"You will get tired of being with only one person for a lifetime." This nun has written many erotic novels and won many awards throughout her life. Are you a little surprised?

text | Shiqi

editor | Shiqi

"If you only stay with one person for a lifetime, you will always get tired of over time."

"The most beautiful way to love is to have an affair with ."

"I am very happy Lustful, men should be careful about . "

These words came from the mouth of a nun, can you believe it?

And this nun, now over 90 years old, can still eat meat and drink wine, and likes to do beauty treatments. Can you believe it?

This nun has written many erotic novels and won many awards throughout her life. Are you a little surprised?

In Japan, this tough woman known as "The First Flower Nun" : cheated on her husband during marriage, abandoned her husband and daughter, eloped with her lover, was abandoned by her lover twice, and lived with a married writer for 8 years. She is addicted to male sex and has had relationships with dozens of men... After becoming a monk in her fifties, she drank alcohol, ate meat, and became famous all over the country by writing explicit love novels.

People who like her regard her as a "living Buddha", while those who hate her call her a "slut".

In the first half of his life, he was romantic and suave, loved freedom, and lived a free and unrestrained life; in the second half of his life, he escaped into Buddhism and still went his own way, and he could also give guidance to young people. The nun is the Japanese monk writer - Setouchi Harumi , whose Buddhist name is Ji Ting.

What is the life experience of Setouchi Shitina? How did she become like this?

In the first half of his life, he was addicted to male sex and trapped by love.

On May 15, 1922, the Setouchi family in Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan, gave birth to their second daughter: Setouchi Harumi.

If you look at Qingmei's life from the back to the front, she really has an indissoluble bond with Buddhism. Her parents run a Buddhist altar shop. Qingmei grew up immersed in Buddhist culture , but she never expected that He actually chose to convert to Buddhism and become a nun when he was over fifty years old.

Setouchi Harumi has been very obedient since she was a child, has excellent grades, and loves reading. He has read a lot of books at a young age. In the third grade of elementary school, he determined to be a writer when he grew up.

In 1941, 19-year-old Harumi was admitted to Tokyo Women's University, majoring in Chinese.

Teacher Sano Jun teacher is a researcher of classical music at Tokyo Women's University. She is from the same hometown, so under the arrangement of an old man from the same hometown, Harumi married Sano Jun before graduating from university.

This is an arranged marriage of " parents' orders, matchmaker's words", and life should be stable and smooth. However, the turmoil in the national situation opened a new chapter in the lives of these young people.

In 1943, Japan sent a large number of Japanese teachers to teach in our country's universities, middle schools and primary schools for cultural invasion. My husband was assigned to work at Peking University and Fu Jen University (now Beijing Normal University ).

Japanese women are taught to "obey their fathers at home and their husbands when married." Therefore, although Qingmei was pregnant, she still followed her husband to China.

Qingmei gave birth to her daughter Riko a few months after arriving in Beijing.

On September 2, 1945, Japan was defeated and surrendered, and all Japanese in China were repatriated.

Sano Jun If you want to stay, you can concentrate on studying ancient Chinese music. You want to be buried here after your death. Qingmei also stayed with her daughter.

Sano Jun asked his colleagues to rent out a courtyard house in a hutong in Beijing and live quietly there. The family of three plans to live anonymously like this.

It wasn’t until one day in June 1946 that they were discovered by the Chinese and arranged to take a ship back to Japan.This was their first visit to China. After living here for two years and seven months, they left with a deep attachment to China. After

was deported to his hometown of Tokushima Prefecture, Japan, Japan was also in a depression after the war. Her husband went to Tokyo to make a living, while Harumi stayed in her hometown to take care of her daughter. Unwilling to live a dull and lonely life, Setouchi Harumi cheated on her husband with a student in the music department, Kinoshita Otohiko, who was four years younger than her.

Harumi fell into the youthful hormones of Kinoshita Otohiko, who was only 19 years old. She felt that her previous life had been in vain, and her life became vivid from now on.

Soon after, this vigorous extramarital affair was discovered by her husband. He did not want to divorce her and asked her to cut off contact with Kinoshita Otohiko. But Setouchi Harumi, who fell in love, decided to elope with Kinoshita Otohiko . She abandoned her husband and daughter, and eloped to Kyoto with her lover with a lot of gold and silver, lived a happy and free life.

But the money he brought out will soon be spent. After coming to Kyoto, Kinoshita Otohiko, who was depressed, devoted himself to music creation all day long and got drunk at the bar at night. Setouchi Harumi found a job in an editing agency.

Not long after, Kinoshita Otohiko eloped with , the proprietress of bar.

Qingmei, who was left behind, cried in despair in the rental house. She went to sleep when she was tired and cried when she woke up. After a few days of confusion, Qingmei decided to stay and work to support herself.

I can no longer go back to my hometown. Harumi was originally a top student at Tokyo University , and her writing skills are also good. After

cheered up, Qingmei worked hard towards her dream: to become a writer.

She wrote many novels without sleep and food, and submitted them to many publishing houses. Soon, a "literary" magazine extended an olive branch to her. Harumi began her writing career.

At work, the lonely and helpless Harumi fell in love with the famous writer Kosugi Jinjiro . Kosugi Jinjiro is 6 years older than Harumi and has similar interests. The mature and steady intellectual flavor exuding from her body deeply attracted Qingmei. Since the other party already has a family, Harumi chose to be Kosugi Jinjiro's underground lover this time.

With the help of Renjiro Kosugi, Harumi's writing skills improved by leaps and bounds.

In 1956, he published his debut novel "A Female College Student, Qu Ailing" , which won the Trendy Fan Magazine Award and successfully entered the novel industry.

In 1963, Harumi published a more delicate novel "Summer's End" , which won the Women's Literature Award, and established her position in the literary world.

She wrote her own experiences into autobiographical novels, which were very popular among readers. Being a homemaker brings great rewards, and Qingmei leads a prosperous life. When

's stable extramarital affair lasted until the eighth year of , , Qingmei's life began to ripple again.

On a heavy rainy night, Kinoshita Otohiko was soaked in water. He came back to find Qingmei in embarrassment and begged Qingmei to forgive him for leaving without saying goodbye.

Seeing the beloved man in front of her crying, Qingmei felt a strong sense of pity in her heart. Two people who were both scarred by love came together again.

After learning about it, Jinjiro Kosugi chose to actively withdraw from this wrong love triangle. He wished Harumi to find her own happiness.

Harumi and Kinoshita Otohiko lived their happy days again, but not long after the good days, Harumi suffered another blow from making the same mistakes.

Kinoshita Otohiko persuaded Harumi nicely and spent a lot of money to help him open a music company. In the later period, he also spent a lot of money to maintain the operation of the company.

But soon, Qingmei discovered that Kinoshita Otohiko and his female employee were getting along. After Qingmei found out, she woke up like a dream, and the dream bubble of love finally burst.

I have been pursuing love for nearly half my life, and it turns out that I am like a clown.The angry Harumi cut off all financial sources of Kinoshita Otohiko and broke off with him forever.

Qingmei lost all hope, never believed in love again.

In the second half of her life, she became a monk, drank alcohol and ate meat.

After experiencing emotional setbacks, Qingmei used money to enjoy life. She wandered among all kinds of men, and expressed these experiences and feelings openly. Written as an autobiographical novel, her works have a strong female consciousness and she has become a representative of contemporary feminism.

While the novel was well received, Harumi was also disliked by many people, and was ironically dubbed "uterus writer" by some opponents. But Harumi was not affected at all.

She has a lot of fame and endless money. Every day she thinks about where to travel, see more different people's lives, how to eat, drink, have fun, go shopping and buy luxury goods. During that time, Qingmei combined all her favorites and Everything I wanted to do has basically been done.

She is not afraid of social criticism at all. uses her pen as a sword and constantly updates her novel creation techniques to reach new heights. while nakedly criticizing human nature, is also full of sympathy for traditional and disadvantaged women.

She has won numerous awards and is famous, but in her heart she is like a drowned dog, wandering alone and with nowhere to turn.

Qingmei wants to convert to Catholicism and become a nun to give her heart a place to live.

Unexpectedly, because her past experience was so bad, the Catholic Church refused to accept her. She searched many churches and temples but no one was willing to accept her.

In 1973, by chance, she came to the Tendai sect Chuson temple in Hiraizumi Town, Iwate Prefecture. The abbot Im Toko monk received her.

Imadoko Monk is a famous Japanese novelist and screenwriter. He admired Harumi's works very much. After talking, the two seemed to have found a long-lost close friend.

Monk Dongguang is now willing to help Qingmei become a monk and give her a Buddhist name: Jiting. It comes from the Buddhist saying "Those who are liberated are silent, but listen to the sound of Sanskrit", which means to listen to the inner silence.

Jiting named the residence where he practiced "Jitan".

Since then, Setouchi Harumi "farewelled" to the world, and Setouchi Silabi "lived" in instead of .

Although she escaped into Buddhism at the age of 51, Ji Ting still maintains her unique habits. In addition to no longer being close to male sex, has not left behind in traveling, shopping, doing beauty treatments, eating meat, and drinking.

I stopped listening to the distracting thoughts of love and devoted myself to practicing Buddhism. At the same time, my literary creation did not stop. During this period, experienced the death of Jinjiro Kosugi due to tongue cancer and , and Kinoshita Otohiko hanged himself due to business failure. During an interview, when asked about the death of his lover, Ji Ting laughed and joked: "Life is really impermanent. They are all dead, but I am still alive and well."

In this world, no matter how much there is, The love, hate and debt will eventually be wiped out at the end of life.

In 1987, 65-year-old Jiting took over Tiantai Temple and became the temple master.

Subsequently, Jiting not only developed Tiantai Temple into a famous temple with many pilgrims, but also brought his literary achievements to the highest level.

In 1992, the novel "Asking Flowers" was published and won the "Junichiro Tanizaki Award" , which is one of the most important awards in the Japanese literary world.

Subsequently, she spent ten years concentrating on translating "The Tale of Genji" into the vernacular, achieving higher literary achievements and receiving the National Cultural Medal from Emperor Akihito . Make her even more famous.

Seto Uchichi witnessed the heavy disasters caused by the war to innocent people in China. She has always felt a sense of guilt for China. She often preached world peace, respect for life, and opposed war and monarchy. After

received the medal, in an interview, she said: "I never thought I would get this medal. Because my works have always been anti-imperialist, which naturally includes the emperor system. "

2002 In 2009, the 80-year-old Setouchi Shiting was invited to participate in the China-Japan-Korea Buddhism Friendship Exchange Conference. She came to Beijing again, preached Buddhist culture, and revisited her old places on the brand-new campuses of Peking University and Fu Jen Catholic University. She had been away from China for so many years. At that time, the happy and simple family of three had long since changed, and they listened silently to this scene. I bid farewell to this beloved land, and perhaps this farewell will be an eternal farewell.

What made her feel more gratified and relieved was that after returning to Japan, although her ex-husband Sano Jun had long since passed away, her daughter Riko who had not contacted her for decades, finally chose to forgive her.

In 2005, Japan broadcast a special TV series with her as the protagonist "The Story of a Generation of Women" , also known as "A Generation of Beautiful Women" .

depicts three outstanding representative Japanese women. Their lives are mixed with all kinds of beauty and prosperity, sadness and irony. When interviewed by reporters, she was not only not angry, but also jokingly said: "The acting in the play is still subtle. Compared with the acting in the TV series, I have slept with many more men. "

Her remarks As always, is as bold as , and is astonishing as .

Now Jiting has also taken the express train of Internet , drinking and eating meat and appearing in variety shows, as if he has become the Japanese version of Jigong . She also uses various beauty devices , registers ins, and writes online novels. In her words:

"Live without restraint. There can't be only one way to live in life."

When she appeared on the food show, had no teeth. Setouchi was eating barbecue with a young girl, who asked her: "You don't even have teeth, can you still eat meat?" Setouchi laughed and opened his mouth at the humorous joke Coming soon:

"This meat is as tender as you, do you still need to use your teeth?"

When someone asked her: "How can a monk eat meat? If you don't abide by the Buddhist rules, why do you want to escape into Buddhism?"

She He said nonchalantly:

"As long as I take off my cassock when eating meat, I will still be a layman. It is not an insult to the Buddha. I am a monk only when I put on my cassock."

In one episode of the program, she faced the public and openly talked about her views on "sex." She said: "If you only stick to one person for the rest of your life, you will get tired of it after a long time. Cheating is the best way to love." It’s a wonderful way, so it doesn’t matter how many men you have.” As soon as the

report came out, Ji Ting subverted the public’s view of love and once again gained a lot of “fans”.

She often gives lectures at Tiantai Sect, spreads Buddhism on self-media, and provides guidance to others. She is funny, witty, wise and open-minded, and has already gained many fans. Tickets for Tiantai Sect's classes are extremely popular and are often hard to come by. You need to queue up two months in advance to reserve one.

Most of the people who came to attend the lecture were women. The Tendai Sect's temple was full of women. Setouchi listened to and joked that his residence had become a "nunnery".

html She passed away at the age of 999, and her spirit guided future generations.

In her later years, Setouchi no longer wrote romantic novels. She abandoned family ties and was abandoned by love many times. Only the words she loved stayed with her throughout her life. She began to expound the principles of Buddhism with simple and warm words that washed away all the lead. She published more than 400 books in her lifetime.

After being diagnosed with cancer, she was also very indifferent:

"My mother died at the age of 50, and my sister died at the age of 66. I never expected to live so long, so I have no fear of death. I I hope that one day, I can lie down on my desk and do my favorite thing: holding a pen and dying while writing."

She inspires young people to love life and pursue freedom: "When you are young, you can do whatever you want. What are you doing!"

There was a fan who was burdened with huge debts and was planning to commit suicide. After listening to her words, gave up the idea of ​​committing suicide. worked hard and finally paid off the debt and started living a good life again.

In 2021, 99-year-old Setouchi Shantei passed away due to heart failure. This old man has witnessed nearly 100 years of historical changes in Japan, and has long lived a life of transcendence and freedom of her own. Many people are envious of her wisdom and fame and fortune, but only she knows in her heart how much she has spent on it. Toughness and openness gained through tears and sacrifice. Just like what she wrote in her book for all sentient beings:

"May you be happy in this life and never give up love and freedom!"

She used her own method to light a guiding light for many confused people A beacon of light; she used her uninhibited style to relieve many people who were suffering from broken families; she used her humor to tell the world that there are no obstacles that cannot be overcome. As long as you are willing to pursue and fight, you will be successful. There will be a world of your own.