Shanxi Legal News Datong News On the morning of July 14, Zhang Jinwei, deputy mayor of Datong City and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, attended the promotion meeting of the city’s public security organs’ “100-day action” on summer security crackdowns and deliver

Shanxi Legal News Datong News (Wang Wenge, Du Wenjing) On the morning of July 14, Deputy Mayor of Datong City and Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau Zhang Jinwei attended the promotion meeting of the "100-Day Action" of the city's public security organs in summer security crackdown and rectification and delivered a speech.

At the meeting, Zhang Jinwei emphasized that we must persist in being loyal to the party and take responsibility, quickly set off a new climax of the city's summer security crackdown on the "100-day operation", and use practical actions to defend " two to establish " and achieve " two to safeguard " ". We must adhere to precise development and strive for practical results, strictly guard against risks and hidden dangers, systematically deal with outstanding issues of petitions, crack down on outstanding illegal crimes with high pressure, promote the elimination and resolution of conflicts and risks in depth, firmly guard the bottom line of public safety, strictly standardize fair and civilized law enforcement, and strive to create the goals expected by the Party Committee and A new highland for public security that the public longs for. We must insist on strengthening guarantees and focusing on execution, lead the team with hard work, improve quality and efficiency with frequent inspections, and conscientiously implement the implementation, go all out to decisively win the "100-day operation" of summer security crackdown, and continuously improve the safety index and happiness of the people The index will create a safer and more stable political and social environment for the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the overall promotion of high-quality development in Datong City.

Editor in charge: Wang Wenge