Content summary: The Political Bureau meeting of the CPC Central Committee held on April 29 called for efforts to expand domestic demand, play the key role of effective investment, strengthen land, energy, environmental assessment and other guarantees, and comprehensively strengt

July 08, 2022 | Summary of content on the front page of People's Daily

1. Strengthen infrastructure construction, expand domestic demand and stabilize growth policies (stability is the top priority, seek progress while maintaining stability, and the fundamentals of long-term economic improvement have not changed)

2. my country's total import and export of services A year-on-year increase of 22% (new data and new insights)

3. Implement macro policies, promote reform and opening up, and play a leading role in stabilizing the economy.

4. A ceremony to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War was held in Beijing.

5. A mobilization meeting was held to start the construction of the Buchang Project.

6. The national financial compulsory education funding increased to 2.29 trillion yuan

7. Photo report

Content summary: The Political Bureau meeting of the CPC Central Committee held on April 29 required that all efforts should be made to expand domestic demand and play an effective role. The key role of investment is to strengthen the guarantee of land, energy use, environmental impact assessment, etc., and to comprehensively strengthen infrastructure construction. With firm confidence and overcoming difficulties, various regions and departments actively responded to the impact of the epidemic, accelerated the implementation of policies and measures to stabilize growth, comprehensively strengthened infrastructure construction, and received frequent good news about major projects.

Content summary: On July 7, Li Keqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, hosted a symposium of principal leaders of the governments of southeastern coastal provinces in Fujian to analyze the economic situation and put forward requirements for the next step of economic work. At the meeting, Yin Li, Secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, and Zhao Long, the Governor of Fujian Province, spoke. Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng, Jiangsu Governor Xu Kunlin, Zhejiang Governor Wang Hao, and Guangdong Governor Wang Weizhong spoke via video. Everyone discussed their views on the current economic situation and next steps, and put forward suggestions.

Content summary: A ceremony to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the outbreak of the entire nation's Anti-Japanese War was held on the morning of the 7th at the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall. Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. Wang Huning said in his speech that 85 years ago today, in order to achieve their criminal ambition to annex the whole of China by force, the Japanese invaders brazenly bombarded Wanping City, creating the Marco Polo Bridge Incident that shocked China and the world. The Chinese military and civilians rose up to resist, and the entire nation's war of resistance broke out, opening up the main eastern battlefield of the world's anti-fascist war. As we commemorate the 85th anniversary of the outbreak of the entire nation's Anti-Japanese War, we must inherit and carry forward the great anti-Japanese spirit, unswervingly adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and deeply understand the decisive significance of " two to establish " , strengthen the " four consciousness ", strengthen the " four self-confidence ", achieve " two to maintain ", build a solid historical memory, shoulder the historical mission, grasp the historical initiative, and better forge ahead on a new journey and make new achievements. era. We must unswervingly strengthen the great unity of the Chinese people, dare to fight, be good at creating, and persevere in striving to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We must unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and better contribute to the peaceful development and progress of mankind.

Content summary: The mobilization meeting for the start of the middle-line diversion project from the Yangtze River to the Han Dynasty, the follow-up project of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, was held in Beijing and Hubei via video link on the morning of the 7th. Han Zheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier of the State Council, and leader of the leading group for promoting the high-quality development of the South-to-North Water Diversion follow-up project, attended the conference and announced the start of the project.

Source: People's Daily "People's Daily" (Page 01, July 8, 2022)