Red Net Moment News, July 5 (Correspondent Wang Yuren and Tan Junbo) On the afternoon of July 4, Lukou District organized heads of towns, relevant units and epidemic prevention and control staff to carry out the "Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edit

Red Net Moment News July 5th (Correspondent Wang Yuren and Tan Junbo) On the afternoon of July 4th, Lukou District organized the heads of towns, relevant units and epidemic prevention and control staff to carry out the "Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control" Program (ninth edition)" training.

At the meeting, the "Notice on Strictly Implementing the "Nine Precautions" for the Prevention and Control of the New Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic" was read out, and the core key points of the update of the "New Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (Ninth Edition)", the new coronavirus Key tasks such as epidemic characteristics, disinfection and disinfection, personal protection and data collection, source tracing, isolation control, etc. were explained in detail. The

meeting emphasized that epidemic prevention and control staff in all towns and relevant units should further strengthen professional learning and achieve comprehensive understanding and correct application; strictly implement the "nine no-nos" principle and comprehensively rectify the "one size fits all" and "layer-by-layer overweight" in epidemic prevention and control. and other issues; strengthen personnel platoon management and control, effectively move the epidemic prevention and control gate forward, and ensure that various measures for centralized isolation and home isolation are in place.

This training further improved the level of normalized epidemic prevention and control work in the region, laying a good foundation for safeguarding people's life safety and health, and ensuring epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development to the greatest extent.

Vice Chairman of the District CPPCC and Director of the Health Bureau He Peng attended the training.