Resoluteness, fearlessness, and the courage to take on responsibilities are the basic qualities that leading cadres must have. They are the political character and political duties of Communists. They are also the consistent requirements of our party for leading cadres.

It is a shame to be an official and avoid trouble.

Resoluteness, fearlessness and the courage to take on responsibilities are the basic qualities that leading cadres must have. They are the political character and political duties of Communists. They are also the consistent requirements of our party for leading cadres.

Leading cadres are expected to charge into battle and act as officers. If they are timid and worried about gains and losses, and cannot achieve any results, they will be unworthy of the title of leading cadres and unworthy of the trust of the party and the people. When we meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins. To do work, you must dare to face difficulties and challenges, so that you can "blaze a trail" in difficulties, crises, and difficult situations.

We should be "lion-type" cadres, carry forward the spirit of struggle, enhance the awareness of struggle, strengthen the will to struggle, enhance the ability to struggle, and show the courage to go to the mountain with tigers in mind, chew the hardest bones, and wade through the most dangerous shoals. Dare to stand up and face difficulties when faced with contradictions and problems, be brave enough to face emergencies, dangers and heavy tasks, dare to be truthful and catch up with all kinds of evil tendencies, and usher in the bright future with perseverance and fearlessness. "development prospects.

Don't take refuge in things, and don't avoid responsibilities when you are righteous. When you are a cadre, you must bear the responsibilities corresponding to your position. We should not just want to be an official but not do things, just want to take power but not take responsibility, just want to shine but not contribute, we should not refuse to do things because they are difficult, we should not shrink from the heavy responsibilities, we should not shy away from things when doing things, and not shoulder responsibilities when we take them. With the energy of "swallows building nests", " ants chewing bones" and "old cows climbing hills", they open roads over mountains and build bridges when encountering water, fighting bravely without fear of dangers and obstacles.