Follow the real estate agent and let’s take a look at the news worth paying attention to in the UK today: the UK has declared a national emergency, trains have been suspended, and schools have been closed early!

Follow the real estate agent and let’s take a look at the news worth paying attention to in the UK today:

  • The UK has declared a national emergency, with trains suspended and schools closed early! Temperatures in some areas of London will reach as high as 41 degrees Celsius next Monday and Tuesday, breaking the historical record of 38.7 degrees!
  • Suella Braverman was eliminated in the second round of the Conservative Party leadership election and switched to supporting Liz Truss. The media believed that Braverman's elimination was good news for Truss and that her chances of winning would become greater...
  • Boris was accused "Revenge" Sunak is privately pushing supporters of losing candidates to support "anyone but Sunak" to reduce Suank's votes...
  • Another wave of strikes is coming, UK Tens of thousands of workers from the RMT union will go on strike in July and August, and more than 5,000 train drivers from the Aslef union will also go on strike in July...
  • Online retail giant Amazon has announced that it plans to create new products in the UK this year More than 4,000 jobs, the company has created 40,000 jobs directly or indirectly in the UK over the past three years and invested billions of pounds...
  • A new more contagious Omicron variant has recently been discovered in the UK BA.2.75, this variant is thought to be more contagious and able to "escape" immunity generated by vaccines and previous infections...
  • The number of new coronavirus infections across the UK continues to increase, with 3.5 million people infected at the beginning of July, Some hospitals have reinstated the mandatory mask order...
  • Li Ka-shing received a high dividend of 35 million pounds from Superdrug, and also has a number of British assets in his name...

[The UK declared a national emergency due to high temperature weather]

The UK due to A national emergency was declared due to the high temperature, trains were suspended, and schools were closed early!

The temperature in some areas of London will reach as high as 41 degrees Celsius next Monday and Tuesday, breaking the historical record of 38.7 degrees!

The British Meteorological Office issued the first-ever red warning for extreme hot weather, urging everyone to reduce travel during hot weather, adjust plans, and beware of heatstroke.

The British Health and Safety Authority also issued an alert, saying:

Illness and death caused by hot weather may occur in healthy people, not just high-risk groups. Pay special attention to the elderly, infants and young children.

The transport department also said:

There may be major disruptions to the railways due to high temperature weather, and it is expected that comprehensive speed restrictions will be implemented on all trains in southeast England, including London. Mainline and high-speed service lines are expected to operate at only 60mph on Monday and Tuesday.

In this regard, Network Rail head Jake Kelly said:

Passengers in England and Wales are advised to travel only if necessary next Monday and next Tuesday. Train delays and cancellations are expected as we expect unprecedented hot weather.

Avanti West Coast, South Western Railway and Heathrow Express operators also warned of possible disruption. Some roads may also be blocked.

Meanwhile, schools are preparing to send pupils home early or close entirely, canceling PE classes and banning children from playing outdoors as part of a raft of measures seen as Britain prepares for the heat.

Recently, the continuous high temperatures in the UK have also caused crowds of people on the beach.

[ LizTruss has increased odds of winning ]

Yesterday, the second round of voting for the leadership of the British Conservative Party came to an end.

In the end, former finance minister Rishi Sunak came first, Penny Mordaunt came second and Liz Truss came third.

Judging from the votes of several candidates, although Sunak is in the lead, he has not yet received overwhelming support and only won a quarter of the votes. This also makes the final situation still unclear.

In addition, Attorney General Suella Braverman was eliminated due to her bottom score.

However, many media believe that Braverman's elimination is good news for Liz Truss and will make her chances of winning even greater.

Due to the similarity in political opinions, Braverman immediately publicly stated that he would support Truss after losing the election. She said Truss was the best person to deliver on "our Brexit commitments" and would take "firm stances" on illegal immigration, free speech and tax cuts.

Some analysts predict that most of the 27 Conservative MPs who voted for Braverman in the second round of the election may also follow his footsteps and vote for Truss.

In addition to Braverman, former Brexit minister Steve Baker and former Brexit minister Lord Frost have both expressed support for Truss.

Lord Frost even wrote in the Daily Telegraph that he supported Truss to become prime minister and suggested that former equalities minister Kemi Badenoch, who came 4th in the second round of voting, should withdraw from the race and support Truss instead Win Prime Minister.

Lord Frost said: "We need unity among free marketeers. Kemi Badenoch and Suella Braverman have a compelling plan but the focus of reform is different."

He also said: "In contrast, the experience of Truss Her wealth, energy and ideas - and the simple fact that she had the most votes of the three - put her in the lead."

However, in response to Lord Frost's tweets, Kemi Badenoch's campaign said she " No intention of quitting and hoping to win in the end."

In addition, it is worth mentioning that although Sunak received the most votes in the second vote, the most popular candidate for prime minister has changed hands in recent days. According to the latest odds, Penny Mordaunt will win the battle for party leadership. The odds between Sunak and Truss are already evenly matched.

[ Boris "revenges" Sunak ]

In the eyes of some people, Boris's resignation is inseparable from the resignations of Finance Minister Sunak and Health Minister Sajid Javid.

Some media even interpreted the actions of Sunak and Javid as "treachery" to Boris. After all, Sunak was once a die-hard supporter of Boris.

But I didn’t expect that Boris’s “revenge” would come soon...

Just some time ago, some media interviewed Boris about who he supported in the party leader election. At that time, Boris said that he would not publicly support anyone The Conservative Party leadership candidate will also not participate in the increasingly fierce leadership competition.

Moreover, Boris also generously stated that he has been paying attention to the election and that the campaign promises made by everyone are very good.

However, according to the media, these are only Boris's official statements. In private, Boris is pushing supporters of the failed Conservative candidate to support "anyone but Sunak" to reduce Suank's vote.

Media said that in private discussions with the failed party leadership candidate, Boris made it clear that Sunak should not be his successor.

" The Times " also reported that a source with knowledge of the situation said that Boris seemed to prefer his Foreign Secretary Liz Truss to become prime minister.

However, because after two rounds of elections, Truss was only ranked third, Boris believes that he is also willing to accept Penny Mordaunt, who currently ranks second in the vote, to succeed him.

In short, judging from various signs, Boris seems to be very dissatisfied with Sunak. Sources also said that the entire team at No. 10 Downing Street was "disgusted" with Sunak and believed that he was responsible for Boris' resignation.

In response, a source said: "The entire No. 10 Downing Street team hates Sunak. It is a private matter and it is very mean. They will not blame Sajid Javid, but they will blame Sunak. Because Boris' team believes that Sunak is the Prime Minister The campaign has been planned for months."

In fact, it is not surprising that Boris's team has this idea. After all, just some time ago, it was revealed that Sunak seems to have been preparing for the election for a long time...

A few days ago, Sunak posted himself on social media The theme of the campaign video is "Ready For Rishi". At the same time, he also launched a campaign website with the slogan "Ready For Rishi".

This website looks beautifully made, and a lot of effort has been put into it, and it has a sharp eye. Netizens discovered that the website address seems to be redirected from an existing URL

and that was registered in December last year, which seems to mean that Sunak is preparing to run.

Although Sunak denied this statement, these news will inevitably make people imagine.

However, some allies of Boris said that the rumors from the outside are not true, but Boris may be serious about Sunak's resignation. He is dissatisfied, and he is also dissatisfied with the fact that Sunak did not propose an economic growth strategy in the last few months of his tenure as finance minister.

[ Railway strike strikes again ]

The British RMT union recently stated that due to concerns about work. Dissatisfied with conditions and wages, Workers at Network Rail and 14 train operators will strike for two more days in August.

The strike will take place from August 18 to 20, with around 40,000 workers expected to strike.

In response, Mick Lynch, general secretary of RMT, said: "The union will continue to be open to negotiations, but we will continue our activities until we negotiate a solution. "

In addition to the strike in August, the RMT has announced that it will strike on July 27. This day will also be the day before the opening of the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham. About tens of thousands of workers are expected to participate in the games in July. Strike.

In addition, the union Aslef also said that train drivers at eight railway companies also plan to strike on July 30 to resolve a pay dispute. By then, 5,500 employees will leave, and this strike will also be held during the Commonwealth Games.

As we all know, just this past June, the RMT held three strikes in one week, severely disrupting rail services across the country, which brought the British rail network to a near standstill, which the union said was the largest in 30 years. A large-scale railway strike.

The media believes that the strike from July to August will continue to have a great impact on the operation of the British railway network

[ Amazon will add thousands of jobs in the UK ]

Just now, online. Retail giant Amazon has announced that it plans to create more than 4,000 jobs in the UK this year.

The company said that some of these new positions will be in new warehouses serving Wakefield and Knowsley. Others include Manchester and . Jobs in Edinburgh and Cambridge.

It is reported that these new positions will be long-term, and Amazon’s total number of employees in the UK is expected to reach 75,000. After this expansion, Amazon will also become one of the top ten private companies in the UK. 1.

Previously, the company also announced that it would create 1,500 new apprenticeship positions in 2022.

Since the epidemic, Amazon’s business in the UK has grown significantly in 2021. 2,500 new jobs created in the UK and four new warehouses opened

Amazon estimates that more than 85,000 UK small and medium-sized businesses are currently selling on Amazon, supporting an additional 250,000 jobs in the UK. Amazon has created 40,000 new jobs in the UK over the past three years

At the same time, Amazon has invested billions of pounds in the UK, bringing great development to local communities.

[ Omicron reappears in a new variant ]

According to media reports, a new more contagious Omicron sub-variant was recently discovered in the UK.

The new sub-variant is called BA.2.75, also known as Centaurus. It was first discovered in India in May this year and spread rapidly in India.

So far, this sub-variant has been detected in more than ten countries including India, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Germany and Canada.

Compared with previous Omicron strains, BA.2.75 contains a large number of mutations. This new sub-variant is considered to spread faster than BA.5 and BA.2, which are also Omicron variants.

It's unclear whether it causes more severe disease than other Omicron variants, but scientists say it may be able to "escape" immunity from vaccines and previous infections.

html On July 7, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) listed BA.2.75 as a "variant under surveillance."

In response, Professor Stephen Griffin, a virologist at the University of Leeds, warned that the emergence of Omicron new sub-variants shows that "the new crown is not over yet."

[ UK new crown cases continue to rise ]

The latest data from the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows that the number of new coronavirus infections across the UK is continuing to increase .

According to statistics, in the week ending July 6, a total of 3.5 million people in the UK were infected, an increase of 29% from 2.7 million people in the previous week. This is also the highest value since mid-April.

The data also shows that currently 1 in 19 people in England are infected with the new crown, 1 in 17 people in Wales are infected, Northern Ireland The infection rate is about 1/17, and Scotland the incidence rate About 1/16.

As the number of hospitalizations increases due to the rebound of the epidemic, NHS is facing increasing pressure. Hospital staff absenteeism continues to rise, patients are waiting longer for ambulances and emergency room visits are at record highs.

At the same time, some hospitals have also resumed epidemic prevention measures. Two major hospitals in west London, Northwick Park Hospital and Ealing Hospital, have reintroduced compulsory mask-wearing policies.

[ Li Ka-shing received high dividends from Superdrug]

According to media reports, Superdrug has paid up to 35 million pounds in dividends to its owner, Li Ka-shing, a billionaire from Hong Kong, China..

Superdrug is a chain pharmacy with about 800 stores in the UK and Ireland. It has been owned by a company under the name of Li Ka-shing since 2002.

After the outbreak, Superdrug stopped paying dividends in 2020, but as the UK lifted its lockdown and commercial street traffic resumed, Superdrug regained its vitality.

It is reported that Superdrug’s sales in 2021 were approximately 1.1 billion pounds compared with the previous year, but due to the easing of new crown restrictions and the subsequent increase in store visits, pre-tax profits rose from 18 million pounds to 45 million pounds.

In addition to Superdrug, Li Ka-shing currently holds a number of assets in the UK, including the bar chain Greene King, telecommunications operator Three, as well as infrastructure projects such as electricity and water conservancy, and multiple real estate projects.

According to "Forbes" estimates, Li Ka-shing has a wealth of approximately US$36.4 billion (£30.2 billion).

The above is our daily content today. Please continue to pay attention to Real Estate. We will continue to bring you the latest and most informative British reports.