The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council are the five powerful countries in the world. Their comprehensive strength and military power are among the best. This makes many countries in the world unwilling to offend the five permanent members. However, the

The 25 permanent members of the United Nations html are the 5 powerful countries in the world. Their comprehensive strength and military power are among the best. This makes many countries in the world unwilling to offend the five permanent members, but the African "madman" Gaddafi , but offended all the Wuchang countries.

How did Gaddafi offend the Five Permanent Members? How do you "dig your own grave" on the way to death?

1. The United States

The United States is the first P5 country that Gaddafi offended.

Gaddafi was a Bedouin , born in Abu Hadi. While studying, Gaddafi liked to listen to the eloquent and powerful speeches of Egyptian leader Nasser . He also likes to read the biographies of world political figures such as Lincoln and Kemal, which deeply influenced him and embarked on the road to politics.

In 1963, Gaddafi gave up the university history major he had studied for two years and joined the Cyrenaica Guard, the elite force that protected the king. Subsequently, he entered the Libyan Royal Military Academy to study. During his studies at the Benghazi Military Academy, Gaddafi's grades were very poor. The British instructor Colonel Lowe commented that Gaddafi "is our most backward student." However, Gaddafi lied that he was a pro-British person and allowed him to obtain Opportunity to train in the UK. After returning to China after six months of training, Gaddafi served as a lieutenant officer in the Signal Corps. After

entered the army, Gaddafi followed the example of his idol Nasser (Egyptian revolutionary leader) and established a "Free Officers Organization" headed by him. After this, Gaddafi deliberately planned a revolution and prepared to overthrow the Iblis dynasty.

On August 21, 1969, an Australian religious fanatic set fire to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, . This outraged the Islamic world and plunged it into turmoil. Gaddafi seized the opportunity and launched the September Revolution with the young officers in the "Free Officers Organization". The coup process met with little resistance, and it took Gaddafi only a few hours to overthrow the Iblis dynasty.

Gaddafi hated foreign colonialists in his heart, so after he became Libya head of state, he closed two British and American military bases in Libya and drove 6,000 US troops out of Libya. In Libya, Gaddafi pursued a policy of de-legalization and expelling Britain and the United States. Gaddafi also abolished nine military, economic and technological cooperation agreements signed between the United States and the former Libyan king, and nationalized the assets of Western countries in Libya. This allowed Gaddafi to offend the three P5 countries, Britain, France and the United States, at once.

Gaddafi hated the United States extremely in his heart. He declared that "the United States is the number one enemy of Arab countries." Gaddafi opposed the United States everywhere. At the same time, Gaddafi was afraid of attacks by U.S. military aircraft, so he set up a "no-fly zone" along the coast of Libya and did not allow aircraft from other countries to enter the "no-fly zone." The Americans ignored it. In 1981, US military planes broke into the "no-fly zone" and shot down two Libyan fighter jets.

Gaddafi was very angry and kept looking for opportunities to retaliate against the United States.

On April 5, 1986, an explosion occurred at a West Berlin theater frequently frequented by the US military, causing 229 casualties, including 44 US troops injured and 2 US troops dead. This made the Americans very angry. President Reagan approved the "Golden Canyon" operation and prepared to get rid of Gaddafi.

On the evening of April 14, 1986, Gaddafi was lying comfortably on the floor of his office to rest, when suddenly there was an explosion around him. At this time, hundreds of fighter jets took off from American aircraft carriers and ships and were bombing various parts of Libya. The air strikes in Libya caused heavy losses. Two of Gaddafi's sons were injured and an adopted daughter was killed. However, Gaddafi survived and narrowly escaped death during the attack.

He almost lost his life at the hands of the US military. This made Gaddafi feel frightened and at the same time he hated the United States even more. He vowed to take revenge.

On December 22, 1988, Pan American Airlines flight PA103 suddenly exploded and crashed while flying over the British town of Lockerbie. None of the 259 passengers and crew on the plane survived, and 11 Lockerbie residents died on the ground. Among the 259 passengers, 189 were Americans, and most of them were American military personnel returning home for vacation. And the British and the French.

After subsequent investigation, it was discovered that the Lockerbie air crash was a well-planned terrorist attack, and the instigator behind the scenes was Gaddafi. This allowed Gaddafi to once again offend the United States, as well as the United Kingdom, France and other countries. Subsequently, the United States and other countries put pressure on the United Nations and began to impose sanctions on Libya.

2. Britain

After Gaddafi came to power, he closed the British military base in Libya, seized British assets, planned terrorist attacks, etc., which offended the United Kingdom.

In 1980, Gaddafi also supported Irish separatist organizations and provided them with arms, etc., which made the relationship between Libya and the United Kingdom even worse. At the same time, Gaddafi's dictatorial rule in the country aroused dissatisfaction among many people, and they began to demonstrate against Gaddafi. Gaddafi took strong measures to suppress the opposition, causing many opposition figures to flee to Western countries for refuge.

Gaddafi asked the UK to repatriate Libyan opposition figures who had taken refuge in the UK, but the UK refused. In 1984, Libyans in the UK demonstrated in front of the Libyan Embassy in the UK. After Gaddafi learned about this, he was very angry and ordered the embassy staff to shoot at the demonstrators with guns. As a result, a 25-year-old British policewoman was killed and more than ten people were injured. This completely turned the two countries against each other.

3. France

After Gaddafi came to power, he offended France by de-Frenchizing it.

In 1980, in order to regain the land occupied by Libya, conflict broke out between the Chadian government forces and Libya. With the support of France, the weaker Chadian government forces defeated Gaddafi's army, which made the madman Gaddafi grit his teeth in anger. , but also to take revenge on France.

On September 19, 1989, a French United Airlines plane exploded over Nigeria after taking off from the capital of Chad . 170 passengers on the plane were killed, 54 of whom were French. Afterwards, Western countries believed that Gaddafi was inevitably involved in the incident.

At the same time, Gaddafi also ambitiously wanted to form the African Union and become Africa's "King of Kings." Most of Africa is a colony of France. France has an influence that cannot be ignored and is regarded by France as its own sphere of influence. Gaddafi wanted to be the king of Africa and united them against France and other Western countries, which harmed French interests and made France hate Gaddafi.

4. China

During World War II, Jews were severely persecuted in Europe, which made people around the world generally sympathize with the Jews. In 1948, with the support of Britain, the United States and other Western countries, the Jews established their own country, Israel, on the Palestinian land occupied by the British. This aroused dissatisfaction among Arab countries. On May 15, 1948, armies from more than a dozen Arab countries, including Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Syria, formed a coalition to enter the Palestinian area and declared war on Israel. The first Middle East war broke out.

The League of Arab States had a large number of people, but because Israel had the support of the United States, Britain and other countries, they finally lost to the newly established Israel.

The Arab countries felt very aggrieved and angry. After that, they did not give up and launched wars against Israel one after another, but were defeated by Israel. Middle East madman Gaddafi realized that Israel could not be defeated with conventional weapons, so he wanted to use atomic bombs to deal with Israel and help Arab countries reverse the war situation. Israel has a small land area, and using nuclear weapons against it may cause it to suffer disaster.

Arab countries do not have atomic bombs.Gaddafi was also at odds with nuclear-armed countries such as the United States, Britain, and France, so he set his sights on my country.

In August 1970, Gaddafi sent Prime Minister Jaloud to visit our country and made a request to our country to purchase atomic bombs. The atomic bomb is a very destructive weapon. If it is used on the battlefield, it will cause a large number of civilian casualties. Our country flatly rejects this.

Because of this incident, Gaddafi became dissatisfied with our country. In 1971, although Gaddafi recognized the New China, he told the staff of the Libyan embassy in Taiwan, my country, not to evacuate, and played with my country's "two Chinas" policy. At the same time, Gaddafi also framed my country's economic assistance to Africa as economic colonization and obstructed my country's bid for oil exploration in Libya.

5. Russia

Gaddafi dared to provoke the United States, Britain, France and other Western countries because he had the support of the Soviet Union behind him and he was emboldened. Although the United States, Britain and other countries hated Gaddafi deeply, they were afraid that the Soviet Union would interfere and trigger a large-scale conflict, so they did not dare to use force against Libya rashly.

In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed due to its own development reasons. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia under Yeltsin wanted to integrate into the circle of Western countries, so Russia did not have the strength or will to continue to support Gaddafi in his confrontation with the United States, Britain and other countries.

Gaddafi was afraid, especially after the death of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein at the hands of the United States in 2006. Gaddafi did not want to repeat Saddam's mistakes. He began to express goodwill to the United States, Britain and other countries, and wanted to Closer to the United States. However, in order to please the United States, Gaddafi did an extremely stupid thing. He supported Russia's independent forces Chechnya , supported Chechnya with weapons, etc., and helped Chechnya deal with Russia.

What Gaddafi did did not win the goodwill of the United States, but also made him offend Russia.

In this way, Gaddafi offended all five permanent members of the Security Council.

In 2009, Gaddafi's shocking speech at the United Nations General Assembly once again offended the five permanent members. The general debate of the United Nations General Assembly was limited to 35 minutes. After Gaddafi came to power, he spoke non-stop for 96 minutes. Gaddafi criticized the Security Council and the existing system of the United Nations, and tore up the United Nations Charter in front of dignitaries and representatives of various countries. Gaddafi demanded that the Security Council conduct a comprehensive reform of the United Nations and eliminate the one-vote veto power of the Five Permanent Members. He requested that the Security Council increase the number of permanent members and allow African countries to become permanent members.

Gaddafi once again offended the five permanent members of the United Nations.

In the early days of Gaddafi's rule, due to Libya's rich oil resources, a large amount of income could be obtained by selling oil. For this reason, Gaddafi implemented many welfare policies in the country, and the people supported him. However, over time, Gaddafi's autocratic dictatorship, employment of relatives, massive corruption, brutal suppression of opposition, etc., gradually made the people in the country dissatisfied. He did. Especially later, after Gaddafi offended the United States, Britain and other countries, various countries united to impose sanctions on Libya, which caused Libya's economy to rapidly deteriorate, and people's lives were difficult, making them even more dissatisfied with Gaddafi.

On February 16, 2011, large-scale demonstrations and armed conflicts broke out in Libya. Under the leadership of the United States, Britain and other countries, the five permanent members of the United Nations unanimously approved and passed Resolution 1970. Subsequently, troops from the United States, Britain, France and other countries gathered in the Middle East and began to use force against Libya. Under the indiscriminate bombing by the United States, France and other countries, Gaddafi's government soon fell, and Gaddafi tried to escape.

After Gaddafi fled to his hometown, the opposition found Gaddafi in an abandoned sewer pipe in Sirte . The people who hated Gaddafi tortured and abused him and then shot him to death. Gaddafi finally paid the price for his arrogance and greed.