Yesterday, the official website of the National Development and Reform Commission released the "14th Five-Year Plan New Urbanization Implementation Plan". This "Plan" has far-reaching significance for planning and construction in various places. New super high-rise buildings are

Yesterday, the official website of National Development and Reform Commission released the "14th Five-Year Plan New Urbanization Implementation Plan". This "Plan" has far-reaching significance for the planning and construction of various places.

1. Relax and relax the residence restrictions except in some mega cities, and pilot the household registration system based on the place of habitual residence.

2. Comprehensively cancel the settlement restrictions in cities with a permanent population of less than 3 million.

3. Anchor the goal of carbon peak carbon neutrality , promote the clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient use of energy

4. Promote the green and low-carbon transformation of industry, construction, transportation and other fields, promote the circular transformation of industrial parks, and encourage the construction of super Low energy consumption and nearly zero energy consumption building .

5. Advocate the construction of green communities, fully furnished new residences are delivered

6. Implement practical, economical, green, and beautiful new era construction policies, and control construction chaos such as "greedy for bigness, flattery for foreigners, and seeking strangeness".

7. Strict restrictions on new super high-rise buildings , No new buildings over 500 meters , Strict restrictions on new buildings over 250 meters.

8. Promote the public transportation-oriented development (TOD) model and create a station-city integrated complex

National Development and Reform Commission Notice on Issuing

"14th Five-Year Plan" New Urbanization Implementation Plan

Development and Reform Plan [2022 〕960 No.

People's governments of provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions and cities under separate state planning, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps , relevant departments of central and state agencies, relevant directly affiliated institutions, Supreme People's Court , Supreme People's Procuratorate , relevant people's organizations, relevant central authorities Enterprise:

 The "14th Five-Year Plan New Urbanization Implementation Plan" has been approved by the State Council (Guohan [2022] No. 52). It is now issued to you, please implement it conscientiously in light of actual conditions.

National Development and Reform Commission

June 21, 2022