with human rights issues.

It is precisely for this reason that the Chinese representative unceremoniously presented evidence at the 50th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council and accused the United States of human rights crimes.