The Kurdish Defense Forces (YPG) will work with the Syrian authorities to develop a joint defense plan in response to Turkish military operations. YPG representative Mahmoud reported the situation to the RIA Novosti agency.

The Kurdish Defense Forces (YPG) will work with Syrian authorities to develop a joint defense plan in response to Turkish military operations. YPG representative Mahmoud reported the situation to the RIA Novosti agency.

"The goal of Erdogan and his extremist government is clear - to seize Syrian territory, so we are working with Syrian officials to develop a joint work program and defense plan to repel Turkish aggression. A positive development,” Mr Mahmoud said.

On June 26, Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin announced that the country was preparing to launch a new military operation in northern Syria. According to him, it can start "at any time."

In May, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Recep Tayyip Erdogan) announced military operations against the PKK in Syria and the establishment of a safe zone on the Turkey-Syria border. Russian officials believe Turkey's actions are unreasonable and have called on Turkey to abandon its military plans. The Syrian authorities do not recognize Syrian Kurdistan's autonomy.