On June 28, the Fangqiao Sub-district Party Branch held a "Tuesday Night School" meeting to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party. All party members of the first, second and third party branches of the Sub-district Bureau attended the meeting.

Correspondent Zhu Shengyong

According to this newspaper, on June 28, the Party Branch of Fangqiao Subdistrict Office held a "Tuesday Night Study" meeting to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party. All party members of the first, second and third party branches of the subdistrict office attended the meeting. Wang Mingming, deputy secretary of the street party working committee and secretary of the general party branch of the agency, attended.

At the meeting, Wang Mingming first awarded commemorative medals to veteran party members who have "glorified in the party for 50 years", and then conveyed the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress. Focusing on the report of the Provincial Party Congress, he focused on interpreting 9 historical achievements, 8 aspects Regular understanding, five major strategic guidelines, 11 important aspects to follow, "two first" goals, "eight high ground" specific goals, five major work orientations, "10 focus" main tasks, etc.

Wang Mingming emphasized that all party branches of the agency must take the lead in learning, integrate systematic learning, highlight key points and study in depth, fully understand and practice the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress, and unswervingly be loyal supporters of " two established " and " , two demonstration leaders in safeguarding , dedicated themselves to achieving the "two firsts" goals, and welcomed the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results.

(Source: Website of the People's Government of Fenghua District, Ningbo City) [For submissions and regional cooperation, please email Information Newspaper 3469887933#qq.com to reply within 24 hours. 】

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Release date: 2022-07-14 18:29:32 Category: Headline