On July 12, our county held a "one village, one auxiliary police" pre-post mobilization and deployment meeting. Deputy County Magistrate and Public Security Director Ergu Buti attended the meeting. The meeting read out the "Notice of the Meigu County Public Security Bureau on the

On July 12, our county held a "one village, one auxiliary police" pre-post mobilization and deployment meeting. Deputy County Magistrate and Public Security Director Er Gubuti attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the "Notice of the Meigu County Public Security Bureau on the Position Allocation of Comrades Leer Guoguo and Others" was read out; the functions and responsibilities of the auxiliary police stationed in the village were learned; "one auxiliary police for one village" and representatives of the police station made speeches.

Ergubuti pointed out: First, we must improve our political stance and deeply understand the importance of the police work of "one village, one auxiliary police". We must fully realize that the work of "one village, one auxiliary police" is the responsibility of state committees, state governments, county committees and county governments. In order to further deepen "safety construction", consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, implement rural revitalization, protect forests and grasslands, prevent and extinguish fires, promote high-quality economic and social development, and create a good environment, all towns and villages must make full use of the "one village" The force of "one auxiliary police" must play its due role; second, we must strengthen collaboration and strengthen responsibilities to ensure that the work of "one auxiliary police in one village" is carried out in an orderly and effective manner. All townships, towns, and public security agencies must divide responsibilities, strengthen collaboration, and manage the "one auxiliary police force in one village" team; third, we must establish a reward and punishment mechanism to continue to stimulate the work vitality of the auxiliary police team stationed in the village; fourth, we must abide by laws and regulations and improve quality, and strive to become an excellent auxiliary police officer. Be obedient to orders, obey commands, constantly strengthen knowledge of political theory, laws and regulations, public security business and other aspects, learn by doing, do by learning, and contribute your own strength to Meigu Public Security.

Text/Pictures: Rama Shiqie

Supervisor: Propaganda Department of Meigu County Committee of the Communist Party of China

Host: Meigu County Media Center

Editor: Jiwu Wusa