There are many forms of immigration in Europe, including investment, donation, talent introduction, and of course "non-profit", which is a unique European immigration method. Because in order to protect the local employment rate, all non-profit immigrants are not allowed to work

There are many forms of immigration in Europe, such as investment, donation, talent introduction, and of course "non-profit", which is a unique immigration method in Europe. Friends who want to immigrate to Europe may often see so-called "non-profit" immigrants. It’s been hyped for its low fees and near-zero barriers, but what you see is just the surface, not all. Although the cost of non-profit residence immigration is low, there is a very clear restriction that you cannot work and cannot seize local employment opportunities. The final analysis is that you need to have enough money to live in Spain, spend and enjoy it.

First of all, why is non-profit immigration called non-profit? Because in order to protect the local employment rate, all non-profit immigrants are not allowed to work within five years after arriving there. Then many people will ask, how can they maintain their lives without working? First of all, make it clear that being unable to work means that you cannot engage in the work of signing labor contracts and paying taxes, so there are still some things you can do. Unless you are doing purchasing on behalf of others, doing private work yourself, cash settlement , which means you cannot engage in tax-profitable work.

Non-profit immigrants have some common features:

1, low processing fees;

2, immigration supervision strict;

3, need to learn the local language;

4, have enough non-working income and consumption.

will be explained in detail below:

Entrepreneurship: Although the non-profit residence status stipulates that you cannot work, it allows you to start a business. Taking Spain as an example, you need to be a shareholder yourself, and you need to hire local people with legal work permits to manage and operate shops or companies. Moreover, many countries in Europe encourage entrepreneurship and provide tax exemptions and reductions for immigrants to start their own businesses. Each country also provides different preferential policies for entrepreneurship.

has lower fees: Compared with some investment immigration projects, which often cost millions, the price of non-profit immigration is indeed not high, and the quotations of domestic institutions are basically within 500,000 yuan.

Immigration supervision is strict: Compared with ordinary immigration projects, the countries with the lowest requirements for non-profit projects also require living for half a year every year, so this method is more suitable for friends who want to take their children to study there. Of course, there are many agencies that say they can help clients avoid immigration prison, but if you really want to get the final permanent residence, don’t be sloppy. After all, if problems arise in a few years, it will be difficult for the immigration agency to take responsibility.

Learning language: This is also a controversial point. It is true that the bills of some countries do not specify the level of mastery of the national language, but they generally require "integration into society." What is integration? How can you integrate if you don’t even know the language? It can be seen that this "integration" is quite flexible. To give a very simple example, a German legal person visa can be converted to permanent residence after three years. The bill does not say that German language is required to be assessed, but now the foreign exchange administration offices in most cities have German B1 requirements when issuing permanent residence. Therefore, I suggest that friends who want to obtain residence status through non-profits take time to learn the language. It will be of great benefit to both obtaining status after five years and living in the local area.

Income and consumption: This immigration method is straightforward. It welcomes wealthy people to go there to promote consumption, but many people want to go because of the low fees. It’s important to note that anything stuck at the lower limit is likely to cause problems. From this perspective, this kind of project is not as controllable as projects such as , Greece, , which have little room for human judgment. Of course, the identity obtained in the end is better.

The above are several characteristics of non-profit immigration. Non-profit immigration is a project that is very difficult to control. It can be seen from this "integration" requirement that it seems very simple, but in fact it is very difficult. Its "flexibility" is completely a double-edged sword. For applicants, there may be loopholes to exploit. For the government, it can make adjustments at any time based on the country's social development, economic conditions, and the number of permanent residence applicants. So don’t take chances. If you really want to get permanent residence, you must have strict requirements on yourself. If the bill stipulates the residence period, you must live there for the entire period. The bill does not require language skills, so you should learn as much as you can.