On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party and the eve of the 20th National Congress of the Party, on June 29, the Lintan County People's Procuratorate held a commendation meeting to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party and the "

On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party and the eve of the 20th National Congress of the Party, on June 29, the Lintan County People's Procuratorate held a meeting to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party and the "July 1" commendation meeting. The meeting was chaired by Comrade Li Shixiang, Secretary of the Party Branch. All police officers attended the meeting.

The meeting kicked off with the solemn national anthem. All party members, officers and police reviewed the oath of joining the party . Sun Tanhong, member of the party group of the hospital and deputy prosecutor general, read out the "Decision of the Party Group of Lintan County People's Procuratorate of the Communist Party of China on Commending Outstanding Communist Party Members and Outstanding Party Workers". The leaders of the hospital awarded awards to 4 outstanding Communist Party members and 1 outstanding party worker. On behalf of the party group of the hospital, Chief Prosecutor Guo Yonglin congratulated the five commended comrades, extended holiday greetings to all party members who worked hard and conscientiously, and delivered a speech.

The conference requirements are: first, to strengthen theoretical study. Armed with theory to solidify the foundation of loyalty, use party spirit to polish the foundation of loyalty, and use practical actions to reflect loyalty and self-consciousness; second, we must solidly perform procuratorial duties. Practice the sense of purpose of judicial justice for the people, talk about politics with a clear-cut stand, adhere to the people-centered development concept, and deepen the main responsibility and main business of legal supervision; third, we must have the courage to take responsibility. With a spirit of never slacking off and forging ahead boldly, we will carry forward the work style of hard work and pragmatism, forge ahead, concentrate our efforts, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions!